
OJB’s surgery successful

published on Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Veteran music producer, OJB Jezreel's kidney transplant surgery was successful.He has since been discharged from the Columbia Asian Hospital, India where he had been admitted for the operation.The multi-talented music guru spoke through a release, expressing his appreciation for the supports of his fans.The statement below:Dear fellow Nigerians.Greetings from far away India !I am sure this note from me will catch you with a little surprise. I have been reading a lot of news about ME being published on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and different Blogs by my good friends.I thought I must take out a quick moment and let you know that I am officially discharged today from the hospital, after a successful Kidney Transplantation Surgery, by God's Grace. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Nigerians for your prayers & good wishes, without which all this would not have been possible.I also take this opportunity to thank my friends, fans and family for all the love, prayers and good wishes for a Speedy Recovery!! Be home with you soon…Thank you once again sincerely,Your very own OJB Jezreel. 

Congratulations to OJB.

-The Nation

Rihanna covers up Maori tattoo with a new tattoo!

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Rihanna to me is just messing up that hand and will regret it later. She, earlier in the month, got a traditional maori tattoo performed with a chisel and mallet. According to what I read on Daily mail, Rihanna was so over her maori tattoo that she flew her New York tattoo artist Bang Bang to the Dominican Republic to cover it up with another tattoo between tour dates!

What do you think?

On the cover: Dolapo Oni on Wow Magazine! PRETTY!

published on Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Behind the Scenes: Jasi- BankyW

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So i hear Banky W is in the UK shooting a new music video for a new single, never before heard, called "Jasi". The video is being directed by Sesan Ogunro. The video also features a cameo appearance from Lynxxx and Banky W is seen trying his hands on etighi again. will he nail it this time?

enitan kehinde's invitation is awaiting your response

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published on Monday, 28 October 2013

Artiste – Brymo
Producer – Mikky Me
Features – David
Running Time: 31:59

Chocolate City's runaway vocalist – Brymo has unleashed his third studio album christened 'Merchants, Dealers & Slaves'; battling for the future of his career as an artiste. The 'Son of a Kapenta' is in prime "fighting" form, singing for his life and delivering an emotional, mysterious and poetic masterpiece that will stand the test of time. An art bound to take you to a safe haven; Mr. Olawale outdid himself as he collaborated with 'Mikky Me' to produce the album of the year (when compared to the shallow releases 2013 has witnessed).If we say M, D & S can be matched to Asa's debut album or likened to something you will stumble on in Fela's discography; we are not exaggerating… Equipped with his heart and voice, Brymo complexly wows and amazes. Digest our track-to-track review and know which song moves best:

Truthfully: The third constituent of his ill-fated second LP 'Son of a Kapenta' proclaimed Olawale a lover and he is; Brymo sings from the heart about love on the opening cut 'Truthfully'. Stronger and more emotive  than any piece on her predecessor; Brymo employs his gritty voice as he let out lyrics, "Truthfully, honestly/I no fit see you/ if I no see me/you be like my blueprint/there is no plan without you/there is something about you, truthfully' on the chorus.

Money Ft. David: "You dey think about boobie/she dey think about your puurse"; love does not pay the bills so Brymo is still a dealer. Accompanied by seasoned guitarist 'David' who is to be blamed for the enchanting guitar rifs heard on the rich instrumentation of 'Money', Ashimi wows with his vocals and arguably births the LP's brightest moment.

Dear Titilope: The third number ushers in 'Merchants, Dealers & Slaves' greatest strengths as Brymo leaves his 'crush' named 'Titilope' as he moves to 'Eko'(Lagos) for the fame and fortune she has to offer.

Eko: We do not want to be in Titilope's shoes nonetheless 'Eko' will stir deep emotions. The message is very relatable; the excellent instrumentation orchestrated by Mikky Me… 'Eko' is one helluva song. It has 'timeless' written all over!

Grand Pa: GrandPa is a rolling stone because he is getting older? Heavily influenced by afrobeats just like majority of the body of work, Brymo complains about his father's father ever rising care-free attitude.

Down: 'Down' is a poetic and stunning piece. "Them say the chief/ him dey sleep with the thief wife/aboki for corner e sleep with the chief wife/ the neighbour daughter carry belle for the thief child"; the stellar cut which serves as the album lead single addresses the ills, chain reaction and rollercoaster of happenings in the town, or should I say society.

