I've been meaning to update the blog for the past few weeks but I've not been sure of what to write about.
It's been a very busy year and work has taken it's toll on me but in all of that I feel like my brain is asking for a break.
It was not until a colleague of mine, Oyinda started a challenge for herself to share with the world, one day at a time, some of the many ideas she's thought of that I realised that I was experiencing a creativity spasm.
A lot of things are aiding my frustration and for me to have a block, you should know it is a serious case.
I have decided to see this period as the comma to my full stop. It might seem fatal but to me, it's the pause before my breakthrough (allow me to go all spiritual! LOL!).
I'm very worried but I have the best support system in place and I know that in no time, I'll be back to my full self; vibrant and ready to take on anything.
But till then, here are some of the posts from Oyinda's 100 Days Of Copy Challenge for your viewing pleasure. I think she's on day 16.
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