The world is definitely going haywire with the kind of news that keep hitting the media waves by the day. The latest of such news is that of an organization which plans to set up a celebrity sperm "bank". Here, ladies who aspire to have celebrity fathers for their children but who cannot avail themselves the opportunities to meet such men – but can afford to pay for their sperms – can be able to achieve their goals.
Fame Daddy, as the organization is called, just floated their website about a week ago. The information on the site reads:
Most girls fantasise about dating their favourite boyband star, or having a fling with a Hollywood actor. Some will even wonder what a child from that union would be like, both its physical characteristics and potential for success. Fame Daddy is the only premium insemination service to now offer this unprecedented level of intimate VIP access… This soon-to-launch service will boast a top-flight client list of celebrity donors from the worlds of sport, entertainment and finance – all leaders in their fields, with a proven track record of success.
According to Dan Richards, the chief executive of the organization, Fame Daddy Clinic will keep the identities of each high-flying father secret as the donors have been guaranteed anonymity. Also, the men will be required to sign a legal waiver of their rights to access to the child.
He says: "We currently have about 40 people on our register of interested donors. Of course, until we have premises we cannot store sperm and therefore we as of yet have no actual samples. I am confident most of these will donate once we are operational."
In case you are wondering what the price could be… well, it starts from about N3.8 Million (Fifteen Thousand Pounds only). Wonders shall never end.
-Information Nigeria
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