
"I try not to do what every producer out there is doing....."-KIDDOMINANT

published on Thursday, 31 March 2011

 One might see this young man and mistake him for a random dude next door, but Kiddominant's one of the most talented dudes you'll ever meet. Well-spoken and posh, Kiddo as he is known by his friends will in the future be a force to reckon with. The cute producer sat with JK to share a few of his interests and thoughts. Enjoy!!

.In one sentence,who is kiddominant?

Kiddominant: ‎​A young CEO and ,music producer, DJ,sound engineer,and artiste.

JK.Your educational background and childhood?

Kiddominant: ‎​ok....i had my primary education at O&A nursery/primary school lagos ....then O&A academy ikenne-remo ,Ogun state;  was where I did my secondary school , and i'm presently in RUN studyin Actuarial Music  (big smile) ‎​"Actuarial science " actually.

JK.Where did the name; kiddominant come from?

Kiddominant:‎​It's just a name I found for myself History attachd‎​. Kiddominant. - KID- Dominant get it? (Smiles)

JK.Your first encounter with music?

Kiddominant: ‎​to be honest can't recall  precisely....  I was born into music ,so its  been like a part of my everyday life (smiles), It's just like asking about my first encounter with 'breath' ..(Laughs), ....but the farthest I can remember ...hmm ...It should be around four to five years ago..then, my dad would tell my brother and i  to sing for him , then he would give us money to save in our piggy bank ..(laughs)...I can recall that clearly.

JK.What exactly do you do because most people get confused...."is he jes a producer?"..."Is he........?"

Kiddominant: (big smile) ok... Majorly I'm a Producer and then a Dj ..... Its quite rear in this part of the world to combine both and still bear image of the both of them, but in places  like the states .. people like  David guetta, Will-i-am practice them both .... Even the great  timbaland still uses the turntables  (big smile) amazingly Dj neptune is a producer as Well as Dj clem ... So I can b addressed as any of the both or as the both, Producer and Dj (smiles).

JK: what works have you done?

Kiddominant: ‎​And for my past works ...I've produced over 20 songs , most of them outside RUN, and I've Djayd for a total of 27 events ever since I started professionally,.... Presently I'm working with gospel artiste "simi" then dammy krane on the official version on "below" .. Then topnotch guyz,M.Y.Kesh, L-Dafar too ....and  artistes outside run Eskapees and M.I abaga ... Internationally, I'm working and colaborating with one of U̶̲̥̅̊.K's fast growing talents Ngin Numberine, den E-Gle, also Iverson Snipe from the states..and  some others that are yet to come up.

JK.You've produced some really nice jams,made some really mad beats,hw do you do it?  Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Kiddominant: Ohh...Thanks (smiles)  ...humm...honestly, God inspires me a lot because Only God  does what no soul can do or has done, and that inspiration gives me the drive to be unique.... Trying not to do what every producer out there is doing .... Another thing that inspires me a lot is Talent...mehnn talented  people just give me this kind of ginger to do great stuffs believe me (smiles).

JK. People say kiddo's an "ashy"....."U too lyk babes" that true?

Kiddominant: ‎​​(laughs hard).....Hell nooo ...It's just normal to like you girls now, i no be ashy ooo, God's Son ! (Wide grin).

JK.Do you charge all these young artists when you produce tracks for them?

Kiddominant:‎​Of course I charge....But not all though, because sometimes I meet  talents who don't have much to pay but have stuffs up there...Being  in the position to help such people, I don't hesitate, especially when he or she has got a positive message to convey in his or her music. ... I'm a huge fan of that (smiles)

JK.How do you merge school and your music together?

Kiddominant:‎​To be honest's not easy at all..... Combining Production with Djayin then 8-9 courses .... But God has been having my back...and a proper time management skill also has been helpful.

JK.Where should we expect to see kiddo in the nearest future?

Kiddominant:‎​Mehnnn....Kiddo in the nearest future? going to be the most sought after producer in the history of music internationally's going to be a "talk to kiddo and go platinum affair" (smiles)

JK. Advice for your fans?

Kiddominant:‎​To my fans ...I'll say Be positive ,be true to yourself stay out to trouble..... And watch out for kiddominant's "project Positive Charge" nigeria, U.K and U.S.A.....coming very soon (winks)

JK. Finally,if you were to come back to earth as an animal,what animal would that be?

Kiddominant:‎​ The lion ..... "Na him dey run things for jungle na"..(Laughs).

Interview by: Enitan .O. Kehinde.

