
"I Have a 5-Year Old Son"- Wande Coal

published on Friday, 31 January 2014

Wande Coal revealed in an interview with P.M. News his best “kept secret” is a five year old son who he calls Coal Jnr.
In his words;  “Nobody is going to surprise me anymore. Let me then announce to the whole world that I already have a five-year old son. I had the boy since 2008 before I released my debut album,‘Mushin 2 Mo’Hits’. I have been keeping it secret ever since then but think it’s high time people should know.” 

I hear Wande decided to make the revelation because he rather not be subjected to crude speculations by some mischievous groups.

Ice Prince says "Eva Alordiah was My First Girlfriend" in Lagos

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So Ice Prince shocked fans last night as he was headlining the Loud “N” Proud Live Series at the Soul Lounge, Intercontinental, Victoria Island, Lagos. He was about to perform when he revealed that, fellow rapper, Eva Alordiah was his first girlfriend when he came to Lagos.

According to TheNetNG, He said and I quote;  “Let me tell you something I’ve never said before in public. Eva was the first girlfriend I had when I came to Lagos; that was way back.” 

Who would have thought?

Eva jokingly replied as she moved next to him on stage “I don’t know what he’s talking about.”


Who do we believe?

Joseph Benjamin & Joselyn Dumas: New couple alert?

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Two of the hottest celebs in west africa; Nollywood actor Joseph Benjamin and Ghanaian movie star Joselyn Dumas were looking very much loved up today as Joseph posted photos of them on his official Instagram page with caption; “Fun moments with @joselyn_dumas she aiit she rocks joeben certified you can take that to da bank”.

What do you think?

Beyonce to be studied in the University

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Queen Bee has joined other celebrities including Oprah and husband Jay Z, (who has a Georgetown University sociology course named after him), who are studied in the University. The course is called Politicizing Beyonce and can be taken at Rutgers University in New Jersey.The University’s Department of Women’s and Gender Studies will be exploring the social & cultural significance of the songstress’s music and image.The course will allow fans to explore Beyonce's alter ego Sasha Fierce, and debate the extent of control she has over her own image. They will also debate whether her red hot persona is an outlet of female sexual empowerment or merely complying with western gender stereotypes."This isn’t a course about Beyonce’s political engagement or how many times she performed during President Obama’s inauguration weekend. She certainly pushes boundaries. While other artists are simply releasing music, she’s creating a grand narrative around her life, her career, and her persona.’ Kevin Allred, the person in charge of the course at Rutgers University said.


JK presents Pinkybolar, the valentine's day special!

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Are you confused as to what to do on valentines day with the special one? is giving you various special valentine day offers. Depending on your budget, various packages such as a trip to Dubai  for two with 2 visa, 2 return tickets, 4 star hotel lodge, airport pick up & drop off and free gifts for him/her at just N365,000; Dinner for Two with gifts starting from N12,500; Buffet for two starting from N10,000; Full Body Massage treatment and gifts such as cake, cupcakes, wines, watches, perfumes, teddy bears, chocolates, lingerie as low as N2,500 .Treat yourself, your spouse, partner or even a friend. 

Visit now to view all offers.

Trust me you would love it.

On the cover : Burna Boy and Lami Phillips on complete fashion

published on Thursday, 30 January 2014

Toke Makinwa marks her two week marriage anniversary

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So Toke took to instagram today to tell about her love for her husband. Today makes it two weeks since they've been married!

Cute message right ? ♡♥

MrFixNigeria, Ohimai Amaize unveils a nightclub church " The Underground"

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What really is The Underground About?

The Underground is a Nightclub-Church. It is a specialized Gospel Ministry commissioned by God to reach out to this generation with the message of the love and mercy of God. We meet every Fridays from 11PM at #57, Lobito Crescent, Opposite Visafone, Wuse 2, Abuja. The Underground will be unveiled on Friday January 31st in Abuja.

Who is behind The Underground?

