

published on Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Chocolate City, is homebase to top names like M.I, Jesse Jagz, Iceprince, and Brymo.
A lot of youth, internationally and locally, have reached out to be signed to the label, in hopes of achieving their dreams due to the rapid growth of the label and increasing success of artist management  So far, Chocolate City has just male artistes under its umbrella. But in the bid to find a female artist, they found a young lady, full of energy and enthusiasm. After the label heads, Audu Maikori, and Paul Okeugo heard her songs, they decided to put her through the CC boot camp.

And automatically she became CC's first signed female artist. Her name's Pryse! Pryse is a talented Nigerian rapper who is eager to follow the footsteps of her fellow label mates in creating music that would not only entertain, but influence the public.  Born and raised in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Princess Esindu a.k.a Pryse, started rapping in church at the tender age of 10.  Pryse always knew she wanted to be a musician; encouraged by her family who own and run Frontline TV Studio in Port Harcourt, Pryse took a keen interest in entertainment.  Pryse knew she had to nurture her passion, so she went to study media in Nottingham, UK.  While in the UK, she took up writing her own songs, and co-producing with her older brother.  When asked who her influences are, Pryse lists, Jay Z, Drake, Lil Wayne, and M.I – it is precisely the admiration for M.I that led her to work her way to be signed by Chocolate City.  In an industry where female emcees are outnumbered by men, Pryse is sure she will keep the torch blazing for the young ambitious women out there.

When asked what it meant to be the first female signed to Chocolate City, Pryse had this to say " I thank God I've come this far, and I'm just happy its finally happened, and I'm ready to put in the work, so let's go. I'm ready to be a BOI (Bold Original Innovative)."

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