You can now download Kiddominant's latest production titled Oghene by L dafa ft. Jonnyjayce and M.Y. Kesh here ---»

"......Instead of following women follow what women want so they can follow you..."-PHENOM

published on Wednesday, 30 March 2011

This ebony,tall, young handsome man is the talk of the town,especially in UniLag when it comes to rap music. The friendly and funny dude met up with JK a week ago to discuss his life and his music. Enjoy!

JK. Can we meet the phenom people talk about but really don't know?

Phenom: I am Topa Onimowo, aka phenom, a 19yr old rapper from Igarra in Edo state, I'm in my last year, studying psychology in the university of lagos and I love good music.

JK.Your educational background?

Phenom: I switched up schools a lot due to constant relocation, I attended four primary schools, and then my high school was, VGS Ikeja.... And now I'm a Unilag bobo.

JK.What was growin up like for you?

Phenom: I lost my father before I could even speak, so basically I have lived all my life with a struggling single mother and a brother. I lived in lagos and lived in KD for a while. I was born and bred in the streets... Its all hustle and grind..

JK.Why the name; phenom?

Phenom: Basically the name describes my personality and my kind of music, I am phenomenal so I make phenomenal music.... Phenom is a phenomenon...(Big smile) plus my real name "topa" means phenomenom. That explains a lot.

JK.Why music?

Phenom: I didn't pick music; music chose me.

JK.Your first encounter with music?

Phenom:my first encounter with music was in knighthouse. I recorded my first track; "my time" at KH.

JK.Hw do your parents feel bou your music?

Phenom: My mother has been really supportive of my career, I'm grateful to God for having her...the emotional support is helpful, it keeps me on my grind.

JK.Is phenom single?


JK.Hw do you juggle school and music?

Phenom: Its really stressful but its all about schedule and discipline, time sharing is key, when its time for school, face school, when its time for music, face music. Discipline is key.

JK.Hw do you deal with the female fans and the attention they bring?

Phenom: My homeboy Skales told me women are after greatness and money, instead of following women follow what women want so they can follow you... #sikena # I bearly have time for them.

JK: what inspires your songs?

Phenom: only igbo (big smile) (laughs) just kidding things around me basically.

JK.You seem really nice,one would have expected you to be a bit stuck up. How do you manage to remain the real you even with all the pressure around?

Phenom : basically I surround myself with real people , people that aren't afraid to knock my head up wen I go astray...the positive energy around keeps me going.

JK.Where should we expect to see phenom in the next 5 years?

Phenom: in 5 years I see myself on the cover of forbes magaine, smiling next to oprah and the queen (smiles)

JK.What is your advice to other young rappers out there trying it make it in the industry? 

Phenom: Omo mehn, keep doing your thing and one day you will get there. stay away from women, drugs and dont drink!!! Trust me!!

JK. Finally; If you were to come back to earth as an animal,what animal would that be?

Phenom: Hmm I wil come back as a Man.




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JK.Can we meet the clan?

Noma Osula: (smiles) I'm Noma Osula,but everyone calls me Jayjay.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: (smiles) Im Adeoluwa Adeyanju my friends call me Yanju. Im just a normal random guy (big smile)

Damilola Adeyemi: Well...I'm Adeyemi Damilola...also known as Darhmie Dee (big smile)

JK:.Your educational background?

Noma Osula: i attended Ronik nursery,primary and secondary school and presently i'm a RUN student.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: I went to DHS... Im nw in RUN.

Damilola Adeyemi: ‎​Errr...I attended Primary Skl; i mean who doesn't? (Big smile)...Tunwase to be precise...My secondary education was in Providence Heights and presently I'm in my third year in Redeemer's University.

JK:.Hw did you guys meet?

Noma Osula: Hmm, we met in school, RUN to be exact.yep, RUN.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: i cnt really remember..but We were just friends before we became business partners... We had the same ideas and we started working together.

Damilola Adeyemi:‎​Well....we go way back from our first year in RUN...i was actually squatting in Ade's room in year one (covering face)....and then as for Jayjay,we met in one of those random ways guys meet.

JK:.How did the dream come about?

Noma Osula: (Laughs) Dream ke? it was kind of a hobby before,but now I hv a dream (smiles) that we would be the best.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: It just happened...

Damilola Adeyemi:‎​Hmmmm (thinking).....‎​Errr...i don't know if Jayjay can remember this..but i think it started from when Jayjay and I were in the room, back in year 2, discussing on life issues and all and we thought of setting up a business in school, the problem was that lots of entrepreneurs were in school at the moment doing the business we were thinking we didn't really push the dream as at then.

JK:. Why the name jaytu?

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: You should ask jayjay that... He came up with the name and we bought it.

Noma Osula: It was my art nickname in secondary school.i was a nerd.

