

published on Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Well I'm back!!! And I'm going to use this opportunity to say thank you to you guys for helping my blog get this far. I'm indeed very grateful! *mwah* 
Moving on, hehe! (*in itiayo's voice*) I have to continue my story from where i left off.

I saw our dude the other day and he had this guilty look on his face. In my mind i was like "na me send u message?" hehe!! Anyhow sha i doubt if my friend forgave him but they got to talking again after a few months and this time as friends. 

That reminds me, i have to tell this story before i forget. It is entirely different from this one but i sooo do not want to forget. I was coming back from work the other day when i was told this story  about this young teenager torn between both her parents. 

Right from when she could remember, her parents had always fought. Not a very good childhood you would think, but there is more to come. Her father was the best dad when her mum wasn't around. Her mother just was never satisfied with anything her husband did. You just know when a woman is cheating on her husband. I met her father once and he is quite the gentleman. He is very nice,friendly and approachable so i really did not see what the problem was. 

Morning, afternoon, evening they fought and obviously it was taking a toll on the girl. She never listened in class or did well in school because she was always thinking of what the next fight between her parents would be about. My dear, if i was in this position i would have left home a long time ago. It's frustrating now. To have to listen to your parents fight every minute? That's brutal!!! 

It was obvious after a while that her mum was the problem. Either she was tired of the marriage or just had natural innate issues. She was always cooking up one new story or the other. One time she said her husband beat her up. Her husband is a medical doctor and knew the implications of beating up his wife. He on his own has never threatened to beat a soul talk less of his wife. Everybody knew this woman was crazy and they kept on wondering what crazy story the woman would cook up next.

A few months later, she came home one night and told her husband she was leaving him for good. He had had it so he told her she was free to go but had to leave his daughter for him. It came as a surprise or rather a blow to the neck what she said next. She told him that the girl wasn't his daughter. The girl herself was shocked on hearing this. This man had taken care of her, her whole life. She knew no other man to be her father. She and her father taught the woman was joking. Knowing the man to be a doctor, she told him to go carry out a DNA test and it was proven that she unfortunately wasn't his daughter.  This was a shocker to the father and daughter and everyone around them. It just couldn't be. HOW COULD IT BE POSSIBLE? The man dragged her to court that even if he wasn't her father, he could be her legal parent because she was all he had. He was however heartbroken when he was refused custody of the girl due to the fact that he works too much.  
The man was shocked and had to leave the girl for her rightful parent; her mother. It was later found out that the woman was betrothed to the man from birth and had no choice but to marry him.She was already in love with someone else and had to respect her parents' wishes. She tried to frustrate the man out of the marriage at the beginning but he did not budge.The girl's father was the man she originally fell i love with. 

To me i think they should have considered the girl in  all this. No one wanted to listen to her side and figure out who she actually wanted to be with. They unknowingly have scarred the poor girl's life. Psychologically she has been defeated because she might definitely not want to ever get married. Every ounce of trust in her would have been destroyed. The woman on her own is truly very wicked. She should have considered the love both the father and daughter shared before she burst thier bubble the way she did. This life definitely is cruel, that is why we have to be careful what we get ourselves into.

I think i have tried for now with the story telling! teehee! I have to get back to work. But please leave your comments, i want to know what you think. And i promise to update the previous story in the next episode! hehe! (scouts honour! Even if i wasnt a scout *covering face*). i have to go now....later!! *kisses*

..........................pookie!! *wink*

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