

published on Monday, 18 July 2011

It has come to my notice that most Nigerian youth know nothing about BOKO HARAM. It is very sad as it is taking over the headlines on all forms of media. The terrorist sect is destroying a lot of lives and property. 
It is however important that even our voices  should be heard. JK sat down with some of its interviewees to discuss what they think of the infamous sect and their opinions in curbing it. ENJOY!!!


 Boko me the whole thing is completely ridiculous. We have countries that have a problem with terrorism because those terrorists are sophisticated but here it's all clumsy and our government hasn't been able to do much. They've done nothing actually. We have a president that never planned to be a president but happened to find himself in that position. We need a firmer hand and mind leading us. A government that would scare the living daylights out of any terrorist. Whoever is doing this is doing it because they are certain they'll get away with it. So we need to change that. God help us!


I don't think it makes sense at all. Using your religious beliefs as an excuse of taking innocent lives..I think all the Islamic leaders should come together and educate them properly.And Nigerians shouldn't use this as an excuse to judge Muslims too..these are just uneducated religious fanatics..


I think dialogue is the most important thing...because in cases like this you can't use violence against violence because people will get killed..dialogue is a habit that the Nigerian government doesn't have and should learn to cultivate you having a conference with this people and see what they want because they definitely want something and they are not doing all these for no when I hear people say the government should go against all this people violently I just laugh because violence is not the answer and has never been the basically I support dialogue..for the government to relate with this people,rub minds with them and from there they should be able to reach a reasonable agreement.I really believe dialogue is the only way forward until then.The situation will remain the same.And also I'm not the most spiritual person but then this country needs prayers men..I believe prayers can change anything..we are more than 150 million people in this country yo..if 15 million people decide to pray for this country..something will change.


'Boko haram', I see this as a group of strongly opinionated individuals who are pursuing a cause, right or wrong, in an unjust manner. Left to me, a fight against civilization, modernization and education in general is myopic in reasoning - but that is just me! However, if someone was to convince me otherwise, I believe a rational approach that doesn't involve killing and vandalism would go a longer way than being violent and further justifying my opinion. How then can we make these our fellow brothers see 'the light'? It bottoms down to education in itself. Also, their violence should be controlled by our government if 'worse comes to worse'.


Errr..I think it is very bad. They are wicked and heartless beasts. I'm sure most of them were molested at a young age because it is not normal. Its a psychological disorder..They're all mad (straight face). Nigeria is a large country with diverse cultures and religions. One sect cannot just come up and try to threaten the rest of the nation. The government should do something about this before it gets out of hand.


I live in Abuja, which is like their main target so its kind of scary for me although I've noticed the beefing up of security around I still fink more could be done about these guys than just police. I'm no expert in this field but I know if a senior official is hacked by these men somebody would start taking some drastic steps so I just think we should start now before too many people get killed not just the government or the police but all citizens of the country should be vigilant and take their safety into their own hands.


According to me the boko harram are just a bunch of stone aged northeren Nigerians who have refused 2 embrace western education and civilization which has affected their ways of thinking in a major way. Because i don't see why people would fight against western education at this global age . How it can be uprooted : mmmh ! Its either they expose this people to the realities of life so they can erase their illitracy by exposing them to the western education they are trying to stop. The government should try and negotiate with them until a mutual agreement is met in other 2 eradicate their actions. Or diplomatic warefare until they are all captured and persecuted for their actions.


The government should buy better bombs and bomb them back. Are they too stupid not to think they should do that??


well from what i know the boko haram is a militant islam group and have been active since 2002. They seek imposition of sharia law into northern states. They oppose oppose the Nigerian state as they believe its being run by "non believers".Their head quarters is located at kanam ma Nigeria(north). They are known to be extreme and their have been a lot of killings in the past from this group especially in Maiduguri. How they can be uprooted from the society i don't know. If i did i would have informed the President about it. All we can do is pray for Nigeria and pray that God gives our leaders wisdom to be able to solve the situation at hand


