
Cardi B Came To Lagos! Here's What The Grammy Award Winner Taught Me!

published on Sunday, 15 December 2019

I've always been a massive fan of Cardi B! 

I first encountered her on her stint with reality TV and I used to wonder how one human being could be so wrong, yet so right.

Why Care? Why Bother?

published on Sunday, 17 November 2019

All my life I have always cared about what people thought, how I was perceived, if they liked me, if they thought I was cool, pretty, relatable, fit, funny ... the list goes on.

Wondering why I'm writing this?

Stick with me, we'll get there!

Be Patient! Wait Till You Perfectly Fill Those Shoes!

published on Sunday, 28 July 2019

Image result for big shoes to fill

I'm sure everyone has had that big shoe moment!

Growing up, our parents bought us, at some point, big shoes or even big clothes so we could grow into them.

A lot of us looked silly in them, others owned the look like they were born to wear baggy clothes and shoes.

My Curves Won’t Get Me On Vogue But I Love Them!

published on Thursday, 20 June 2019

Image result for scoliosis awareness month june 2019

This June made it my second year celebrating Scoliosis Awareness month and educating people, I knew, on Scoliosis.

The Beyond A Curved Spine (BACS) came up with a series on Bella Naija that I had written for and I thought to share my peice with you!!


Might Seem CRAZY, But Your Brand Needs It!

published on Monday, 25 February 2019

Hi Guys!!!

It's been a while ... I know!!

A lot has changed ... but before I start with my numerous apologies, can I just share with you my favorite ad right now?