
"Twerk" & "Selfie" added to Oxford English Dictionary!

published on Thursday, 29 August 2013

If the world isn't coming to an end, someone please explain to me what exactly is going on.

I heard today that the words "Selfie" and "Twerk" have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary."Selfie" and "Twerk" will be added to the dictionary as part of its quarterly update.

Thanks to social media networking sites like Twitter and Instagram, selfie has been recognized by Oxford as an english word. The definition of Selfie goes thus: "A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website."

For millions of people across the world, Miley Cyrus brought twerking to the limelight but the act has however been around for a very long time. Oxford Dictionaries' Katherine Connor Martin said "There are many theories about the origin of this word, and since it arose in oral use, we may never know the answer for sure," Martin said. "We think the most likely theory is that it is an alteration of work, because that word has a history of being used in similar ways, with dancers being encouraged to 'work it.' The 't' could be a result of blending with another word such as twist or twitch."

The definition of Twerk goes thus: "Dance to popular music in a sexually provocative manner involving thrusting hip movements and a low, squatting stance"


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