
12 reasons why living at home in your 20s is the best!

published on Friday, 4 October 2013

People ask me why I want to still stay at home and not move in with friends. These 12reasons I got from Cosmo justify my decision.
1. Nothing is more comforting than your childhood bedroom when you're sick/hungover. There's something less depressing about spending all day recovering in a room you've known for more than 20 years. When your head feels like a shit-ton of bricks or you can't seem to breathe through both of your nostrils, being in a place that is familiar will ease the pain you're going through.
2. There's an endless source of #tbt photos for Instagram. You know you look forward to Throwback Thursday. Look at how cute I was! Look at how much cooler my childhood was than yours! I was awesome!Home is the treasure chest for these adorable pictures that were taken pre-digital camera days.
3. You get to learn how cool your parents really are. Now that you're kind of an adult, your parental unit might start to level with you. Don't get me wrong, they'll still treat you like a little kid. But you'll now see that mom and dad are normal people too. But warning: Mom will probably begin to divulge about her dating life when she was your age… and it might get a little TMI. =\
4. Access to your entire wardrobe. Should you want to revive that *NSYNC tee, it's right there. In the drawer next to your BSB tee where you left it in 1999.
5. You know how to live with these people. Living on your own with roommates means getting to learn the quirks of complete strangers or friends. Even if you've been BFFs with your roomie for over 10 years, their habitual routine might drive you up a wall. At home, you know it's your job to clean the bathroom. You don't have to leave a passive aggressive note on the fridge letting someone know it's their turn to do the dirty deed. Also, they won't do this…
6. Dinner waiting for you when you get home from work. Mom or dad won't stop cooking. In fact, they'll probably insist on making you dinner. Don't fight it. Just enjoy the free meal waiting for you.
7. Lunch is provided. And if you don't feel like finishing that free dinner, you can bring it in for lunch the next day.
8. Laundry isn't a bitch. Living at home means you, the washer, and the dryer all reside in the same building. No sending your dirty panties off to a stranger. No spending all of Saturday in the laundromat. No acting like you just hit gold when you find a quarter.
9. When having a party, you don't have to do much of the planning. Assuming you have cool parents who want to hang out with your friends and drink a couple beers, there will be no prepping on your part. Mom and dad will most likely give you the money to buy all the booze and food.
10. Someone is always around to keep you company. Whether it's siblings or your parents, it's nice having people in your house you can hang out with. Roommates have their own lives and schedules and you usually have to plan for when you'll see each other.
11. Your bedroom is larger than any apartment you could afford on your own. Face it. If you moved out, you would be sleeping in a room half the size of your current mainstay.
12. You can dance around in your room with music playing as loud as you want. At home, this is not called being inconsiderate. This is you just being comfortable at home.

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