Cheap Wine: The 3:20 tracks starts with mesmerizing strings and can be described as a song inspired by the saying; "there are better days ahead". Preaching hope and perseverance, Brymo is sure and hopes you join him to have fun, dance, drink 'Cheap Wine' and dream on.

Purple Jar: The unfaithful ways of the singers led to heartbreak and love lost arises on 'Purple Jar'. With lyrics carrying heavy undertones, Brymo haunts with this song.Everyone Gets to Die: On an amazing reggae influenced instrumentation, Brymo sings about the growing inequality between rich and poor as he says 'Everyone Gets To Die'.

Se Bo'timo:  Sung entirely in his native dialect 'Yoruba', Brymo teases memory of Asa on 'Se Bo' Timo; which means "Cut your coat according to your size". The tenth track is the soul centre of the album and talks about staying true to oneself because tongues will always wag; prioritize and be clear about your purpose.

M, D & S: Strangely short, the LP closes with the guitar driven title track. Poetic in every form, Brymo classifies people in three categories.


10 things a man wants in a woman

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If he is well-mannered and gentlemanly, then you have scored a 100! As dating experts say, "Good manners are a sign of what kind of man he is.

1. A woman with her own life : Ladies, please note that he doesn't want someone clingy. If you are one person who has her own set of friends and can hang out by yourself, you are closer to hitting the jackpot.

2. No first move: OK, so is it ladies first or do men get be gentlemen and ask the lady out? The guy likes a woman who never makes the first move. He wants to decide how he's going to woo you serenade you – so be a lady and let him!

3 . Love's in the air: Does your heart beat faster when you see him? Does his voice make you want to see him? While some may experience these, others may feel a sense of comfort and security when with him. This makes for a good foundation to take the relation ship.

4. Show you care : Someone said don't sweat the small stuff. But in a new relationship you definitely need to! Doing little things to show to him that you care will make his heart grow fonder.

5. Sexy yes, slutty no : Don't indulge in PDA right off the bat – you are likely to scare him off! Men like to take it slow and prefer being nonsexual but flirty in the initial stages of the relationship.

6. Wait for sex:  Don't jump into bed on your first date. Sex can effectively ruin what could otherwise be a beautiful relationship. Both of you may end up having very little in common other than sex. So wait a while before you seal the deal.

7. No-nonsense : A man wants a woman he can respect. If he knows he can't get away with anything, he's likely not to go down that path. Also, don't date a guy who is seeing other women, married or abusive – they are just not worth it.

8. Be his buddy: Make him feel good in front of his friends and important people. Don't laugh at him but with him.

9. Lay off: If you are the kind who will call, text and mail your man umpteen times a day, rest assured he will run out the door in a jiffy. Don't badger him, especially about the future. Take it as it comes and things will just fall in place!

10. Good attracts good : If he is well-mannered and gentlemanly, then you have scored a 100! As dating experts say, "Good manners are a sign of what kind of man he is." Ensure that you have similar values and he's dependable and truthful.

-Ynaija from Times of India

Ciara and rapper,Future are engaged!

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In January it emerged they were dating.And now Ciara is engaged to marry rapper Future after he sprang a surprise proposal as they celebrated her birthday.The hip hop star and producer got down on one knee after producing a stunning 15-carat diamond ring. Their publicist Chris Chambers confirmed the news to the Associated Press, saying she was already celebrating her 28th birthday in New York when he proposed.In his role as a producer he has collaborated with stars including Rihanna and his future wife, who he has been dating for a year.Future, real name Nayvadius D. Wilburn, is currently in the middle of a tour with Canadian hip hop superstar Drake.The 29-year-old's private life is not without controversy however, as he fathered a son in 2001 with Jessica Smith. In 2012 she filed for child support, with a DNA test confirming he is the father.He subsequently legally recognized the son as his and was ordered to pay $1662 in child support each month.Another woman has claimed he is the father of her child, who was born December 4, 2012, but the claim is yet to be proven.Ciara has had a string of hits, including recent single Body Party, Goodies, Promise and Like a Boy.

