The public campaign against domestic violence especially against women, got another public advocate in Peter Okoye @PeterPsquare.
That issue has been on the front burner recently, following a video which showed the wives of celebrities Frank Edoho and Zaaky Adzay talking about the violence they endured.
It's unclear if it was the said video which prompted the tweets from Peter Okoye.
The first tweet went up at about noon today: "Am really against domestic violence. Its sad how some of us "MEN" treat our spouse or partners," it read.
Then shortly after, he tweeted another one: "Pls let's respect our selves… They are human beings not toys or slaves."
And the last one came two hours later: "#SayNoToDomesticViolence #SayNoToDomesticViolence #SayNoToDomesticViolence"
By Ynaija's Reuben Daba
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