Pop musician Lady Gaga is being slammed with a 10 million dollar lawsuit for backing out on a deal to create a line of dolls. Toy manufacturer MGA Entertainment is suing the star for an alleged breach of contact after she licensed the company to make a doll in her image. The company claims Gaga requested the removal of a voice chip from the doll which caused them to miss production deadlines.
According to the company, this was an "intentional and deliberate delay" by Gaga and her team to cause the doll to be held back to 2013 to coincide with her new album and perfume. The company, which claims to have already advanced the singer's licensing company the Bravado International Group, $1 million for the rights to make the doll, says it agreed to such an amount because "because Lady Gaga is not only an A-list celebrity, but one of the few elite recording artists working today."
Gaga's team however thinks it's all just a bit of nonsense. Spokeswoman Amanda Silverman says "Lady Gaga will vigorously defend MGA's ill-conceived lawsuit and is confident that she will prevail." She also added that the dispute should be between the company and the licensing group saying "There was no legitimate reason for dragging Lady Gaga into that dispute,"
According to the company, the star had been "blown away" by the original prototype she was sent, requesting only a "few tweaks".
The star had reportedly asked for the doll to "be more supermodel-like."
"Think a prettier version of Gaga," the company claims it was instructed.. "Thin out the cheeks and sharpen the jawline. Give her more of a cat-eye and sexier, poutier lips.
(Culled from naijaobserver)
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