
Seek Ye First......

published on Tuesday, 31 March 2015

I was reading Open Heavens yesterday morning and the reading for the day touched a part of me that I never really realized. I knew I had to write something on the blog.

Rants Of A Concerned Citizen!

published on Sunday, 22 March 2015

The upcoming elections in Nigeria have got us youths feeling some type of way, especially with the way things have gone and are going. I have to say that this is the most interested any of us have ever been in politics. We now see these politicians for what they really are.

A friend of mine sent me this piece below just for me to read, but I thought you guys just had to read his opinion and see what one youth, out of the millions out there have to say!

Post Birthday Thanks!!

published on Friday, 20 March 2015

TOKEMOMENTS: Friends with Benefits?

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This episode of Tokemoments just touched me, cause if you're Anne or the best friend's girl, the situation just isn't pretty. 

Upworthy Skeletons put LOVE on display!

published on Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Hi guys!!

I found this video on Facebook and it brought tears to my eyes!

Let's all make money together!! lol!

published on Sunday, 1 March 2015

I know, that of late, I haven't been putting up my original ideas and thoughts, but I have learnt to share other people's ideas with you guys, because honestly, there is joy in sharing.

Welcome to March 2015!!

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It's a new month, my birthday is in a few days, were going three months into 2015, what shouldn't we be grateful for today? The list of God's blessings is ever infinite.