-Daily Mail

Photo: Would you cop this wedding cake?

published on Sunday, 27 October 2013

Chris Brown arrested for assaulting a fan

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I remember when I used to love Chris Brown now I think hes on the road to getting locked up for good. I read on Tmz that he was arrested this morning for felony assault after attacking a man outside a Washington DC hotel. According to Tmz;  "Chris Brown got into an argument with a man outside the W Hotel at 15th and K and allegedly began punching him. The incident occurred at about 4:30 AM. Our law enforcement sources say Brown did not appear to be under the influence of anything at the time of the incident.Brown is currently in custody. As for the other person, we're told he's being evaluated at a D.C. hospital. Sources say he's claiming injury.Brown is still on probation in the Rihanna beating case and this could be grounds for violating his probation - which means he could be sentenced to prison for nearly 4 years ... worst case scenario for him.Update:The victim tells TMZ he and a friend saw Chris outside the W hotel taking a picture with two female fans and when they tried to jump in the picture Chris told them "I'm not into this gay s**t, I'm into boxing," and punched one of them in the face breaking his nose. The victim has hired an attorney and says he's absolutely filing charges."

Na wa o

Lady Gaga shocking gaga moment!

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Lady Gaga needs to stop or reduce her gaganess! It's starting to get too creepy andweird! She landed in London yesterday for her perfoermance on x-factor andwore this white see-through chiffon thing. She was also bare-feet painted in white and all.  I would have been creeped out if I saw her!

Funny thing is that she was practically nude under! Kilode?

On The Cover: Rihanna on GQ's anniversary edition

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Photo: Spot the clown!

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5 things you must know about yourself

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Spend at least 15 minutes all by yourself on a daily basis. That doesn't mean time spent at home with your husband or children, or even time spent listening to music. You should be all alone, taking a walk, so that you get the time to reflect on your day's happenings.

1. Your Dial-a-friendWho is that one person who always calms you down? The one who will listen to all your problems patiently… the one whose voice instantly sends you to a Zen-like mood? It doesn't matter how much of a loner you are, there should be at least one person who's on your instant dial in time of need. Please don't think this is something that whiners do. We all need to whine, at times to make ourselves feel better.

2. Your breaking pointPooja Sharma, marketing executive with a 5-star hotel, has always been a calm and dignified person. That is, until a couple of months ago, when a simple difference of opinion with a colleague blew into such an ugly argument that she could hardly belief she was hearing herself uttering expletives that would upset her, if they came from others. "Tension had been building up for some time, not just in the workplace. Some personal problems were bothering me too. My colleague's sarcastic comment got to me and I lost it completely," says Sharma. Since then, she has become extra careful and tries to understand her mood better.

3. That one stress busterIt can be a movie, music, swimming in the neighbourhood club's pool, just plain gossip with friends or plain old sleep — don't avoid doing things that de-stress you. Women often don't give enough importance to it which is why they have a lot of pent up feelings and emotions that are ready to burst at the slightest provocation.

4. How to say 'no'Pleasing people is good, but not to the extent that you have to bend backwards for them. If your friends have taken you for granted and want you to tag along with them wherever they go, just put your foot down. If your husband's friends think your house is the only decent place for social gatherings and you are not comfortable with it, convey it to him. You can do it politely. If workload at the office is bogging you down, talk to your superior and tell him your problem. Learn to delegate. And most importantly, know that it's absolutely alright to say 'no' at times. It doesn't mean you're unprofessional.

5. "Spend time with yourself daily"Psychologist Anu Goel urges all women to take time out for themselves. "Spend at least 15 minutes all by yourself on a daily basis. That doesn't mean time spent at home with your husband or children, or even time spent listening to music. You should be all alone, taking a walk, so that you get the time to reflect on your day's happenings. When someone is alone, the mind tends to focus on things that went wrong. You'll automatically start thinking of solutions. That way, at least you are aware there is a problem. That's very important and helps you to de-stress."

—Ynaija from iDiva

Photos: From the christening of Prince George!

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Prince William and Kate Middleton christened their baby; Prince George today at St James's Palace. Prince George was baptised by the Archbishop of Canterbury in the historic Chapel Royal. The christening gave the world a second chance to catch a glimpse of the future king of England.