That said, one thing we can all agree on is that the interview was truly a great one. Not just because of how well-written it was, but also because of the interviewee himself. Yes, D'Banj, known for his staple monologue about the various versions of his name he is called by his "friends" in various countries from South Africa all the way to Jamaica, managed to be just as funny in this interview, albeit inadvertently.
Check out his top ten most memorable quotes from the interview.
The Jesus Christ of the industry.
Okay, he didn't proclaim himself the messiah, a friend did. But even mentioning this at all is slightly laughable, if only for the serious context it was placed in the interview.
'I've always thought of how I can be a useful vessel to the industry. A friend and colleague always says to me: 'D'banj, you're the Jesus Christ of the industry.'
Yes, D'Banj, friends say things like this to each other all the time, but it's the kind of statement you laugh off and play down yourself, not mention as validation of your position as a musician. No one ever disputed your importance in the industry.
So what happens to our children?
Can we say "pause"? Children? Really? Granted artists grow to be attached to their fans, but to the extent of calling them children? It's slightly reminiscent of Lady Gaga's constant pandering to her fans, what with all her "little monsters" dribble and what not.
This is ridiculous simply because it's hard to imagine D'Banj being so distraught over the emotions of the public that he would begin to consider them "children".
Let's go for counseling
Yes, we say "pause" again. This is part of the previous quote, but is entirely "wtf"-worthy on it's own. Counseling? This is downright worrying. We understand the sentiments of not wanting to let go of a friendship, but who goes for counseling over a business decision?
I wore a Zara T-shirt and a D&G ring.
Kanye was impressed by your appearance, we get it. It's understandable. Appearance goes a long way in making a good impression. But did we really need to know those specific details?
"As they came, I had my iPad with me, and my headphones. First thing Kanye said was 'I like your T-shirt'. I wore a Zara T-shirt and a D&G ring"
None of us ever doubted you could afford an iPad or a D&G ring, but it wouldn't have hurt to not come off as a show off.
I wanted to be the biggest African entertainer
This isn't a funny one. On the contrary. Who can't respect ambition?
'I wanted to be the biggest African entertainer, not the biggest singer. I had my mind on money. In order to say I'm the biggest, I had to be the richest.'
One thing no one can take away from D' Banj is his ambition and determination. The whole reason this is being discussed is due to a deal which he wormed his way into due to sheer drive. What else could make someone do something as theoretically ludicrous as going to "famz" Kanye West in an airport? Criticise him for a million things, but you have to respect his ambition.
Hats off to you, kokomaster.
People say I'm less talented
Again, we have to commend D' Banj for throwing a curveball. Since the whole break up saga began, many have claimed that D'Banj had no hope of surviving as he basically only became successful due to Don Jazzy's beats.
'People say I'm less talented, I was known as a jester in the JJC squad. I'd make everyone happy and play the mouth organ, but I knew what I wanted.'
With this statement D' Banj displays a self awareness that contradicts the generally playful and childish image many seem to have of him. He knows people think he's not talented, he knows many think he can't be taken seriously, and that is exactly why he will succeed. Because we can all agree that a strong man is one who knows his (perceived) weaknesses.
Which quotes stood out for you?
(Culled from Ynaija)
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