Damilola Adeyemi: ‎​Jaytu is JayJay's nick name and the registered communication's company,which our organisation is under,it is his dad's.

JK:.How do you market and distribute the pictures?

Noma Osula: Mainly through social networks.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: The same way you see them is hw we distribute them. Through ‎​, facebook, twitter...etc.

Damilola Adeyemi: ‎​Well...Social networks around the world have made our work easier...e.g twitter,facebook,bbm...etc....all we do is post the pictures on any of these sites and interested people holla back at us.

JK:.How do you control the spread and reach of the pictures?

Noma Osula: Control? We really don't have any intention of controlling the spread of our pictures. We prefer it to be viral #gbam.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: Are we meant to control it (confused face) ..... Let it reach wherever it can.

Damilola Adeyemi: ‎​Hmmmm......our pictures are just like dogs without leash....if you get what i mean...we let them out and have no boundary...the better the pictures the wider it goes.

JK:.Apart from pictures what does jaytu do and entail?

Noma Osula: It's a graphic organisation. We do many other graphic stuffs,party ivs, shirts, adverts, logos and many other badass stuff.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: Designs on shirts, logos, flyers, IVs etc...we are into it.

Damilola Adeyemi: ‎​Well...we design shirts,fliers for parties and any event,logos for your company(e.g JK's dp :p),IVs and anything that needs artistic touch (big smile)...we bad like that.

JK:.  Do you charge for the pictures and at what rate do you charge for both the pictures and other services?

Noma Osula: (Laughs) the money issue is a one on one discussion o.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: We charge for the pictures and the rate (lips sealed). It actually depends on what you want to do.

Damilola Adeyemi: ‎​(laughs)....there's no free gift in freetown na.....and for the rate....(Rolling eyes) ...i noo go tell's betwen us and the customers (wink) #lowKey

JK: What functions do each of you perform?

Noma Osula: I create the design and art,they do the marketing and PR. bad guys.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: Jayjay does the designs and we; dami and I we do the marketing and distribution ish.

Damilola Adeyemi:‎​Errr....Jayjay does d designin...(ayam learnin doe...hehe)...Ade en I...we handle the customers,publicity,concepts en oda fnz

JK:.Where do you see jaytu in the next few years?

Noma Osula: It's going to be MEGA.Beyond imagination.Amen o

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: Hmmm...I really see a bright future for jaytu because from the little things that has happened so far...the sky is just a starting point.

Damilola Adeyemi:‎​ d next few yrz is kicking a nu movement mehn!Good fn is dat Ade,Jayjay en Dami r creative pple...we bringing nu ideas en ways to do fnz in d artistic world...Summary of all is dat y'all should just watchout for Jaytu mehn!


‎​@coolestisdname @jokerjokes @yanjuluv



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 Im sure you must have heard a lot about "tripcity"; "babcock's finest"; their music and definitely their diverse and colorful personalities. You can not be in a university especially private universities around Lagos and not have heard of tripcity. I was privileged to have met them and gotten this little but sizable information on and about them.
        "Trip city" represents a fresh, modern, up-to-date and urban persona in Nigerian and African music. It is made up of two solo artists "Tasti" and "Sukiyaki". They believe in freedom of creativity and expression through art and music.

        "Sukiyaki" as he is popularly called by many; and Sunkanmi Kehinde as he is known by a few is a 21yr old singer,rapper and producer. He started out singing in church in 2001; writing and producing both rap and pop songs. He later started a hip hop group in 2005 called "Slo-X" with peformances in Lagos and Ibadan before he started his solo career. In addition to rapping he is a song writer and a talented producer. With his blend of Afro genres, He's here to make his mark in the Nigerian music industry.

"Tasti"’s (Pronounced as tasty) real name is Osholowu Adedoyin. His style of afro hip-hop is very unique, fun and catchy as he is influenced by international artists like kanye west, James Brown and Nigerian artists such as tribes men and D banj.

Some of tripcity's official singles are "SHON SUN" (Yoruba for “are you sleeping”) which features Tunde J, SHE WANNA and CATCH THE CRUISE. (They are definitely jams)

They recently held a show called; 'TripCity and Friends' at Cavallo Bar, Elegushi beach. It boosted a numerous number of people. It featured artistes like Vector Tha Viper, Samklef, CON.tra.diction, Emmsong, Ex-O, G-Baxx and GUS7 winner in attendance. It was a fun filled show as everyone enjoyed the show.

