Left for me, I had done quite a number of stories and even broken a few and so I deserved to have my Thursday to myself, coupled with the fact that I was suffering from a severe pocket drowsiness attributed to the end of the month. The joy of not going to work had barely dawned on me I got a call from my line head asking that I to go to Ojodu to get something. Quickly, I explained my situation to him and he promised to try another option but warned that I get ready should the option B fail. Instantly, I got on my knees and asked God to make the other option work or make my line unreachable. Three long hours after, an unknown number called and not sensing any form of danger, I picked up the phone with excitement but my hopes crashed when I heard the voice. It was my boss on the line, and this time, he needed me to be at Teju baby face's engagement. Again, I told him about my pocket but he seemed battle ready for my excuses.
Upon his orders, I raised some money and headed to the venue, but as I journeyed down, one thing laid heavy on my heart. I was going to a party I didn't have an invitation for. As is always the case with such ventures, my heart started racing as I got closer to my destination. For some strange reasons, I prayed the bike man misses his way so I can let out my frustration on him, but he seemed too smart.
I busied myself with different imaginations of what will be the case should the usually muscular bouncers refuse to be civil and insist on seeing my invitation card. If they refused to accept the fact that I am a harmless journalist on a harmless mission, 'What would be the worst thing?' My line head will say, each time he sends us on missions of such nature. 'A slap, a kick or they embarrass you. It's part of the business bro' he will add, when he sees we are not yielding. Unfortunately, I wasn't ready for any of the options, so I took great caution as I walked towards the bouncers, but to my surprise, it was as easy as the ride into Gallilee and all it cost was a display of good communication skills, manners and of course, my I.D card.
As I made my way into the hall, I was met with fragrance of different smells, fabrics of different colours, outfits in different styles but one person shone brightest, it was the bride and she was dancing to meet her beau. I had gotten there late. Quickly, I brought out my smart phone and started taking pictures and notes. In few minutes, my note pad was filled and I had sent over 40 pictures, so I relaxed and enjoyed the Alagas perform their usual antics and make money for the bride, the groom and of course, themselves.
Who would blame them? After all, na where man dey work he dey chop. As soon as I realised the engagement was nearing its end, I found my way quickly into the reception and secured a seat. I was seated with three others and their faces looked like the ones I had seen on TV. I took my time to observe them closely, and the ones that were around my seat, a bouncer at the gate and a cleaner by the entrance and as always is the case, a beautiful girl that got my eyes busy. All these people are the cast in my short narration but before I continue, let me take time off to appreciate the couple for a well planned event. All sorts of drinks were available, so was food which is why my seat partner amazed me.
As I watched Ms god-knows-what eat, I was sure she was going to ask for more and she didn't disappoint me as she ordered for a plate of porridge even as she was yet to finish the plate of rice before her. Perhaps, she read through my thoughts and wanted to silence it when she offered me one bottle of stout, to which I politely objected. While she was at that, the other was busy passing judgement at everything she saw, from the ushers' oleku styled wrapper, to that man's cap and the other woman's make up, then she remembered her neighbour who has a fabric of similar colour and wondered why she wasn't there. She went on and on till I got bored and turned away only to find the cleaner by the door gulping his ninth bottle in a space of twenty minutes. He sure didn't think I was watching but I was also counting. The bouncer by his side did not help matters as he only laughed at him. They probably were playing a bet game but I pitied the poor boy finding fun in downing drinks of different brands just to prove a point. Tired of all the bizarre sights, I turned to finish up my drink but what I saw made me lose interest in the drink. A pair of big white eye balls staring at me in the most amazing manner and they belonged to a lady who probably is in her early twenties but looks amazingly beautiful. We stared at each other for what seemed like sixty seconds and continued intermittently with our eyes meeting each other. Perhaps, another fairy tale love story was about to begin? I continued with the battle until she stood up as though going to the ladies, only to refuse showing up again while I foolishly remained, legs crossed and patiently waiting for Godot .
It took a message from my line head to bring me back to my senses, 'I need more pictures and send the story to me NOW' his message read. Sadly, I got up, walked towards the dancing couple to take few more shots and looked around for my friend before heading for the office. As I write this in the comfort of my bed, I remember vividly the faces of my newly found friends and I hope to have a replay of all that happened today, at the Muson Center, come Saturday, September 1, 2012 when Tobi will wed Teju in holy matrimony.
Until then…fingers crossed, I guess.
Report by TheNetng's Olamide Jasanya
Pictures from LIB!
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