
The New Rules: Is Covenant University still the place to go?

published on Sunday, 8 September 2013

I am graduating from Redeemer's University in a few days and we were having our special sunday service today when I heard that Covenant University (CU) owned by Living Faith Church founded by Bishop David Oyedepo recently released new rules in their new student handbook (2013/2017).

The great thing about CU from the onset to most people was the fact that so many things, not allowed in other private universities, were allowed in CU. The school however changing their mind on most of these things would definitely not sit well with the students. All sorts have been banned like jeans, high heels, nail polish, fake nails and a host of other things. The students took to social networks like twitter to complain. Read the rules below;

"Dress Code for Female Students

Earrings and necklaces may be used by female students, provided they are not the bogus and dropping types. The wearing of more than one earring in each ear is strictly prohibited anywhere in the University.

Also, painting of nails, attaching artificial long nails are not allowed in and outside the University.

The possession and wearing of jeans or any jeans-like materials of any kind are strictly prohibited in the University.

Female students are expected to wear corporate shoes to lectures and University assemblies.

Piercing of any part of the body, other than the ear (for earrings), is strictly prohibited. Any piercing done before admission into the University shall be declared during the first registration in the first year.

Tattooing of any part of the body is prohibited. Any tattoo done before admission into the university shall be declared during the first registration in the first year.

Dress Code for Male Students

No male student is allowed to wear scarves, braided hair, earrings and ankle chains in the University.
Wearing of long-sleeved shirts, without buttoning the  sleeves is not allowed

The practice of pulling down one's trousers to the hip line (Sagging) is prohibited.

The possession and, or wearing of cordror, chinos, Jeans or Jeans-like materials of any kind is strictly prohibited in the University environment.

Tattooing on any part of the body is prohibited. Any tattoo done before admission into the University shall be declared during the registration in the first year.

Jewelry such as neck chains, hand chains, bracelets finger and toe rings, ankle chains are prohibited for male students

Students are advised to avoid cutting worldly hair styles like richo, all back, etc. All male students are also expected to be clean-shaven, as keeping of beards is prohibited."

Read the full handbook here;
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