Tripcity; sukiyaki and tasti are definitely artistes to watch out for as they would definitely be doing really big things soon. Watch this space soon for an interview with them!

your girl;


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We hear thier names everywhere but we dont know who they are. JK met up with 6 of babcock's finest rappers to know them and also to introduce the diverse personalities to you. Baron,Basky,Kidtusic,Novakillz,OzzyB and Zato (in alphabetical order,hehe!!) are 6 of the biggest rappers in B.U. at the moment. Enjoy!!

JK. How would you guys feel if i call you babcock's biggest stars?

BaronG: ‎​(big smile) I really deserve to be called that!! even my fellow artistes know how tough my hustle is and how hard I've worked!

Basky: ‎​I will take it as a compliment but I'll guess you just got to hear about me this year....I think I have a larger fan base outside school.

Kidtusic: ‎​it will be ok because I think that's where we belong.

Novakillz:(Laughs) be honest it sounds lame (straight face)...(laughs) no offence.

OzzyB: Yeah, that's what Good Music allows you become, not only in a school, but everywhere.

zato: Yeah, It would really be an honour because the little time i've spent in this school i've come across so much talent...particularly in the
music it would be a great feeling being categorized with them.

JK:.One adjective to describe yourself.

BaronG:Hard working

Basky: standard

Kidtusic:‎​Awesome (straight face).

Novakillz:That would have to be "Calm" I guess
I'm kinda quiet,i always try to smile around people. I'm shy.

OzzyB: ‎​Weird

zato : Hardworking

JK:.Why are rappers and artists so much in B.U.?

BaronG:Probably they think music is what is trending but I was born to do this.I lead and others follow.

Basky: ‎​I don't know why ...I'll prefer not to be referred to as a BU rapper.I'm a student there and outside school I'm an artist. ‎​My music is everywhere. ‎​My fans are everywhere.

Kidtusic: I guess its a coincidence we didn't plan to all come here.

Novakillz:Its common among young people ,almost everyone raps.

OzzyB: ‎​People think music is the "in thing now". Like its some sort of Trend. They think its someway to get popular and its not helping. There's too much Bad Music Around.

JK: ‎​So you're saying not all B.U. rappers and artists are original and creative?

OzzyB: ‎​Yes, Not of all them are.

zato: Artists are everywhere...i personally think there are more rappers in unilag or any other federal university than babcock..everyone wants to make music nowadays...

JK:.How do you guys all relate with each other? Because i know you guys feature a lot on each other's songs.

BaronG: I've always been humble and I blend very well with artistes in general.

Basky:‎​Uh I'm cool with a bunch of guys....baron g, Nova , bankyonDbeatz ...etc we hang out together...indoors mostly

Kidtusic: Yeah, our chemistry is good because we have been friends for long ,and we are mostly found together,so if I want to feature any of them they can't say no.

Novakillz:‎​Ozzy and tusic are like brothers to me,we are always around each other so it only makes sense that we work together.

OzzyB: We are all Good Friends, We Laugh. Play And Argue Everytime.

zato : We are all friends so we relate like normal friends competition whatsoever in my opinion because i believe the sky is large enough for all of us.

JK: do you guys have girlfriends?

BaronG::) I have a fiancee

JK:‎​Hmmm,tell us more about her

BaronG:‎​I will be so proud to tell you everything about her but I would like to protect her private life in our own best interest! (Wide grin).

Basky:‎​No...I'm single....but I have a very special friend in place of one.

JK:‎​Hmmm,tell us mre about her

Basky: just a close friend I hold close to my heart.....okay next question....(Fidgets)

Kidtusic:‎​ Umm.....nah I dont (straight face) . Not realy into that even if I see the right girl.

JK: why?

Kidtusic: ‎​I don't want any girl to distract me at the moment but maybe later because I am married to the game (big smile).

Novakillz:‎​ Nah,nova is single

JK: why?

Novakillz: Umm to be honest, I don't know, I prefer it this way.

OzzyB: (laughs for a while),
I am nt answering.

Zato: nope.

‎​JK:.Im sure the females come and go,how do you deal with the attention and im very certain "free yansh"? (Laughs)

BaronG: (Laughing hard) ‎​im 100% principled‎. They come but we don't get distracted‎​. My grind is more relevant!

Basky: I'm rather free going....I know my limits and I never get distracted.

JK: so u take advantage of the attention frm female fans?

Basky: no

Kidtusic: ‎​​​(laughs) we just do them as they come (wide grin).

Novakillz:‎​I'm a good boy (angelic look) ,I ignore it

JK:Nova,i can confess to knowing a bunch of girls that are in love with you,how do you do it? What do you even do that makes them lyk ice would say it; "feel the boy"?

