
Birthdays & Happiness!

published on Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Hi Guys!

So I turned a year older last weekend and I realised that birthdays are just what they are, another day. It's not like I haven't known this for years but it dawned on me that my birthday didn't necessarily make me anymore happier than normal, it just was another day.

I was working into my birthday and as soon as I got home, I went straight to bed and got up in the evening. The whole day was gone and so was my ginger to enjoy the day.

But then I saw the video below and knew that I had to be grateful for not just the day, but my youth.

The video not only taught me about gratitude but it taught me about true happiness.

A couple of 100 year old women talking about memories you'd like to have at their age and they said you have to be happy. You have to smile, you have to enjoy life. these are the moments you'd want to remember in your old age.

So yeah, my friends threw me a surprise party, later in the evening, and I made sure I tried to be grateful, happy and create memories to last a lifetime.

I've decided to make this my watchword henceforth; "live, love and laugh". You should too!

You know you only live once, so why not live right?

Lots of Love.


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