God is behind The Underground and unveiled the Ministry to the world through Holyhill Church, Abuja which serves as the parent Ministry.

How did you get “arrested” for ministry?

I was born under very interesting circumstances. I was born six years after my mother thought she was done with the business of childbirth having already birthed five (5) children. I was born for a purpose and since my earliest childhood experiences; God has laid on my path several signs that show clearly to me that I was born for a special mission to my generation. And as I grow older, the mission unfolds more clearly even as I try to deny it or run away from it. The ministry of The Underground was revealed to me in October 2013 when God played a picture of my life to me and all I could see was God’s love, grace and mercy to an undeserving soul. God was showing me clearly the power of His love and mercy and how many are still stuck and struggling with sin, guilt and condemnation as a result of their ignorance of the gift of redemption that is in Christ. He showed me a generation that went to Church on Sundays, lifted holy hands to God but found themselves on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays in the nightclubs struggling with sex, alcohol, weed and all manner of addictions. He showed me a generation craving relationship with God but stuck in religion. He showed me prostitutes, drug addicts, gangsters, all kinds of people, the rejected stones of this generation, the least likely that anyone would expect, being transformed and doing exploits for His kingdom. God told me he would give me the platform of the night, a nightclub, to do something great for Him. While I was still processing that thought in my Spirit because I really did not understand how it was going to work, at that same time, my Pastor, Lead Pastor of Holyhill Church, Abuja, Sunday Ogidigbo called me. God was speaking the same thing to him about me! It was confirmation enough to me that the Spirit of God is one. I obeyed the call and today, God’s name is being glorified with The Underground.

What happened to regular church service? Why nightclub?

You see, the point is, it is not about where you gather; it is in whose name you gather. Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” It can be anywhere and anytime. The earth belongs to God and its fullness, the world and those who dwell in it. Darkness and light, day and night are the same in the eyes of God.

Who can come to The Underground?

Everyone is welcome to The Underground. There is room for all.

What should people expect at The Underground?

Expect anything at The Underground and when I say anything, I mean we are going to stay dynamic and unconventional as much as possible. Every Friday night at The Underground will unveil something new, something exciting, engaging, interactive and entertaining. Expect the Word of God at The Underground and this is the only thing that will remain the same. We cannot tweak the Word. It is the same and will remain so for ages to come. We will preach and teach the gospel of the love and mercy of God.

How do you intend to manage this with your secular work?

God has no problem with my secular work, at least He has not told me so just yet. My secular work will not interfere with this Ministry. The Ministry of The Underground is a personal and spiritual engagement. Because I am a seed of Abraham, God has given me the grace to combine both. He has given me the grace to be a King in the daytime and a Priest of His calling at night.Explain briefly how it’s supposed to work.It’s a Nightclub-Church like I have already mentioned. It’s a spiritual hybrid. The natural mind cannot understand it. But the extent to which I can go to explain is that it will work the way God has revealed it to us; a place open to all, a place of redemption and liberation from the bondage of sin and all works of darkness. We will dance, praise, worship, laugh, entertain, discuss, preach and teach the word, pray and do things that bring honor to God. It will be an atmosphere of complete liberty.

Liberty in Christ.Why should people choose this experience over regular church service?

The experience will speak for itself. When people come and experience what they can’t find elsewhere, God will keep them coming till His purpose is fulfilled in their lives.

Any guarantee that this isn’t some sort of vanity project?Vanity?

I don’t know anything ordained by God that is driven by vanity. As a matter of fact, The Underground is about to collapse the stronghold of vanity that is sweeping across the world in this time and age. 

Public officers aren’t exactly the most trustworthy of folks, do you suppose your day job might scare people away?

I’m not worried about my day job. I’ve always been a public officer with a difference because everything I have accomplished in public service I accomplished by the grace of God. Rather, my integrity and conduct in public service is one of the things I believe will draw men to The Underground.