Novakillz: To be honest, I don't know because I'm actually a really shy person

OzzyB: It's hard honestly but you have to avoid it, nobody wants unneccessary Drama.

zato : (laughing hard) yansh?? I dont know  about that...but yeah, the female fans are there i i try to focus more on my music..thats wat it's about for now.

JK:. If you all were to switch positions with each other,who would you rather be?

BaronG:Since Baron G is not an option,I'll prolly commit suicide!!!I love being me!

Basky:‎​None really....they're my friends and I see them equally

Kidtusic: ‎​Novakillz. ‎​He is very talented and attracts the most girls (sad face).

Novakillz:‎​ one to be honest. ‎​I love my life!!

OzzyB: ‎​(laughs), I honestly wont be any of them

JK: Why?

OzzyB: ‎​(laughs). They're all crazy.

zato: (laughs) *lips sealed*

JK: Spill the beans zato!

zato : (laughs) i've never really thought about it...because they are all equally great rappers nd people.

JK:.How do you guys manage school work and your careers?

BaronG:‎​I can't lie,its a complicated combination ‎​But I just have to cope because school is my number one priority ‎​We thank God.

Basky:We make the most use of our free time

Kidtusic: ‎​I try as much as possible to concentrate on both but some don't care about school.

Novakillz:‎​Its really hard,sometimes tests may clash with shows and outings but you just have to set your priorities right and be focused.

OzzyB: It's very hard, too hard if you ask me, You Just Have to Pray to God to make your mind strong and then you can balance the two of them.

zato : Speakin for is sooo hard...for example you are writing a song...and then you remember you have an assignment you have not done due by have to drop the song you are writing and do the assignment...and by the time you come back to the song the inspiration is gone...we are allowd 2 leave skool once a thats another all in all its we are still doing good music..and thats all that matters.

JK:.Some people say you guys in particular are really corky and pompous. Is that true?

BaronG:No oooo. ‎​But I can only talk for myself though. I'm not; I'm 100% humble. *Morning Afternoon Night (smiles)

Basky: I try to be as humble as possible

Kidtusic: ‎​We are ?? I don't think we are from my point of view when people see us together they think we are really cocky and shit but I don't think so if someone says hi we won't hesitate to reply or if someone comes to meet us for something we always try to listen so I don't see why people say that (smiles)

Novakillz: (laughing) ‎​We are far from that,we are simple people.

OzzyB: ‎​Nahhh, I'm not.

zato: Not at alll...people will always say what they want to we pay little attention to that..if you get to know us you would find out that that's not how we are...

JK:.What do you think is your worst encounter in your career?

BaronG:Fundings (angry face) ‎​I don't have a label. ‎​Every move I've made for myself in this game,all the money came out from my pocket!

Basky: ‎​I ithink It will be this show in abuja.....sometime last was my first time performing for a crowd so large and it was at a beauty pageant so most of the crowd were feminine.....I was so tensed....I pulled it off at the end though.

Kidtusic: ‎​Now that I have settled in the game I have to look way back to when I first recorded I was tooo nervous.
‎​When I first stepped into the studio, I didn't know what was going on I just wanted to make music and I was so nervous that i almost forgot everything that I wrote and I spent over 2 hours on a verse. That was one of the worst days of my life, I wanted to quit music. (Covering face).

Novakillz:‎​So far I can't complain about anything,thank God.

OzzyB: ‎​Nothing Really Bad Yet

zato : Umm...its been smooth so far...nothin bad has really happened..probably wen i lost my voice and i had 2 perform the next day...but it wasn't as bad as i thought it wld be.

JK:.Any advice for people looking up to you?

BaronG: ‎​Just keep doing your thing; your grind will speak for you! let no one bring you down no matter what they say. A lot of unbelievers are now believers.I'm a living example.

Basky:just kEep working and never let critics make you stop.....if people talk about you ,at least it shows you're relevant.....hardwork always pays off.

Kidtusic: Just be yourself and do what you have to do don't try to copy anyone and try to be close to God because you can't do anything without him and always believe in yourself and never try to quit what you like (except your wack)​​ (laughs) and never let anyone bring you down, believe that. (big smile)

Novakillz:‎​Umm, just do your thing I guess,people would always talk but just ignore them..eventually things wud work out (smiles)

OzzyB: ‎​Don't Forget Where You Came From, No matter Where You Go, and Stay Real.

zato : Pray to God and keep working hard...u'll definitely get there.

JK:.One funny question running through my mind,if you were to come back as a popular female celeb who would that be?

BaronG: Lady gaga.I think she's fantastic.  Im love struck.

Basky: ‎​Lauryn hill. I see her as An icon.....I owe a Lot of my inspiration to her music....

