I never thought Tonto Dikeh to be a bold face liar. But could this alleged relation be lying too?
The lightskinned actress was crucified by an alleged relation today after she made claims to growing poor on instagram.
Tonto said: "Hmmmm looking back and all I can say iz Lord I thank you for talent oh life waz nt easy somtimz it seemz iz d end of d world, n somtimz I even sit n ask God why me? N somtimz I used to say why waz I nt born abroad cuz I used to think money fall frm tree ova der! Uni life waz so hard for me, handouts I could not afford I beg frm hand to hand jst to eat!Den wil be jeans @ alaba market if d jeanz is longer Dan me I will cut it to my size n I will say iz rugged jeans! I will ask frdz for favour b4 they help they will ask me to do somtin for dem eg clean their room, help with course work jst to hav 2000 nair gosh, I never allowed dat to pull me down play like play I finished my uni n graduate with 2nd class Engineering!Job waz hard to get mov frm place to place until 1 day I came across a poster dat says BE THE NEXT MOVIE STAR I applied and to GOD be the Glory THEY called me I waz sort listed for the realty TV show tho I dint win tho I dint win but I came out 2nd and the rest iz history so palz if I can make it in 9ja! U can also do d same life iz full of HARD TIMEZ but never let it break u down, never give up fight for what u believe cause God haz iz special plan for u! Diz my life my story hope to read urz som day n I see greatness in daz readn diz #EasyLionEasyTiger #poko
Her alleged relation then tweeted:
"Biggest Lie of d year”@purpleHazeBoi: I used to beg for food & clean rooms for N200 -Tonto Dikeh http://t.co/C2L9McsFuK Via @NaijaTunez”
— Dat Cute Orobo (@tushmee) February 18, 2014
"U wantu be relevant??Look 4 oda ways….Dnt try 2 put accross 2 d world dat our fada wasn’t capable**Dat man wld die 4 all of us"
— Dat Cute Orobo (@tushmee) February 18, 2014
" I could go 2 d press $ reveal who u truly r but m 2 blown 4 dat**Dnt bring down d family by talkn trash..We had d best life any1 cld wish 4"
— Dat Cute Orobo (@tushmee) February 18, 2014
"STUPIDITY @ its peak *Smh*
— Dat Cute Orobo (@tushmee) February 18, 2014
Should she have gone in on Tonto like that? What do you think?
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