

published on Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Apparently, there was a rumour that Taylor Swift and Zac Efron were going out but both parties have told Ellen Degeneres that they are definitely not a couple, despite persistent rumors. The young stars appeared on the chat show in order to promote the forthcoming movie, Dr. Seuss's The Lorax, for which both provide voiceovers for the characters. Ellen made continual jokes about them being in a relationship, which the pair took well.
Recent Grammy winner Taylor Swift told Ellen "He's awesome, we are not a couple though," the singer continued. "You hear people get together when they're shooting movies, co-stars. But not like animated co-stars. You know what I'm saying. Like, oh my god, as we were recording out voiceovers on separate coasts we really connected." When they were quizzed over what they did on Valentine's Day, Taylor told DeGeneres that she had a "pathetic single girls' party" with her friends. Efron was slightly more coy about his Valentine's Day movements, explaining that he went to a screening of his film 'Liberal Arts' and then cooked dinner. When he was asked who he was with, he looked uncomfortable, laughed and leant over the side of his armchair, trying to avoid the question.
Dr. Seuss' The Lorax is scheduled for release in the Usa on 2nd March. Taylor Swift provides the voice of Audrey, whilst Zac Efron portrays Ted. Betty White, Danny Devito and Ed Helms also star in the animated movie.

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