For a few hours I've been thinking of this quote from Maya Angelou.
Here's why!
I've been meaning to embark on a number of new adventures this year but I haven't had a chance to. Today, I realised that I've been the one standing in my way.
Procrastination and a heavy work load have been my watch words till I realised that I never really will do anything till I actually take a step.
So I will in the remaining weeks of 2017 and the first few weeks of 2018 be doing things I've always wanted to do and never actually taken a step to doing.
Here's one of them!!
I've always had an on and off relationship with online TV and now I'm working on my own show with my colleagues BiBi and NJ.
We released our first episode early this week as seen in my instagram post below and I'm excited to see and hear what you all think.
See the episode below:
I'm really excited to take on new activities. I've been really happy and healthy of late. What better time than this to embark on new adventures?
So here's my advice to you guys and to myself --> don't be stuck doing the same old things. As they say; You Only Live Once. Try new things.
The holidays are coming, go on that trip. Be a bit daring, go on that escapade. You might have fun doing it ... or not, but at least you tried.
Don't ever let yourself ask "what if?", rather you should be ready to ask "why not?"
Lots of Love!
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