Happy 60th birthday Oprah Winfrey

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Before her 60th, Oprah Winfrey wrote a special birthday message on opening your heart on her official website. Read it below;Sixty. I’m turning 60 this month! I’m so glad I’ve lived long enough to say those words and celebrate their meaning.I’m turning 60. I’m alive. Healthy. Strong.I’m turning 60, and—please don’t take offense—I no longer have to be concerned about what anyone thinks of me! (You know, the old Am I doing it right? Am I saying it right? Am I being what or who I’m “supposed” to be?) I’m turning 60, and I’ve earned the right to be just as I am. I’m more secure in being myself than I’ve ever been.I have reached the moment Derek Walcott describes in his beautiful poem “Love After Love”: “…with elation / you will greet yourself arriving / at your own door, in your own mirror / and each will smile at the other’s welcome.”I am in awe of the way my journey here on earth continues to unfold. My life has been marked by miracles for as long as I can recall—and even before. (My entire existence is the result of a onetime frolic under an oak tree.) My early days speaking in a Mississippi Methodist church—Baptist leanings, shoutin’, and Holy Ghost included—prepared me for a future of speaking in a public arena I could never have imagined.And now, at 60, I simply want to share what I’ve been given. I want to continue to encourage as many people as I can to open their hearts to life, because if I know anything for sure, it’s that opening my own heart is what has brought me my greatest success and joy.My highest achievement: never shutting my heart down. Even in my darkest moments—through sexual abuse, a pregnancy at 14, lies and betrayals—I remained faithful, hopeful, and open to seeing the best in people, regardless of whether they were showing me their worst. I stayed open to believing that no matter how hard the climb, there is always a way to let in a sliver of light to illuminate the path forward.We go through life discovering the truth about who we are and determining who has earned the right to share the personal space within our heart.This I also know for sure: God—however you define or refer to Him, Her, or It—is for us. The forces of nature are for us, offering us life in abundance. We humans narrow what is an open field of wonder and majesty to the myopic reality of our day-to-day experiences. But there is extraordinary in the ordinary. Every day and every breath is magic—if we can only see it for what it is.Some days the awareness of the sanctity and sacredness of life brings me to my knees with gratitude. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the idea that the little girl from Mississippi who grew up holding her nose in an outhouse now flies on her own plane—my own plane!—to Africa to help girls who grew up like her. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound!I approach this milestone, the landmark of 60, with humility, supreme thanksgiving, and joy. Knowing for sure grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.

Jonathan seeks death penalty for cyber crime

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     President Goodluck Jonathan has proposed a death sentence on persons who hack into the Critical National Information Infrastructure or computer networks resulting in the loss of lives.The proposal is contained in the Cyber Crime Bill 2013, which is before the House of Representatives.However, where there is no loss of lives but the offender causes “grievous bodily injury” to another person, the bill recommends a prison term of not less than 15 years.Using any computer network for terrorism purposes also attracts life sentence.The bill defines Critical National Information Infrastructure as “certain computer systems, networks and information infrastructure vital to the national security of Nigeria or the economy and social well-being of its citizens.”The bill frowns on child pornography, as it imposes a 10-year jail term for offenders or a fine of N20million or both.The bill criminalises the use of force to engage children in sexual activities.Offenders are liable to being convicted to10 years imprisonment or a fine of N15m.


See: BBA's Pokello goes in on a crazy fan on Instagram

published on Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Y'all know Pokello is an iron lady!

I wasnt shocked to see this

On the cover : Seyi Shay on mystreetz

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Photos : The cute family called the Okoyes

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Psquare family!

Osas Ighodaro, IK Osakioduwa & Vimbai Mutinhiri to Host the 2014 Africa Magic Viewers' Choice Awards

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A so I heard that the 2014 edition of awards ceremony will take place on Saturday 8th March 2014. And it will be co-hosted by IK Osakioduwa, Osas Ighodaro and Vimbai Mutinhiri.

