"And God said, See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the land and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. Gen 1: 29 AMP"
A very important word to notice in the above verse is *SEE*. God called the attention of Adam to behold with his own eyes the things He had made available for His sustenance......this was a specific one-way instruction.
There are those who have their eyes closed, totally blinded and cannot see what God has made available for them at all because of fear and worry..Also, some have abandoned their own eyes and are seeing through the eyes of others what they think is theirs because of coveteousness...
Some others have drawn away their attention and gaze from God and what He has made available for them, their eyes hover here and there trying to scout for other ways to meet their needs all by themselves because of distractions and deceitful schemes ..
Some actually see but what they see is totally different from what God has set before them because of distorted vision; Some others see and ignore because of doubt ...............Some open their own eyes widely, focus correctly, view clearly, see broadly,believe out-rightly and benefit largely....because they live by faith
Where do you belong?
Until you see what you ought to see, you cannot have what you ought to have.......SEE.
.....................I love you- Jesus
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