Flee or Die!
published on Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Yes! You read right! Flee or die!
From the picture above, I'm sure you can already tell what I'm on about.
How do you stay with a man that beats you?
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Filed Under: die, domestic violence, flee, killed, leave, run, violence, violent
Filed Under: die, domestic violence, flee, killed, leave, run, violence, violent
Birthdays & Happiness!
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Hi Guys!
So I turned a year older last weekend and I realised that birthdays are just what they are, another day. It's not like I haven't known this for years but it dawned on me that my birthday didn't necessarily make me anymore happier than normal, it just was another day.
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Filed Under: birthday, happiness, happy, joy, laugh, life, live, love
Filed Under: birthday, happiness, happy, joy, laugh, life, live, love