I can't wait!

Disney Channel Introduces Its First Ever Same-Sex Couple On The Kids' Channel!

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Last weekend, Kids' oriented TV network, Disney Channel, introduced its first-ever openly gay couple on the family series, Good Luck Charlie in an episode that made the lifestyle look perfectly normal.

In the groundbreaking episode, parents Amy and Bob Duncan, played by Leigh-Allyn Baker and Eric Allan Kramer, set up a playdate for their preschooler Charlie (Mia Talerico) and one of her new friends, who, it turns out, has two mothers.

Already, the introduction has met strong opposition from conservative watch groups, who are accusing
Disney that it plans to corrupt children with LGBT content.
But Disney maintains the episode was developed to be “relevant' to kids and families around the world. That the characters were meant to reflect today’s world, as many viewers are young children with same-sex parents.

Meanwhile, former Disney child star, Miley Cyrus is so excited with the introduction. Her statement: "I commend Disney for making this step into the light of this generation. They control…so much of what kids think! Life isn't bright sets & wardrobe & kids becoming superstars! This is INSPIRING."

What do you think?

Dbanj is the Face of ONE "Year of Agriculture" Campaign in Lagos

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I hear D’banj is at the African Union (AU) Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, this week to help ONE organization officially launch its “Year of Agriculture” campaign.

The star will also unveil the official name and logo of the campaign, as well as launch ONE’s online petition calling on leaders to invest more and better in agriculture.

In February, he will also lead top artistes from around the continent to record a song produced by Nigerian producer Cobhams Asuquo and music video. It is aimed at promoting agriculture among youths in Africa.

A press conference was held recently in Lagos, where D’banj was unveiled as the face of the campaign

Photo: Is this OC Ukeje's girlfriend?

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Award-winning nollywood actor, Oc Ukeje, posted this picture on instagram and it has for a while now caused a stir! According to my research the lady is Eniola falase. She works in Shell and went to Queens College, graduted in 2005.

Do you think she's his girlfriend?

I would be heartbroken if she is though. Im too in love with OC! Lol

"Iyanya has taught Me a Lot of Things...We're Not Dating"- Emma Nyra

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According to Emma Nyra, she and Iyanya are just friends. Read her interview with Vanguard newspaper below;

On being romantically linked to Iyanya: “Iyanya is not a bad looking person, but I am not dating him we are on the same label. I have known him before the days of Kukere, so if it was a fling or a dating thing I don’t think my career will be as serious as it is.

I am not with Iyanya to date him. Iyanya has helped me in the studio, he is an R&B singer,I am also an R&B singer. He thought me to change my style of music to suit the Nigerian market. He has taught me a lot of things. We are not dating , people can be friends without dating.”

On her relationship status: “No, I am not in a relationship. Music is my everything. It’s not that I am not interested, but right now, I am not dating any one.”

On her sexiest body part: “My legs, usually if you see my performance outfit the most comment I get is that ’Oh we like your legs”

On the craziest thing a fan has done for her: “Everyday I get Facebook messages that are out of this world , if I put them out people will be like Emma is wicked .I get a lot of inappropriate messages. Even this morning I got an inappropriate message on Instragram , I can’t even tell you what the person said. I don’t mind reading inappropriate messages but the one that makes me sad is when you read a blog and somebody doesn’t respect the music that you do or have bad opinions about you which comes everyday as well.”

On her contract with MMMG: “The true story is that I am still with Triple MG. There was a time when I was not with them, that was the time when my contract was up , so when I did the interview with the lady she asked me a question; Are you with them’? I now told her fully that I am waiting for my contract to lapse, but what she did was that she edited the video and after then I saw a blog post that made it look like I said what I didn’t say. So I am still with MMMG.”

On her celebrity crush: “I always say Terry G. I like people who are their own person. He does his own thing, his own sound.”

