
Using Our Own Medicine

published on Friday, 29 January 2016

So, I attended the launch of the first ever PR report in Nigeria, a while ago, and the speech from the CEO of BHM Group, Ayeni Adekunle, caught my attention. The PR report was put together by BHM Research and Intelligence in patnership with PRCAN and the whole concept proved to be a tactic in helping to develop the Nigerian PR industry. I just had to look for the transcripts of the speech and put it up here just for you guys!

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did;

The Oscars and Apple Diversity Stories- PR lessons to be learnt

published on Friday, 22 January 2016

Diversity has, of late, become a major issue not just for americans but all over the world. The news, recently, has been buzzing with the #OscarsSoWhite campaign and Apple's diversity proposal to name but a few instances. The black/coloured community is not letting sleeping dogs lie, anymore, when it comes to discrimination and their protest for equality in diversity. 

What sort of friend are you?

published on Tuesday, 19 January 2016

I know some of us will be wondering why I keep dwelling on friends but friends, just like family, literally make or mar you. They are important factors in this journey called life.

I remember, as a young girl, filling slum books and scrap books and there was always that one section for "close friends" and "best friends". This section, if you ever filled one, you know, caused major problems in friendships back then. It was almost like a way to stamp or seal your friendships.

Is Public Relations really necessary?

published on Monday, 18 January 2016

I was going through a former schoolmate's blog when I saw this post that I think many PR enthusiasts, like myself, will learn from. 


published on Monday, 11 January 2016

I was going through posts on social media this afternoon when I saw this post by Oyindamola Bamgbola. 

We all either heard or read or saw what happened earlier on in the month between Davido and the Momodus and Olamide and Don Jazzy right? 

Well here are two lessons Oyinda feels, we should learn from the scenarios. I know I've been on about PR, a lot, of late let's just say I'm swimming in PR territory at the moment! Lol!