Kidtusic: ‎​(laughing); "oprah winfrey" i just want to have money (laughs).

Novakillz:‎​Umm can't think of anyone right now

OzzyB: ‎​(laughing), Miley Cyrus...‎​I always wanted to star in hannah montana.

zato : ​(laughing)...what? Um ok...Ellen degeneres..because i would still like girls (wink)

(General laughter).
Interview by: Enitan.O.Kehinde.


Hamzat sanni-shittu aka ZATO wz born feb 26th 93...attened chrisland primary skool, CtC avi cenna and awesome college and was well acknowledged as a future rapstar....he started @ a young age but wz discovered in 2010 by nightblaze...he is currently signed to nightblaze records and has worked with the likes of teeto,terry tha rap man, ex-o emmsong and so out 4 this kid cz he is destined 4 greatnes

Nova is a nigerian rapper/singer who currently attends babcock university. His government name is Adeyemi Adedapo Mobolaji. Born to parents of nigerian and ghanian descent,his musical influence came mostly from his mothers side. He is a talented song writer and performer. His style of music ranges from RnB to hip hop and other genres. He is definitely one to watch out for.

Introducing Basky,Ibrahim Haruna,17 years old,born in New
Jersey,United states to Nigerian parents,
spent most of his time in Lagos, schooling.
 He started rapping at the age of 11 but was more into freestyle
battling after classes and didn't intend
going into the mainstream,he didnt get to record a song until
2007,when he recorded 'Holla at your boy' on the
instrumental of jae millz's 'my swag',Basky quickly became a topic of
discussion amongst many due to his versatility and jaw dropping
He's currently working on his mixtape titled 'The Proof' which will be
out early next year (2011)..

Baron G,real names Ibiwoye Olanrewaju started childhood in Adeniyi Jones before moving to Ogba. He attended Bloomingdale and Tunwase for elementary education, International School Ibadan(I.S.I), Dansol High School and Providence Heights for secondary education and he’s presently a student in Babcock University.

He became rap-obessed at the age of 15, kept his ears on the streets before he finally got the name Baron G from his senior brother, Osahon (real names witheld) due to his swift income moves and hustle mentality. He met Terry G at the age of 17 and they both made a song together(“The Way She Dey Whine”) but kept it in the bag and didnt promote it.

Now due to rising demands of the Nigerian Music Market today, he correctly plans to touch the track again. Presently he has a club banger “Break Your Back” featuring Obby produced by Sarz (Dagrin‘s “Kondo” & Jahbless‘ “Jo ooo”) and he is currently working with Deejay Klem(KnightHouse) on a single which he plans to drop real soon!

Because of his delivery and Yoruba/English/Pigin rapping style,he has been seriously compared with the Late Dagrin

Osayaba Andrew Owen Ize-Iyamu, currently a freshman at Babcock University, Nigeria was born on the 3rd of June, 1992. He goes by the stage name "OzzyB". Started off acting then joined the group Neno Brown Entertainment and started rapping professionally two years ago and is currently working on his mix-tape "Diaries of a loner". He draws inspiration from the rappers Kanye West and Drake. Extremely weird and different in a good way and most times a loner but in his words "being alone allows you study reality and I believe rap is poetry". Already on to great things, I believe. He is our GIDI GRINDER.

The young rapper known to a few as Ukot inyang ukot and to most people as kid tusic was born on nov 25th, 1993. He is a graduate of dansol high school and is currently in babcock university. He started rapping in 2009 and so far his rapping career has been prosperous.. Working with various artistes and producers,kid tusic currently did his own version of ice prince's "oleku" and out of the many re-makes,it's safe 2 say his is the best.
Kid tusic is definitely someone to watch out for.


published on

      A lotta ppl wulda thut dat i was too arrogant or too y wuldnt i b? I was God's Angel and i was proud of it! Slowly my 1st year in skl drifted by and i enjoyed ery bit of it. As u wulda expected i had mre male friends. Who wuldnt? Females came wit too much drama; n drama was sumfn i despised.
      I luvd ma friends and enjoyed ery bit of dier attention bt it seemed lyk oda ppl in skl dnt lyk it. Infact mostly females wer furious abou it. I hrd all d stories and rumours,bt i rilly dnt giv a hoot what dey thut. My own opinion was dat if i did giv a hoot,dat means dey had a say in hw i ran my lyf. And to me, nobody had a say in hw i ran my lyf except me n God,nt evn satan was given d privilege.
      Final exams approached; i aced dem and went on feelin all fulfilled.....who wuldnt?
No relationship drama,no female frnd drama,gud frnds,gr8 results n best of all a gr8 relationship wif God.