India Arie Writes About Racism & Politics of the 2014 Grammy Awards, Says No Mention of Nelson Mandela

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American recording artiste India Arie wasn’t pleased with how the 2014 Grammy Awards went down on Sunday night at the Staples Center, Los Angeles, California.

She took to her Tumblr page to speak out on how black artistes are not being honoured and recognized with the gold statues.

India also made mention of how the show is all about popularity and not the music and ended by asking why Nelson Mandela wasn’t recognized.

Read it below;

@Kendricklamar WAS robbed, BUT he was not the only one who was robbed. Personally, I was pleased he was able to perform and they KILLED! IT! One of the FEW moving moments of the night for ME.

Though it’s called “Music industries biggest night” the #Grammys are NOT about the music, it’s a popularity contest. The voting process allows people, to vote on name recognition alone – the music industry politics is a whole NUTHER conversation.  Too much to go into here.

The American Music Awards is a show that awards sales and popularity – the #Grammys are SAID to be about the music.

If the hip hop community voted on hip hop –  r&b COMMUNITY the same –  same for each category – we’d see winners that reflect the MUSIC ITSELF. We all know that’s just not the way it goes.

NOW the BIGGER losers, are ALL of black music. Where was the black music community represented in last nights #Grammy show? Performers and Winners (or not) … Where were the black artists?

And this isn’t the first time the #Grammy’s has had a show all but excluding young black America and black artists in general, although we set the worlds musical trends. Why NOT televise the lifetime achievement awards of the Isley Brothers? SURELY they deserved to be on televised stage LAST NIGHT! While other artists were on stage TWICE?

The truth is in a perfect world diversity would matter, and respect would be rampant, but the TRUTH is, The #Grammys is a television show, and in THAT world ratings reign supreme.  So, in general, bigger names take the stage, and sadly the biggest names often times ARE BIGGER drawn along racial lines from the release of an album. i.e. marketing dollars, and just general support.  It’s unfortunate.

I don’t even get surprised any more, but, it still hits my sense of fairness, because I KNOW many of the artists who are overlooked. I LIVE in that world. We keep showing up and subjecting ourselves to the game, hoping MAYBE we’ll win. I was so HAPPY to see @Kendricklamar take that stage – because it is a FORM of winning, at LEAST, he was SEEN.

Speaking of diversity, congratulations to my PERSONAL favorite albums of the year –  @I_GregoryPorter #LiquidSpirit @Realsnarkypuppy and @lalahhathaway on your win and THANK YOU! @pharrell for acting RIGHT in the presence of the greatness that is @Nilerodgers and #StevieWonder

Love to all #SoulBirdsWorldWide


P.S. No mention of Nelson Mandela at ALL? … and THIS is why we NEED the Image Awards AND the BET awards.

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Kcee to collaborate with Nicki Minaj & Surprise YMCMB Artiste for "N68 Million"

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So I hear the Limpopo crooner Kcee has concluded plans to feature American rap star Nicki Minaj and a surprise Young Money Cash Money Baby (YMCMB) artiste on a new track. I also heard the deal is worth N68 Million.

Kcee’s manager, Soso Sobrekon, confirmed the story to The NET NG. He said; “We are in the USA trying to get some collaboration done. It is true we are in the process of doing a song with Nicki Minaj, and that news was leaked by an agent to the media. We actually wanted it to be a surprise for the fans, but since it’s out there now; we plan on taking it bigger. We want to seal another artist from YMCMB that is bigger than Nicki Minaj. She’s already sealed to be on the track, but now that everyone knows, we’re still going to surprise the fans by getting another person from YMCMB”.

Soso also mentioned that Kcee will finish recording the track before returning to Nigeria. But kcee via Instagram said he was already on his way back to Nigeria.

Well, maybe the track has been recorded.....

