First there was sonia,then there was the hacking issue and now people are faking celeb acounts to carry out acts of 419? What is wrong with Nigerians? If after reading those tweets you still don't know what I'm on about well then; a glorious human being created a fake account in Richard Mofe-Damijo's name with the handle "@RichardMofeD". RMD's actual twitter handle is "@RMofeDamijo".
This glorious being or twitter "impostor" as RMD calls him, was tweeting very harshly and even said something bad about 2face and Annie. The "impostor" even went as far as opening a fake facebook account too; imagine? RMD, his friends, beloved colleagues and fans with much effort reported the fake accounts and they now no longer exist.
What is it with the recent obsession? Please oh,I'm begging once again; free these celebrities! Hian!
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