

published on Thursday, 30 June 2011

I know it has been a while since i last updated this. I was even about to cancel the column as a whole due to the drama the last few pieces caused me. But due to popular demands by fans and amused readers, i have been urged to go on. 

Before i forget, there has always been this story i kept from you guys. I promised to let it out but it kind of just skipped my mind after a while. Let's put it this way, i was carried away by other stories. 
Well it goes like this. I have this very good friend, her name as usual is withheld. She had this awesome boyfriend. Actually, almost everybody does have one when you don't; at least to you sha. 
Anyhow, she met him while preparing for prom. How cliche right? Her friends were looking for a DJ and some how she stumbled on this dude. He was not the usual type. She actually isn't one to like the usual types so i really wasn't surprised. They used to chat everyday via text messages and call each other for long hours even during the day; no midnight calls steez o!; it was that serious! lol! 

You know how when your friend is in love, you just cant ever seem to hear the last of it. Everything was always about him. Every phone call was from him. it actually got really intimidating i must say. Even after prom and graduation, the love between them grew stronger. He was a final year student in Uni and my friend was a final year student in secondary school; how contradictory. I somehow did not like the idea. I really did not know him or who he was and it was really unusual for me. But anyhow "the time" came. I'm sure you're wondering what "the time" is, hehe!! Before i talk about the "the time", let me just state one important fact. Well, after a few months, they became official. Officially official,that i thought no one could come between them. Nobody was thinking of the future. Maybe they were but kind of thought the future would take care of itself.
Well "the time" finally came. The time for my friend to leave the country. She had to go abroad to study. It was at this moment that i knew their love would definitely be tested. Saying goodbye was definitely hard. But between them, it was quick; when you have BBM, it really did not seem that important. It was living with the long distance that was the problem. At first everything seemed like a bed of roses then the problems started to rush down like a waterfall. Sometimes they wouldn't talk for like almost a month and most times it would be because of our "dude". He would go off for like a month without talking to her; calling or texting. Something he frequently used to do without being asked to. Guess he was getting tired of the whole thing. You know how dudes love their babes to be next to them? I guess the distance just was not helping. 

Sooner than i expected i got a phone call from my friend. She was really sad and i kind of expected what came up next. She said her boyfriend had called her and told her after mistreating her by not calling that he had cheated on her, with her friend at a party. You can just imagine? I was like; WOW!! When i was just beginning to trust him with my friend, he goes and proves himself to be an asshole. What annoyed me the most was not that he cheated but that he cheated with a friend. It wasn't expected at all. If it was a random girl it would have been better. I did not even know what to say to her if i was actually going to stumble on her anywhere in public. I was just annoyed. The funny thing was that he now kept calling me to help him beg my friend. It was even at that time i got a text from "that friend" checking on me to know how i was. These two had just been found out and they still had the nerves to call and text. I was just angry. But who was i to vex? It wasn't my relationship now. 

Anyhow sha, i would love to continue this story but as usual i have to post y'all for while. I'll definitely continue the 2nd part of this story in part 7!! Don't complain o. In fact how will you complain? You just have to be patient to see the end of this story. It's definitely going to blow your mind. Anyhu......

l8r!!!! *wide grin*


  1. ghen ghen..shuda commentd earlier...guess who..:p...i remember d drama