On the cover : Jlo on Glamour

published on Monday, 27 January 2014

TB Joshua’s Ministry Delivers a Nigerian Man Who Had “Passion for Men” | Read the Story

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Pastor TB Joshua's church – The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) has revealed through its Facebook page that Imo state born Mr Tedus was recently delivered from his "affection for men".Mr Tedus claims that he suddenly developed "passion for men" after a dream and commends his deliverance at the church for helping him regain his "affection for women".Read the story below;Deliverance is the AnswerMr Tedus, a Nigerian from Imo State but residing in Cameroon, was travelling to Asia and had a long stopover in an African country where he stayed in a hotel with a swimming pool. He went for a swim with fellow men then went to eat and sleep. That night in a dream, he saw himself swimming in the same swimming pool naked with other men. When he woke up, he was sweating and something entered him and he realised that he no longer had passion for women but rather began to develop passion for men like him. Returning after the trip, broke his relationship with his fiancée who was shocked and could not understand why. Once free from the relationship, something pushed him to research on the internet about relationships with men. As a translator into the French language in his church, he continued assisting in the church while still living that lifestyle and indulging in these sinful desires.One day, his pastor asked him to go to The SCOAN for deliverance but did not specify why. On New Year's Eve, he decided that he could not enter 2014 the same and persuaded his cousin to fund his ticket to visit The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria.He arrived in Lagos and found a hotel. He saw the same man from the hotel in his dreams having an affair with him and immediately woke up and determined that he could not sleep anymore but rather made his way to The SCOAN that night. Upon arriving at The SCOAN, he was in one of the many overflow canopies and could not get a pass to enter the church. From nowhere, an old woman who he had never met before handed him a pass, saying, "Here, take mine and go inside."He entered and when the wise men were praying, he started to feel like running away. As Wise Man Christopher approached him, he became angry and when he touched him, a voice within him spoke out and he lost control of himself. He knew he was speaking but did not know what he was saying until he was finally delivered in the name of Jesus Christ.Now, after his deliverance, he testified that his desires have changed and he no longer has passion for men but rather for women. He can now pray and read his Bible without distraction and diversion.In his advice he said, "Now I am delivered, I no longer have affection for men but for ladies. If you come across someone with the same problem, you should not condemn. The only answer is deliverance."Let us remember the words of Prophet T.B. Joshua. Anytime we strive against people, we fight the wrong battle. God loves sinners but hates sin. We should hate the act but not the people. If we fail to see that there are powers that cause people to be bowed down in bondage, we are fighting the wrong battle.

D’banj, Toolz, 2Face Idibia, Uche Pedro, Flavour, Betty Irabor & More on The Redsheet Magazine’s 115 Most Powerful People in Entertainment List

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For its January 2014 cover, The Redsheet Magazine is all about celebrating the most powerful people in the Nigerian entertainment industry. There are 115 people on the's editor-in-chief/CEO Uche Pedro and music editor Onos O are also listed.Check out some other names on the list;

Betty and Soni Irabor
Ovie O
Rotimi Pedro
Chris Ubosi
Sola Fajobi
Prince Adeyanju Lipede
Adams Ibrahim
Audu Maikori
Mildred Okwo
Tunji Balogun
Ayo Animashaun
Cecil Hammond
Linda Ikeji
Banky W
2Face Idibia
Flavour N'Abania
Ropo Akin
Cobhams Asuquo
Seun Oloketuyi
Stephen Keshi
Gov. Henry Seriaki Dickson
Ayiri Emami
Mike Adenuga
Amin Moussalli
Mo Abudu

Read the official release;

