I've been laughing my ass off all morning! Our dear president today renamed The University of Lagos. It's now called The Moshood Abiola University of Lagos. He made the announcement this morning during The Democracy Day Nationwide address.
Trust our Unilag friends to protest! I don't understand why he should he even think of renaming the school when there are bigger fish to fry! Boko Haram problem's there, he's renaming a university? Smh!
I read this message from a Unilag student this morning;
"UNILAG students are not dummies. GEJ needs our consent before renaming our school. There is a MAPOLY already, what do we need a MKO Abiola University for? Has GEJ thought of the financial implications? UNILAG is a 50 years old tradition that should not be tampered with. We are literate and not like the masses that can be cajoled. I hereby suggest that UNILAG students boycott classes until we have our school back! GREAT AKOKITEs! GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!"
Another message states;
"UNILAG will not be MKO ABIOLA UNIVERSITY until GOODLUCK EBELE JONATHAN changes his name to STEPHEN KENT. I hereby suggest that UNILAG students boycott classes until we have our school back!"
There was also this joke;
"With the New change of the name, this is what Follows :
Before : Lag Babe
Now : Moshood Babe (that sounds more like the football club).
Before : I am a Unilag Graduate
Now : I am a MKO Abiola Graduate (ouch!!! That sounds like the polytechnic).
Before : I'm an Akokite
Now : I'm a Moshoodite ( Hmmm!!! Sounds more like a Palm Wine club).:]
Bottom Line, a name is very important in BRAND DEVELOPMENT and Jonathan just Murdered that for Unilag students. #happydemocracyday
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
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