
PR in Nigerian Politics: Serious Business or pure comedy?

published on Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Whenever I think of the satirical use of public relations in Nigerian politics, I can't help but ponder on the thoughts that would have led to some of these tactics and what was hoped to have been achieved by putting them in place.

PR Lessons From Nigeria’s 2015 Presidential Elections

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Jonathan and Buhari

Hey guys,

It's been a while. Hope 2015 is ending on a wonderful note for us all?

Well, as most of us know, I'm a public relations enthusiast and whenever I see a piece of writing that speaks to me or enlightens me, I try to share it with as many of you guys as possible. 

Worth over hurt ...

published on Sunday, 29 November 2015

Of late I have come to realize that not only have I neglected you my blog readers but I have also neglected my friends.

I try most times to make up for it but, the better half of the time, life gets in the way.

It's not just about you...

published on

Have you ever heard that statement before? 

"It's not just about you!"?

I'm sure most of us have. 

Don't worry, I also can relate.

Have you heard ...?

published on Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Justin Bieber and Adele have of late had my head wrapped up in their new songs but Brymo's In The City is a song and video, i feel, every Nigerian needs to listen to or watch. We're so oblivious as to what's going on in other parts of our country, we fail to notice the downward spiral the different crises are taking our dear nation into.

Looking back ... moving forward!

published on Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Hi guys!

While reading this post today, I'm sure some of us would be wondering why I still keep a journal (some will call it a diary), in this time and age. But, like my father, I like to still remain in the past with some things like putting my thoughts down on paper. It helps me communicate better with myself and with God. I know I might sound crazy! lol! but let's just get into the post for today!


published on Monday, 28 September 2015

Hi guys!

It's been a while. I promise I didn't forget about you guys, I just haven't had anything to blog about. Well today everything changed when I read my friend's post on her blog. It really resonated with me and I thought to share it with you guys.

Be brave ... find your happy place!

published on Sunday, 30 August 2015

You know how when you know someone from a distance and when they achieve a milestone you're super proud of them even if you've never spoken to them before? 

You are your thoughts!

published on Monday, 10 August 2015

It's been a while you guys!

Happy new month & welcome to the month of August!

The Youngins' Takeover!

published on Thursday, 9 July 2015


So I was sitting down some minutes ago listening to Orente by Adekunle Gold and then Ibadi by Niniola and Jamb Question by Simi came to my mind. So I thought, "why not blog about three of my favourite young Nigerian artistes?"

You are not disgusting ... You are beautiful!

published on Sunday, 5 July 2015

Em Ford My Pale Skin - BellaNaija - July2015001

I was going through BellaNaija a few minutes ago and then I stumbled on Beauty Blogger, Em Ford. She with the use of the hashtag "#YouLookDisgusting", is fighting social media’s unrealistic expectations of beauty.

Be patient, your peak time is in view!

published on Wednesday, 24 June 2015


I was watching some videos on Patricia Bright's youtube channel about how she blossomed from the ugly friend to the very vivacious Patricia she is today. She spoke about teenagers being patient and taking the time out to enjoy the lives they are living right now. And then I thought, "this is an awesome topic to blog about today. Why not do that?" Lol!

Even though we stray ...

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As a young Christian, I always wonder how God can just accept us into or back into His fold, no matter how huge or much our sins are. I have always thought about the mistakes I have made and if I could forgive myself for them.

In total awe of Mrs Funto Ibuoye!

published on Tuesday, 2 June 2015


I'm on here, second time in a few days! You're not dreaming! lol!

I guess I just really have gist for you guys! lol!

I am my mother!

published on Friday, 29 May 2015

I remember when I was growing up, and my mother would scold me or refuse to let me do something and I'd utter the words; "I will not be like my mother in future, she's too mean!"

Life really is short ...

published on Monday, 11 May 2015

Hi guys!

It's been a while I know! I'm ever too guilty! Life just gets in the way! *sigh*

I have been thinking of what to write for a while now till this weekend came by.

"Distractions: the fight to be disciplined" - Heather Lindsey

published on Friday, 24 April 2015

Hi guys!


I can't wait to share this with you guys! You know that feeling of excitement, when you have gist for your friends and you can't wait to spill! Like, I'm like that at the moment! I'm so elated! lol

Ok, let me spill!