A who's who list of the biggest playersThey're the masters of the multimedia universe: the studio heads, directors, and stars who light the fuse that begins a movie; the TV producers and performers who dominate prime-time (and the network executives who can make them stars); the writers who command astronomical advances and the editors and publishers who command the best-seller lists; the musicians and moguls who can pack adoring crowds into stadiums and record stores. State Governors/business moguls who have invested so much in the entertainment sector in their various ways.In this issue, we offer a roll call of the 115 most powerful men and women in Nigeria's entertainment Industry today. Some perform in the public eye; others prefer life in the background, pulling invisible strings. This year, at least, they share one thing. They've got the power.A few ground rules: Those who made the list were chosen on the basis of their accomplishments in the last 2 years.Who are the most powerful people in entertainment? Men and women who, for better or worse, have the authority to get a project started or stopped, who influence what you see, read, or hear, whose talent, connections, or reputation guarantee that attention will be paid. In most cases, it's a lot more than attention. Most of these people didn't simply have power handed to them — they took it, and once they seize it, they don't easily relinquish it.

The Redsheet Magazine is available at the following stores nationwide;Hub Media Store, The Palms Shopping Mall, Lekki, LagosShoprite, Surulere, LagosMega Plaza Supermarket, Victoria Island, LagosHub Media Store, Shoprite, EnuguAbuja Airport Magazine StandsSuper Foodco Supermarket, Jericho, IbadanBooksellers Magazine Store, Jericho, IbadanFeedwell Supermarket, Sango, IbadanEsco Supermarket, Warri, DeltaMagazine stands at all Airports nationwide

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Kelly Rowland to Host & Perform at Darey Art-Alade’s “Love Like a Movie” Concert Season 2

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American music star Kelly Rowland will perform at the second edition of Darey Art-Alade's "Love Like a Movie".The event tagged "The Love Roller Coaster!" is scheduled to take place on Saturday 15th February 2014 at the Ocean View Grounds, Eko Hotel & Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos. She will also host the red carpet, like Kim Kardashian, with Darey; analyzing the style and fashion risks of guests on the red carpet. Kelly who was excited about coming to Nigeria, speaks on what to expect – "I'm so excited to be a part of this innovative concert! And I'm really looking forward to coming to Nigeria too. I hear LLAM Season 1 was simply magical and I really can't wait to get on stage and give a great show."

Also scheduled to perform at the event are D'banj, Tiwa Savage, Seyi Shay, Mo'Eazy, Zaina, Timi Dakolo, Waje, Muna and Eva Alordiah.

Photos : Seyi Shay, Julius Agwu and Kcee were also at the Grammy Awards 2014

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Photo: Beyonce's sizzling hot performance with husband, Jay Z at the Grammy Awards 2014

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Tonto Dikeh mad at Ay – “How Do you Sleep at Night?”

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AY's latest skit has been stirring up issues with him and celebrities. First Jim Iyke now Tonto. In the same clip Jim was angry about, AY who plays a prophet said "Tonto Dikeh is overdue for deliverance". So mnay people thought it was funny, i must admit, i did too but tonto wasn't amused.

She sent out a couple of deadly tweets on the clip. Ay apologised though but Tonto wasnt having it! Lol

Men started eyeing me as a teenager –Munachi Abii

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Munachi Abii is a former Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria who later became a rapper. She tells Ademola Olonilua about her career and early days.

What have you been up to lately? You haven't been in the news recently. Is it a deliberate decision?

Yes it is a deliberate decision. I'd rather be in the news for a good reason. A good reason would be something positive. My video for No Tomorrow just got released, so I'm promoting that.

Speaking of your new song, it seems different from what Muna does. Why is that?

I'm not one to put myself in a box. I started off being a conscious rapper, which I still am, but then I went through a process and  everyone was telling me what they felt was the key to survive in this industry. At first, I let that get to me but then I realised that one only lives once.

Why not explore it all but be true to what you love?

That is what I am doing; everything that I love. I haven't changed my style per se, I just expanded. I see myself as a musician not a 'celebrity' or a 'hit of the moment.' I fuse sounds from all over the world so that other people can feel it too.

You recently changed your hair colour to blonde. What influences your style?

Before now, I had not found the right shade of blonde for me. But we decided to try something new for my video and this shade worked, so I decided to work with it. I would say my true style is still evolving.