      Anyhw i thut i was goin t b single 4 long,it had been almost a year since i was in a serious relationship. I wasnt searching but i fink God searched 4 me,hehe!!! I met dis handsome dude thru a friend. U knw hw u expect dis guy t chase u cus he met u thru a frnd and has to impress you? He dnt evn act bothered. He collected my numba n eryfn bt he dnt call. I was dumbfounded. Hav u eva seen a person vex cus sum1 who she hardly knws n has met 1ce hasnt calld ha?? I sat n waited for dis fone call. 3 days went by n nufn. My frnds mockd me bt sumhw i knew he wuld call.
        On d 4th day ov waiting,he finally calld n sed he jes wannid t say hi n bla bla. I was angry. Uno hw u expect sumbdy t apologise 4 kipin u waitin? Dats hw i felt bt he dnt sound too bothered,i jes decided nt t make d feelin known. I jes ignored dat fact n continued d convo.
        I grew fond of him,as we chatted via texts,we neva saw or spoke in person o. Bt we knew each oda's whereabouts and wat we wer doin erytym. I wannid t tke fins slow dis tym. I dnt wnt a repeat of wat happend d last time. And it seemd lyk he dnt wan2 rush eitha. A few mnths in2 our "friendship" i bcame his wife!! Hehe!!! Nt official marriage o! Dnt b scared!!! Bt dat was what i was calld by he n hs frnds n i was nt mad or nyfn,infact i luvd it! Hehe!! 
  He had dis way of controllin ma excesses and oh well....i luvd it...who wuldnt? He knew me too well evn mre dan i knew maself. Uno hw u c dose bbm dps sayin; "d tym will cme wen u meet sumbdy n figure out y fins neva workd out wif odas or sumfin??" Well i nw knew hw dis felt n i wasnt redy t lose it. Six months in2 our "friendship",we finally bcame official. Assin an item and oh well,twas long expected.  it was then i noticed i had loved him from the first day we*COVERING FACE*....i knw....its a very shockin and unusual fin but i did. He became d best boyfriend eva n i was sure i wasnt makin a mistke. Or was I?? U cnt b too sure sef.....i hav t go nw,wer meetin soon.....wulda luvd t stay bt he cmes 1st......n b4 i 4gt uno hw i sed dere was a part of me u dunno? Well ur abou2 meet dat part,bt i hav t go nw!!! *kisses*

                                          Do stay tuned!! :p
                                    To be continued!!!

"Trinity made me feel like I had a real shot at this music "thing"."-TIMIX

published on Tuesday, 22 March 2011


Oluwatimilehin  Ajayi aka timix,is the young irresistable stud that most girls can't seem to get enough of. One might first be decieved by his cool and quiet antics but the intelligent young rapper has lots to offer and is definitely not ready to hold back. He cheerfully shared with JK on some of these things and yet others.

JK.We hear timix;left,right n centre........who exactly is this timix? Where is he from?

Timix: (laughs) I'm glad you do. Well Timix is a young rapper with too much to offer. (Big smile). I was born in the UK, raised in Lagos, schoold in Ogun State and i'm presently concluding A'levels.

JK.Your educational background?

Timix: My primary school was Sophia int'l college,Secondary school; Trinity Int'l college
And im presently in Bridge House College Ikoyi (smiles).

JK:.Why music?

Timix: Well, it's to no suprise at all actually.
I've always been the expressive type, be it through drawing, painting, singing and even acting....Music to me, just feels like my most expressive medium to get my thoughts out yes, Rap music plus the feeling I get when ma works are appreciated is inevitable and fuels ma passion ! (Smiles).

JK:.When did music start for you?

Timix: As far back as I can remember, even at age 4,I'd sing in church, school too, family ceremonies and all.... But I fell in love with Rap music in my JSS1...I was bout 10yrs And I officially kicked off recording about a year ago,at age 16.

JK:.Are your parents in support of the music thing?

Timix: Well, my father and I are not quite the best of pals, so as it's just my mum n I,
She pretty much pushed my lazy butt out there to go record. She's presently ma executive director and (coughs) my bank....(Laughs) So yes, it's safe to say I have her full support on the music "thing" (sighs) I love her.

JK:.Who are your role models in music both internationally and nationally?

Timix : SlimShady, Lupe Fiasco and hmm... I respect naija's Terry tharapman's skill and hustle. So yeah..there...jst a few.

JK:.Does timi hav a girlfriend?

Timix : Ehen, now we're talking! Timix doesn't have a girlfriend. Any girl who sees this and thinks i've denied them...(Covering face) I'm sorry sweetiies (blowing kisses) But hey, timi can flirt with the devil sef....ask JK, she can relate (tongue out).

