
Pookie's Musings: "... And Then, I Met You"

published on Wednesday, 30 November 2016

I haven't written a poem or a semblance of such in a while, but today as I was writing the post on Aramide, I thought, "why not try to write one and see how it goes?" 

Anyone up for a poetry freestyle? 

Read and judge gently! lol

Woman Crush: Aramide!

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The first time I heard Aramide's voice, I fell in love.

She has this spark. There's just something about her!

And the day I got to experience her talent in person, I was awed by the woman that is Aramide!

Introducing: BHM Guide to Public Relations!

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Hi Guys!

It's been forever! I know! I apologise!

Work has been getting in the way but it's been great and I feel more than fulfilled.

Plus, guess what guys! I put together a book! Well my boss and I did! And I'm super excited about it. I'm super proud too!