ME...with all my strokes and colours

published on Thursday, 9 April 2015

Image from:

Hi guys!

It's been a while, I know. 

I'm sorry for not being very frequent on here. School can really take over one's life! *sigh*

Today I have a very important topic to disscuss with y'all. I honestly don't know what I'd call it till I'm done typing this, so just go along with me.

Bants of the Soul Maverick

published on Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Heeeey guys!!

I'm so excited to introduce this new series to y'all! 

Seek Ye First......

published on Tuesday, 31 March 2015

I was reading Open Heavens yesterday morning and the reading for the day touched a part of me that I never really realized. I knew I had to write something on the blog.

Rants Of A Concerned Citizen!

published on Sunday, 22 March 2015

The upcoming elections in Nigeria have got us youths feeling some type of way, especially with the way things have gone and are going. I have to say that this is the most interested any of us have ever been in politics. We now see these politicians for what they really are.

A friend of mine sent me this piece below just for me to read, but I thought you guys just had to read his opinion and see what one youth, out of the millions out there have to say!

Post Birthday Thanks!!

published on Friday, 20 March 2015

TOKEMOMENTS: Friends with Benefits?

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This episode of Tokemoments just touched me, cause if you're Anne or the best friend's girl, the situation just isn't pretty. 

Upworthy Skeletons put LOVE on display!

published on Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Hi guys!!

I found this video on Facebook and it brought tears to my eyes!

Let's all make money together!! lol!

published on Sunday, 1 March 2015

I know, that of late, I haven't been putting up my original ideas and thoughts, but I have learnt to share other people's ideas with you guys, because honestly, there is joy in sharing.

Welcome to March 2015!!

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It's a new month, my birthday is in a few days, were going three months into 2015, what shouldn't we be grateful for today? The list of God's blessings is ever infinite.


published on Saturday, 14 February 2015

I'm no expert when it comes to the issue of love but it's valentine's day today and I thought, why not talk about love?

When you pray....

published on Tuesday, 10 February 2015

I actually wrote this post some weeks ago, but somehow, something kept me from posting it. I felt today was the right day, however, to post it. This is because I was on the phone with my best friend, just chatting away when he, from nowhere, asked me if I honestly believe in the power of prayer. He shared with me some of his recent testimonies and then I thought, why hold on to this post any longer? Why not share it with you guys?

Why is Brymo sooo underrated?

published on Tuesday, 3 February 2015

I keep asking myself this question!

I am soo in love with Brymo's voice. Oleku was, for me, love at first listen and then I heard Ara and was completely blown away! Brymo has constantly shown prowess with singles like Omoge Campus, down, good morning (I love these too! lol!) to name a few. He is so talented. 

My joy is me joyful! Lol!

published on Saturday, 31 January 2015

I know a lot of people have been wondering why I changed the direction of my blog some few months back. I honestly realized that what I was doing was saturated and I'd rather be sharing my experiences and the word of God to people to help them grow and not gist and as some put it, gossip that at the end of the day added no value to the lives of my readers. 

The topic of this post was gotten from a friend's comment on one of my posts on instagram a few days ago. I know it is cheesy,but I like it. Lol!

Nigerian women and Weddings......the euphoria!

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Dear I say it, these blogs and instagram accounts that I and several other young women in Nigeria and across the world are in love with (BellaNaijaWeddings, Wedding Digest Naija, Nigerian Wedding Blog, WeLoveNaijaWeddings, YorubaWedding, IDoWeddingsNg and EdoWeddings to name a few) are so attractive that they are causing a rave in the Nigerian social media atmosphere. 
I'm sure people would wonder why I'm on this topic today, but it's a Saturday today and also it has become so obviously outrageous that even the guys have noticed. Hence, Falz's hit track; marry me.

How big is your heart?

published on Sunday, 25 January 2015

A blogger, Jessiroo, once said; "Those with big hearts are very special people. The hardened world we live in hasn't gotten to them, and they give us all hope."

My mother...dear I say it...has the biggest heart I've ever seen. She is the definition of unconditional love. She's the only one I know that practices the Lord's word of forgiving 77x7 times. She doesn't have a limit to forgiveness.

Why am I saying this?