

published on Saturday, 3 September 2011

We were best friends. Was I willing to let go of this friendship for my own selfish reasons?? When you're in love all these possibilities and even your intelligence jumps out of the window. Let me share my story with you.

I met Demi on my way to class, I was in the worst of moods, I had a test I wasn't ready for and I wasn't in the mood for any dude's comments or greetings. I was rushing into class when Demi stopped me to ask for my note. I had never seen Demi in my life and to think he was in my class. I just ignored him and walked into the class to get a seat and accept my fate of failing the test woefully! Anyone would notice I was shaky about the test. Demi came into the class and sat next to me. He asked if we could revise outside together. Something about his voice was soothing and calm. I immediately followed him without asking questions. Imagine oh? someone I barely knew. He advised we went through some particular parts of the note. Before I knew it I was in a better mood and I was confident about the test. 

After the test I looked round for Demi to thank him for helping me prepare for the test. I was so confident because everything we revised came out in the test. but I unfortunately could not find him anywhere. I looked everywhere for him. I even helplessly started asking other dudes in my class but no one had seen him leave the class. I accepted ma fate and walked to my hostel in the same mood I had left it that morning. 

On getting to my hostel gate, I heard my boyfriend;Paul calling out for me. I turned back and saw him with his group of friends. I had told him earlier that I hated those boys he was always moving around with. But most times he would tell me it was none of my business. They were the worst of all the dudes in school, from my own opinion sha. They were rich and had well-to-do parents but had the worst of manners. They spent money around campus anyhow; person go think say their papa na Dangote...hiss! They most times gave Paul tips on how to run our relationship; and that was what i hated the most. The boy could not think for himself but I was hopelessly in love with him. Isn't love tragedious? *sigh* 

After normal greetings and gisting of about 30 minutes, he left. He just worsened my mood. First of all he did not ask about my test and secondly we spoke majorly about him; his haircut,his final year project and his new car coming in the following week. That was basically all Paul cared about; himself. I once broke my leg and was in a cast for 3 weeks and Paul told me he couldn't take me out because he couldn't aid me in walking so as not to rumple any of his shirts or have his car smelling like a clinic...imagine? 

 I was just irritated and figured I needed a nap. On getting to my room, I found a note at the door. I hurriedly entered the room clutching the note in my hand. When I was comfortable I opened the note. I impatiently read the end of the note. It read; "I hope you aced the test just like I did; your new found friend; Demi. P.S. always keep that beautiful face of yours happy".  At first I was confused; who in the 21st century still writes notes? Plus I thought dudes had stopped whining babes? I had had one hell of a hectic day and I wasn't ready to start cracking my brain. 

I sat on the bed for a long while thinking about my relationship with Paul. I knew he wasn't good for me and I wasn't gaining anything from him but the frequent gifts that had his name written all over them. Imagine he, for our one year anniversary, gave me some LV purses,belts and handbags with "Paul's chic" encrusted on the back of each and everyone of them. A normal girl would have been happy but I was far from excited or impressed; i was pissed. I'm the type of girl that likes her things low key. Anytime I carried any of the bags I would announce to the whole world that Paul was my boyfriend as if they did not know already? I also heard some rumours of him cheating but I really was too scared to find out if any of them were true. I was hiding behind the "trust" factor.

 I did not even know I was deep in thoughts for about an hour when I heard my phone ring. It was Demi calling to ask if I was ready and that he would be at my hostel gate in about 15minutes. He cut the call before I could fully recover from my shock to answer his questions. He was too excited to wait for my answer. I was puzzled. How did he get my number? how did he know my room number to drop the note? Where did he think he was taking me to? Did he know I had a boyfriend? All my questions led me to read the note and I was astonished. 

 Apparently as we were hurriedly preparing for the test I had agreed to go on a date of some sort with him and in the note he was promising me a good time. I hadn't even finished reading the note when my phone rang again. I hadn't saved Demi's number from the previous call but somehow I knew it was him. He called to tell me he was 5 minutes away. I wasn't too bothered. Oh well,he was my new found friend and I owed him for helping me out in the test that morning. I also wanted to ask him a lot of questions and this was going to be my opportunity. I hurriedly dressed up in excitement like a high school graduand for her first and only prom. I did not know what was wrong with me. I had never been this excited with Paul and yet I was going out with a stranger........As I was getting ready I was surprised at myself not knowing this date; this special evening as it were, was going to change my life forever............. me to say this; "to be continued"!!!

(P.S. that's my name,i am such a goofball for not telling you that first *sigh*)



  1. aawwwn...kinda reminds me of em romantic movies...cant wait for this story to finish
