
MrFixNigeria, Ohimai Amaize unveils a nightclub church " The Underground"

published on Thursday, 30 January 2014

What really is The Underground About?

The Underground is a Nightclub-Church. It is a specialized Gospel Ministry commissioned by God to reach out to this generation with the message of the love and mercy of God. We meet every Fridays from 11PM at #57, Lobito Crescent, Opposite Visafone, Wuse 2, Abuja. The Underground will be unveiled on Friday January 31st in Abuja.

Who is behind The Underground?

God is behind The Underground and unveiled the Ministry to the world through Holyhill Church, Abuja which serves as the parent Ministry.

How did you get “arrested” for ministry?

I was born under very interesting circumstances. I was born six years after my mother thought she was done with the business of childbirth having already birthed five (5) children. I was born for a purpose and since my earliest childhood experiences; God has laid on my path several signs that show clearly to me that I was born for a special mission to my generation. And as I grow older, the mission unfolds more clearly even as I try to deny it or run away from it. The ministry of The Underground was revealed to me in October 2013 when God played a picture of my life to me and all I could see was God’s love, grace and mercy to an undeserving soul. God was showing me clearly the power of His love and mercy and how many are still stuck and struggling with sin, guilt and condemnation as a result of their ignorance of the gift of redemption that is in Christ. He showed me a generation that went to Church on Sundays, lifted holy hands to God but found themselves on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays in the nightclubs struggling with sex, alcohol, weed and all manner of addictions. He showed me a generation craving relationship with God but stuck in religion. He showed me prostitutes, drug addicts, gangsters, all kinds of people, the rejected stones of this generation, the least likely that anyone would expect, being transformed and doing exploits for His kingdom. God told me he would give me the platform of the night, a nightclub, to do something great for Him. While I was still processing that thought in my Spirit because I really did not understand how it was going to work, at that same time, my Pastor, Lead Pastor of Holyhill Church, Abuja, Sunday Ogidigbo called me. God was speaking the same thing to him about me! It was confirmation enough to me that the Spirit of God is one. I obeyed the call and today, God’s name is being glorified with The Underground.

What happened to regular church service? Why nightclub?

You see, the point is, it is not about where you gather; it is in whose name you gather. Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” It can be anywhere and anytime. The earth belongs to God and its fullness, the world and those who dwell in it. Darkness and light, day and night are the same in the eyes of God.

Who can come to The Underground?

Everyone is welcome to The Underground. There is room for all.

What should people expect at The Underground?

Expect anything at The Underground and when I say anything, I mean we are going to stay dynamic and unconventional as much as possible. Every Friday night at The Underground will unveil something new, something exciting, engaging, interactive and entertaining. Expect the Word of God at The Underground and this is the only thing that will remain the same. We cannot tweak the Word. It is the same and will remain so for ages to come. We will preach and teach the gospel of the love and mercy of God.

How do you intend to manage this with your secular work?

God has no problem with my secular work, at least He has not told me so just yet. My secular work will not interfere with this Ministry. The Ministry of The Underground is a personal and spiritual engagement. Because I am a seed of Abraham, God has given me the grace to combine both. He has given me the grace to be a King in the daytime and a Priest of His calling at night.Explain briefly how it’s supposed to work.It’s a Nightclub-Church like I have already mentioned. It’s a spiritual hybrid. The natural mind cannot understand it. But the extent to which I can go to explain is that it will work the way God has revealed it to us; a place open to all, a place of redemption and liberation from the bondage of sin and all works of darkness. We will dance, praise, worship, laugh, entertain, discuss, preach and teach the word, pray and do things that bring honor to God. It will be an atmosphere of complete liberty.

Liberty in Christ.Why should people choose this experience over regular church service?

The experience will speak for itself. When people come and experience what they can’t find elsewhere, God will keep them coming till His purpose is fulfilled in their lives.

Any guarantee that this isn’t some sort of vanity project?Vanity?

I don’t know anything ordained by God that is driven by vanity. As a matter of fact, The Underground is about to collapse the stronghold of vanity that is sweeping across the world in this time and age. 

Public officers aren’t exactly the most trustworthy of folks, do you suppose your day job might scare people away?

I’m not worried about my day job. I’ve always been a public officer with a difference because everything I have accomplished in public service I accomplished by the grace of God. Rather, my integrity and conduct in public service is one of the things I believe will draw men to The Underground.

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