
Because ... "In The Land Of The Blind, The One-Eyed Man Is King"!

published on Saturday, 18 August 2018

So I was having a conversation yesterday with some colleagues and I realized that a lot of us well-educated or not, do not fully understand the professions and industries we are in and it’s quite sad!

I was speaking with my friend Adeshola the other day when I said, we had to read more, search more and be more intuitive and insightful. 

A lot of individuals in the Marketing Communications Industry (which I operate in) and maybe even in other industries do not keep abreast on what the industry is; the doctrines they are set upon, the problems they face and what the future may or may not bring not to talk of proferring possible solutions and this is pretty appalling. 

I was thinking to myself that maybe this boils down to cramming to pass exams. I'm sure by now you'd be wondering where I'm going with this. But stick with me, we'll get to the point shortly. 

I remember when we were in school. We'd be physically in class but mentally elsewhere. We'd cram (most of us) to pass exams and we'd most likely not even understand what the whole 4 year course was about, from start to finish. We might have a vague idea, quote a few definitions here and there but I don't think a lot of us fully understood what we were being taught. We could blame it on the educational system in Nigeria or even on the students but I think it all boils down to the individual teaching and being taught. I believe every individual has to make a decision to be intentional about whatever they set out to do.

How do you have a certificate saying you're a professional at something and you don't understand the little things not to talk of the theories and doctrines underlying the profession? 

I'm sure by now some people reading this are cooking up the excuse of, "what if I'm in a profession, I don't have a certification in?" But honestly, that's no excuse. It still comes down to being intentional. You want to make a life of something, you want to make a living from something, you should take that time and effort out to make sure you're well equipped to become a pro at that thing. And thank God for the internet, encyclopaedias (yes I know, they still exist! lol) and dummy books. You really don't have to go to school to become a pro at anything. 

How are we tagged “the leaders of tomorrow” if we don’t understand the nitty-gritty of mere industries and socio-economic relations?

I encourage everyone today to at least, if you can’t go out reading or searching, when you hear something new, read about it. When you encounter a challenge at work, read up on it. Expose yourself to more. Do more. And you’ll be better off for it.

There really is more to you than meets the eye. If only you can see it. If only you can build on it. The sky will just be a starting point. You will soar beyond that 9-5 or start-up. You will be tagged “intelligent” and will even become a leader. Open yourself to more because if no one is doing so and you are, you'll be the star in that little circle. That little circle will become a big sphere. You would have challenged and encouraged more people to do more and you will grow ... beyond measure. 

Because ... “in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king”!

Lots of love guys!!



  1. Very well written, refreshingly-sarcastic, yet very apt. Thanks Enitan- From a new follower.

  2. Very well written, refreshingly-sarcastic, yet very apt. Thanks Enitan- From a new follower.