Some people think you have a dual personality; Muna the rap artiste and Munachi Abii the beauty queen. Would you agree with them?

I'm more than a dual personality. I'm yet to discover all of them. I believe we've got a lot of time to figure all that out. But trust that you will see them as they unfold.

Seems you have not fully discovered yourself? How do you intend going about that?

Who truly has? At least I'm honest about it. First, I do know now that I am. My existence; and that gives me confidence to explore all of me without fear. We all still do to an extent, but for me, right now I'm not ashamed or afraid to say, I'm getting to know me and I like me.

For you, who is that one guy you would never forget in a hurry?

Well, as much as I would like to remember some, I've got what you may call selective amnesia; so it's all forgotten. I'm actually telling you the truth. The reason why it is in the past is because it didn't work out and it must have hurt me. If it did, I'd forget it. I have forced myself to forget things to the point where I don't remember things anymore.

You were once an OAP, why did you opt out of the job?

I used to work at a radio station. Well I was in school at the time. And I must say it was a wonderful time. I made new friends and we had a hit show. I actually don't mind returning to radio then I will play my music on repeat. I was in the university when I decided to try radio. I didn't opt out, I graduated and I had to move back to Lagos, so we all went our separate ways. I miss the boys though. They are all doing very well now.

Who was your first crush?

I think Michael Jackson or Bruce Lee. Michael was my love. He could do no wrong in my eyes. He was perfect, black or white. I'm attracted to super humans.

At what age did the love letters and advancements from men start in your life?

I never really got love letters. Advancements from men began in my teens.

So how was it coping with their advances at such a tender age?

That's easy. We always had lines for the boys and the young men; the 'I will think about it' to the 'I'm sorry I have a boyfriend line' was always there.

Tell me about your early years. What kind of kid were you while growing?

Growing up was cool. I'm sure every teenager had issues of misunderstanding. So I'm not any different. I was a loner though. I was picked on a lot, so I kept to myself.

Tell me more about your being grown and being picked on? Can you share some stories?

I was bullied. No stories there

Is that part of the reason you went into rap?

Well, sort of because I wanted to be heard.

So that's why you went into rap?

I loved rap as well. Tupac had a big influence on me while growing up.

Do you think you have a good singing voice?

Yes, I do have a good singing voice.

So why didn't you go for singing instead of rap; has anyone told you that you don't look like a rapper?

How does a rapper look? If we were to go by looks, there would be no Eminem, no white rappers and certainly no female rappers. Secondly, I'm not one to do what people expect of me. I make my own rules and what seems natural to me, I do. Singing is also natural to me and I never ruled it out. Rap was the form of expression that came natural to me first.

You said there had been challenges when you started your music. What were they?

Being a female, funding my career independently, having to deal with people who claim to have the solution to music, having to deal with people who think your sound is way 'too deep' for Nigerians and feel you should tone it down; trying not to compromise even when people don't believe in you yet. Having to 'sort' people out so that they can play your music; it is tough. But these are the things one has to deal with. You have to pay your dues somehow.

Did you face criticism for switching to rap shortly after your reign as a beauty queen?

Well, not necessarily criticism, just shock and disbelief. I kept getting asked why I was rapping instead of singing. My parents supported me all the way. I made it clear that I was a recording artist before my reign and I had worked with a few known artistes just before my reign. So I didn't just wake up and decide.

How do you keep in shape?

I love food but these days, I have to work out. I'm a good cook. I do 30 cardio, 15 minutes of sit ups, 15 lower and upper body.

Are you in a relationship?

Yes, I'm super emotional. I love love, but I've always been afraid of love. But this time, I decided to let go. I haven't looked back since.

Now, you were variously linked with Peter Okoye and later an 18-year-old boy. How true is this?

All those stories are not true.

So where did those stories emanate from, how does your boyfriend handle such issues?You tell me? You are in the media.

You know how people make up stories to sell or become famous. There are no issues for him to even consider handling.

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