
Will Goldie win the Big Brother Stargame?

published on Tuesday, 26 June 2012

When she was announced as Nigeria's celebrity representative in the Big Brother show, many fans entertained fear about Nigeria's chances this year, because she and her two male compatriots seemed to lack the energy, craze and controversial attitude expected of a potential BBA winner.

The fear was confirmed when barely two weeks in, Ola and Chris, who were supposed to be her support, threw in the towel and

made a voluntary exit on health grounds, leaving the game in the hands of dear Goldie Harvey. Now, forty nine days after the show kicked off, Goldie seems to have proven her detractors wrong, fighting to remain in the game after half of the house mates have been evicted for different reasons.

Presently reigning as Head of the House, Goldie stands atop other House mates, armed with an immunity power with which she saved her 'boyfriend', Prezzo from the claws of eviction.

However, what remains to be seen is whether or not her strategy and skills will see her to the ninetieth day to eventually win the coveted $300,000 cash prize.

Coming to terms with the possibility of Goldie losing out of the game may be a rather absurd and unpatriotic thought, but as it is, the 28-year-old Nigerian singer may not eventually win the show.

Perhaps my reasons and opinions may seem unguided, but there are a few instances that may prove me right, if observed with an unbiased mind.

One might think she has a better chance because of her mother-hen qualities, which have made her popular in the house, but sadly, it is yet to earn her true love and respect from her fellow house mates and even her boyfriend, Prezzo, as her name still pops up during eviction nominations. This is  normal, since it's a game, but on the other hand, it's an indication of the fact that Goldie needs more than those qualities to remain in the house.

In another light, Goldie's popularity is wholly wired around her rapper boyfriend, Prezzo, who is usually the cause of her tears, sobs, throwing up and other theatrical displays for which she has become popular.  Little wonder she replaced him with innocent Keitta, knowing fully well that she will become irrelevant and unpopular once Prezzo is out of the game. Unfortunately for her, Prezzo seems to be in everybody's bad books, owing to his boastful character.

Again, while contestants like Zainab, Keitta and Jessica can boast of massive love and support from viewers, having survived evictions, Goldie cannot, as she has never been up for eviction. This may seem like an advantage, but it isn't, in the real sense of it, as her popularity and acceptance level is yet unknown. Basically, she has remained in the house on sheer luck, which can only go as far as placing her amongst the last three but not the ultimate victory.

One other thing that may work against Goldie is the fact that three Nigerians have won the game back to back, which is why most people didn't believe Ola's excuse of health problems to seek voluntary exit, suggesting that it was an arrangement the organisers made with the duo so Nigeria wouldn't win again. Some say Goldie is only being retained to generate viewership from the Nigerian audience. If this is true, then

Goldie may be coming back home with a consolation prize of second or third place, which would have been Karen Igho's case, had she not truly proved to deserve to win.

However, with less than forty days left, and fourteen more house mates to battle, Goldie seems to be at the top of her game, especially as she has served as head of house twice now. This, however, does not count, as the race for the victory becomes tougher by the day

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