
Rihanna & Teyana Taylor fight on Twitter!

published on Wednesday, 25 September 2013

‎Immature right? 

I don't know why I'm even bothering to blog about this but it seems like everybody considers it news. 

Here's the story.‎ Rihanna apparently was mocking Teyana on Instagram. ‎‎ Teyana posted a video of her singing; Anita Baker's "sweet love" "Caught up in the Rapture ". Then Rihanna posted a video of her male hairstylist performing a parody of Teyana's singing. He was even wearing a curly wig, snapback, and sneakers, just like Teyana. This singular act prompted Teyana to attack Rihanna on Twitter, tweeting ; 

"Don't play wit me @rihanna fuck all this industry shit, YOU & I know each other VERY well. Throwing subs 4 wat? u got my #, don't show off,"

Rihanna fans took Rihanna's side but Teyana tweeted; "y'all could bully everybody else & get away wit that shit but that shit ain't gone work ova here. so y'all could miss me with that NAVY shit," 

 "i sing caught in the rapture on IG then she posts her boy singing the same song, the same part, with curly hair and a snap back??? #PETTY. … petty is petty and shade is shade, bitch knew what the fuck she was doing.‎"

Rihanna then tweeted; "I REFUSE to help your career…you will NOT get an @ from me! Not til you pay me! #nomorefreepromo #iRefuse."

Rihanna 's BFF Melissa Forde also got in on the action, tweeting ; "@TEYANATAYLOR #HOSHUTDAFUCKUP #BigSeanvoice," she told her. "@TEYANATAYLOR #isFrankenweeniecallinmesicklooking #callabitchupntellmehowureallyfeelcuntface #FuckUPayme #LILBITCH."

Teyana stood her ground and kept tweeting at Rihanna non-stop; "@rihanna shut yo punk ass up bitch. Fight ya own battles," 

"Melissa & Robyn never been about that life. Them bitches know wassuppp!"‎

Quite mature right?‎ 

The tweet that caught my eye however was Teyana's; 

"Ya net worth and ya body count go neck to neck.#IndustryPussy" 


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