
JK meets Jaywon: "I am getting married this year"

published on Wednesday, 24 July 2013

When you hear Jaywon, what do you think? I think Facebook love, This Year, Catch me if you can, Godsent and lots of other hit tracks! JK sat down with the homely star known as Oluwajuwonlo James Iledare and he spoke about growing up with his mum, meeting Kennis Music, surprisingly getting married this year and lots more!

JK. In a brief sentence, Who is Jaywon?

Jaywon: I am Oluwajuwonlo James Iledare. I'm me and I love to be me always. I hate fake things.

JK. Where did the stage name "Jaywon" come from?

Jaywon: I got it from my real name 'juwon'. Remove the 'u' from juwon, what we av left is "j won" thus; jaywon.

JK. What was growing up like?

Jaywon: growing up was very very interesting and would always be to any child with a mum like mine who is always there to give you everything you need.

JK. Why music?

Jaywon: Music chose me because I was just playing around as a child not even knowing I could sing but people would hear me and ask me to sing for them and that was how it all started.

JK. How did you meet up with Kennis music?

Jaywon: I met them while performing at kennis music easter fiesta in 2009 and after then they offered me a deal which I thought wasn't bad and just like they say, the rest is history.

JK. Facebook love with Essence, the first song that sealed your deal with me, what inspired it?

Jaywon; (Laughs) I did facebook love while freestyling in the studio and at that point essence was working on her album so she put a verse on it and we decide to put it on her album but originally the song was mine.

JK. Did you expect the track, "this year" to be as huge as it turned out to be?

Jaywon: This year, the song, is just a blessing because I wasn't doing a hit song wen I was in the studio, only went there to do a song to encourage my fans for the new year but All Glory To God on the song.

JK. The remix of catch me if you can with Ice Prince and Phenom, why them? Why a remix? What was the inspiration behind the song itself and the video?

Jaywon: ice is a cool dude and phenom is anoda humble homie that I respect, so I put them on it but the song is another song for those who hate wit no reason ' you dont need to tell me I am not your best because the last time I checked gan your best still dey lift my old lyrics (laughs)

JK. The track "Godsent" with Tiwa Savage, how did that come about? Cause I personally love the song

Jaywon: God sent is another inspirational song for everybody because we all pray to God to send us one and does not have to be your girl friend or boy friend, could be anybody.

JK. How exactly did the death of Goldie affect you?

Jaywon: Goldie wasn't just a label mate to me, she was a good friend and one of the things I learnt is to do more evergreen songs and more good things to be rememberd For because nobody knows what can happen.

JK. What are the measures you take to remain relevant in the industry?

Jaywon: To do more spiritual and sensible music. Not like the everyday music. I am Different and I can never be like them. I am different from them!

JK. Concerning love, I hear Jaywon has a girlfriend. How true is that? Tell us more about her?

Jaywon: hmmmm, of course I do, I've never talked about this anywhere because she's one part of me people don't know.

JK. Are there any plans of marriage in the nearest future?

Jaywon: anything can happen! getting married this year! (Laughs).

JK. What does the future hold for Jaywon?

Jaywon: We don tey for the game men but na we still be the future. Ipada abija toh bloodi. New Team Coming Soon!!

JK. Word of advice to young upcoming artistes

Jaywon: stay focused and dont let anybody tell you Nonsense like Eja nla said. You are the best in your own way. Believe in yourself and pray hard. The street is millitary and its only you that can protect your future, nobody can do it for you. Keep your head up. God bless us all!!! Big thanks to everybody reading. Odun yii Noni. 2020 Odun yii Noni!!!


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