
Worth over hurt ...

published on Sunday, 29 November 2015

Of late I have come to realize that not only have I neglected you my blog readers but I have also neglected my friends.

I try most times to make up for it but, the better half of the time, life gets in the way.

It's not just about you...

published on

Have you ever heard that statement before? 

"It's not just about you!"?

I'm sure most of us have. 

Don't worry, I also can relate.

Have you heard ...?

published on Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Justin Bieber and Adele have of late had my head wrapped up in their new songs but Brymo's In The City is a song and video, i feel, every Nigerian needs to listen to or watch. We're so oblivious as to what's going on in other parts of our country, we fail to notice the downward spiral the different crises are taking our dear nation into.