From the  little I've heard and seen from the Media on the boko haram issue ,all I can say is, I see a community of people who really need light ,people who need to know what the status of the real world is like and how important the existence of man is ...light in the sense that , these people need to know the truth and the reality of  life .Its really obvious they are far from this and honestly , education is the foundation of it . Education brings light and knowledge and since  government has deprived these people of quality education in the past years , things of this nature will not fail to develop out of their societies .How I think boko haram can be curbed is , firstly, adequate security should be provided, probably by making the major and minor road check points and secret security services more active than they used to be. Apart from the  government , we the citizens can also help by reporting suspicious people and cases to the police plus,  The most hands-on way I think this people can be fetched out and dealt with is by involving the u.s army instead of embracing  havoc these people can cause ,I'm pretty confident with the U.S army ,they're experienced.  After all these ,  more should be invested in the educational system of these northerners , they really need it .Besides, the more educated they get, the lower the chances of  crap like this showing up again in the near future . Bless

Boko haram means 'western education is a sin'. If we trace down the history of education in Northern Nigeria, we would see that they had the slowest development rate as a result of lack of interest within the areas.As a result of this, its no news that they would be the same set of people that would criticize what many use as a source of income, and also criticize western education which has led to different technological advancements.What can be done about this we ask? Not much. Reason being that this 'hard hearted behaviour' has been in them foe centuries. And curbing it is like trying to curb an old mans perception of life. What can be done however is to pray and hope that they change. Leaders in their different parastatals should also try to talk to this people who are staging the war in order to see if they could come to terms with a few things. This is why we have governors in these states to help! Apparently, I see nothing so far.


I really don't know why they are doing stuffs like that. We are all Nigerians and i feel we should be united and we should settle things amicably. somehow i feel this is a political thing. I feel its a threat to Goodluck Jonathan from those that didn't want him in government in the 1st place. The government needs to find those that are sponsoring the sect; they need to get to the roots of the sect and uproot it totally; leave no stone unturned. The government should be a threat to them and not them being a threat to the government.


Boko Haram (figuratively in english means "Western or non-Islamic education is a sin") is a controversial Nigerian militant Islamist group that seeks the imposition of Shariah law in the northern states of Nigeria. The official name of the group is Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'awati wal-Jihad, which in Arabic means "People Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet's Teachings and Jihad". The literal translation is "Association of Sunnis for the Propagation of Islam and for Holy War".
They started their attacks in July 2008 but have now become rampant this year. On Friday January 28, 2011, a gubernatorial candidate was assassinated, along with his brother and four police officers. On March 29, police “thwarted a plot to bomb an [ANPP] election rally” in Maiduguri, Borno State (map). The threat was blamed on Boko Haram. On April 1 (the day before the original date of Nigeria’s legislative elections), suspected Boko Haram members attacked a police station in Bauchi (map). On April 9, a polling center in Maiduguri was bombed. On April 15, the Maiduguri office of the Independent National Electoral Commission was bombed, and several people were shot in a separate incident on the same day. Authorities suspected Boko Haram. On April 20, Boko Haram killed a Muslim cleric and ambushed several police officers in Maiduguri. On April 22, Boko Haram freed 14 prisoners during a jailbreak in Yola, Adamawa State (map)On Tuesday February 8, 2011, Boko Haram gave conditions for peace. The radicals demanded that the Borno State Governor, Senator Ali Modu Sheriff, should step down from office with immediate effect and also allow members to reclaim their mosque in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State. On 9th May 2011 Boko Haram rejected an offer for amnesty made by the governor-elect of Borno state, Kashim ShettimaBoko Haram was blamed for a series of bombings in northern Nigeria on May 29, 2011 that left 15 dead. On June 26, 2011, the sect carried out a bombing attack on a beer garden in Maiduguri, according to officials and witnesses. Militants on motorcycles threw explosives into the drinking spot, killing about 25 people.On June 17, 2011, the group claimed responsibility for a bombing attack on the police force headquarters in Abuja that occurred the previous day. Officials believed that the attack was the first suicide bombing in Nigeria's history and that it specifically targeted Police Inspector-General Hafiz Ringim.On July 03, 2011, a bombing in a beer garden in Maiduguri attributed to the group killed at least twenty people.On June 27, 2011, another bombing in Maiduguri attributed to the group killed at least two girls and wounded three customs officials.On July 10, 2011, a bombing at a church the All Christian Fellowship Church in Suleja, Niger State. On July 11, 2011, the University of Maduguri, closed its Institution down citing security concerns.
The sect is causing a lot oh mayhem and every Nigerian is hoping the end of this is not too far away.

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