

published on Thursday, 9 October 2014

picture: tamaquarraa

In my writing for the media class this week, we were given this exercise to
 from the information below;

a) Write a website story of 80 words for immediate publication.
b) Write a headline for immediate use of no more than eight words.

You have today obtained the information from interviews;
Chief Fire Officer Harry Webb said:
"Two crews were dispatched to the Golden Gate public house in Sweet Lane, Sheffield, at noon today after we received a report from the manageress that smoke was being emitted from a cupboard in the main bar area. They found a ventilation shaft located behind the cupboard had become blocked by leaves and other debris. As a result, fumes and smoke from the kitchen were escaping through a crack in the shaft and into the cupboard.
"Firefighters cleared the blockage and a builder was called to repair the damaged shaft."

Ms Fiona Brown, the pub's manageress said:
"We have a good lunchtime trade but I thought one of the customers must have started drinking early when he said a cupboard was on fire. Smoke was leaking out under the door.
"We discovered later that there is a ventilation shaft immediately behind the cupboard and the smoke was coming from the kitchen where the chef was griddling steaks for lunchtime orders.
"We evacuated the pub and customers waited in the car park until the fire service gave us the all clear. They gave the firefighters a huge round of applause and a big cheer when it was over."
Here's my  website story:

At noon today, there was a buzz of activity in Sweet Lane, as two crews of fire fighters tried to find out the cause of a smoke outbreak in Golden Gate Public House.
A customer had previously called the attention of the pub’s manageress, Ms. Fiona Brown, when he noticed smoke emitting from one of the cupboard doors. It was discovered that a ventilation shaft located just behind the cupboard was releasing smoke and fumes from the kitchen. The pub had to be evacuated. The fire chief officer, Harry Webb, said the shaft had been blocked with leaves and other debris. There was a crack in the shaft which caused the discharge of the fumes and smoke.
The firefighters cleared the debris and called a builder to come fix the damaged shaft. There was a huge applause in the end to appreciate the efforts of the firefighters by the customers and onlookers.
There was a buzz of activity in Sweet Lane, today; as fire fighters were called into the Golden Gate Public House after a customer noticed smoke emitting from a cupboard.
 It was discovered that a blocked ventilation shaft located just behind the cupboard was discharging smoke from the kitchen. The firefighters cleared the blockage and called a builder to fix the damages.
In the end, the customers applauded the firefighters!  All’s well that ends well!

 What do you think?

1 comment

  1. Gud summary; well detailed. I knw u can do better.
