Pastor TB Joshua's church – The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) has revealed through its Facebook page that Imo state born Mr Tedus was recently delivered from his "affection for men".Mr Tedus claims that he suddenly developed "passion for men" after a dream and commends his deliverance at the church for helping him regain his "affection for women".Read the story below;Deliverance is the AnswerMr Tedus, a Nigerian from Imo State but residing in Cameroon, was travelling to Asia and had a long stopover in an African country where he stayed in a hotel with a swimming pool. He went for a swim with fellow men then went to eat and sleep. That night in a dream, he saw himself swimming in the same swimming pool naked with other men. When he woke up, he was sweating and something entered him and he realised that he no longer had passion for women but rather began to develop passion for men like him. Returning after the trip, broke his relationship with his fiancée who was shocked and could not understand why. Once free from the relationship, something pushed him to research on the internet about relationships with men. As a translator into the French language in his church, he continued assisting in the church while still living that lifestyle and indulging in these sinful desires.One day, his pastor asked him to go to The SCOAN for deliverance but did not specify why. On New Year's Eve, he decided that he could not enter 2014 the same and persuaded his cousin to fund his ticket to visit The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria.He arrived in Lagos and found a hotel. He saw the same man from the hotel in his dreams having an affair with him and immediately woke up and determined that he could not sleep anymore but rather made his way to The SCOAN that night. Upon arriving at The SCOAN, he was in one of the many overflow canopies and could not get a pass to enter the church. From nowhere, an old woman who he had never met before handed him a pass, saying, "Here, take mine and go inside."He entered and when the wise men were praying, he started to feel like running away. As Wise Man Christopher approached him, he became angry and when he touched him, a voice within him spoke out and he lost control of himself. He knew he was speaking but did not know what he was saying until he was finally delivered in the name of Jesus Christ.Now, after his deliverance, he testified that his desires have changed and he no longer has passion for men but rather for women. He can now pray and read his Bible without distraction and diversion.In his advice he said, "Now I am delivered, I no longer have affection for men but for ladies. If you come across someone with the same problem, you should not condemn. The only answer is deliverance."Let us remember the words of Prophet T.B. Joshua. Anytime we strive against people, we fight the wrong battle. God loves sinners but hates sin. We should hate the act but not the people. If we fail to see that there are powers that cause people to be bowed down in bondage, we are fighting the wrong battle.
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