(General laughter)

JK:.People say you're a player? Is that true?

Timix: Well yeah, I do play the guitar well actually (wide grin)
(slaps self)

(General laughter)

Timix : (laughs). Of course not. I respect the feelings of a lady. I just make sure I make my intensions very clear from start, so its usually more of agreements with girls.

JK:.How exactly is timix spelt? Because everybody has thier own way of spelling it?

Timix : T.I.M.I.X. easy!

JK: Is it an acronym?

Timix : No its not.

JK:.Top of my game then,when it came out was a huge hit,wat inspired it?

Timix: (sigh) that song. I owe it to my secondary school basically. I composed it with two other friends, I guess the vibe was from what we danced to back then...And I must say, after I released it in ss3, outside my mothers support and inner intuition, Trinity made me feel like I had a real shot at this music "thing".

JK:.I hear there's been serious controversy,concerning your has that been? And what inspired the look?

Timix: Well, i will start by saying the first time I cut it, I was 4yrs old, after my dad brought me to Nigeria. Since then, schools just have a thing against hair...(Confused look) I'm like What the f***! I barely recognise me without hair, so I'm glad to announce that am done with school rules and this afro baby on ma head ain't going no where (big smile).

JK:.People say timi is everybody's friend and at the same time not everybody knows him,why is that?

Timix: Wow! Really? Well, that's probably because opening up is not really one of my specialities. It usually grows on me, and my oldest hommies are those who would get that. But, comes the entertainment stream, comes the mask; in the sense that I'm pretty much expected to be everyone's friend-well at least not anyone's enemy!

JK:.Where do you see yourself in the nearest future?

Timix: Hmm....I see a baby mama (big smile) , a huge record deal, oh oh...I see me touring, yeah, with that degree in Entrepreneurship too. Giving something new and innovative to the entertainment as a whole. Most importantly, I see Happiness - to me and everyone connected to me ...that includes you love! (Smiles)

JK: awww....thank you!

JK: i hear you're really good in school which is rare amongst young artistes. how do you balance the equation?

Timix : To be honest, na God. And I only take courses I like so it never really is a problem missing a few classes for a studio session and heading back home to revise for a test the following Day (big Grin)

JK:.Any advice for people looking up to you?

Timix: Well, I advise ya'll, go in line with my philosophy "Life's not that serious" and "In due time". The 1st meaning, do your best, if its good enough you deserve it, if it doesn't show harvest, your putting your best in the wrong place. And the latter meaning, a gem would always be found. You can't have so much skill and not shine, somehow, someway, someday....eventually you would b heard; so long as you keep "shouting".


The mixtape - MixedBreed
My reverbnation page www.reverbnation/timix

Facebook : TIMIX TIMBO

Twitter: @Timix_Timbo


published on

      So ur ere agn!!! I knew u'd b bak!! Isnt my lyf jes irresistable? (I knw iv got jks) Lemme gist u bou wat's bin happenin d past few weeks!

      My dear, uni lyf's amazin! D freedom and eryfn bt den dere's d work..rmemba hw i told u i was a dedicated christian?! hasnt bin easy t kip ma faith n kip it strong! Bt im luvin d skul work, d social life, d dressing up n all bt dere's jes 1 problem. Iv bin in dis skul 8wks dats 2 mnths oh n i feel lyk a sure ur surprisd;boy ke?? No boy has lookd ma way o...i feel soo invisible; i see my mates out wif boys ery nyt n most tyms i feel dnt get me wrng nt desperate...mayb nt lyk u fink..
        Nyway,dere was dis day.....i was lookin gud as usual walkn by wen i saw a frnd...he was tlkin t dis FINE boy n nt exaggeratin.....he was fine....i almost walkd by wen my frnd calld me bak.....he introducd me to him....i sed hi non-challantly....u dnt expect me t show d boy i was interestd nw...L☺L....we spoke 4 a whyl bt den i had a class so i left dem t d discussion.
       Few days later d dude bcame a frequent face. I kept seeing him erywhr. Bt i dnt jes act lyk i noticd till one day he calld my fone...we spoke bt i dnt sound bothered. Was evn abou2 spark 4 him...he dnt wan2 tell me hw he gt my i actd up on dat sha afta a few calls n lots of texts i gav in n stopd vexin. We bcame rilly close sha! Kinda lyk best friends bt i dnt wan2 tell him i had a huge crush on him...i was def nt in luv wif him bt i lykd him; a lot! Afta a whyl we bcame inseparable,plannd our lives arnd each oda dat dere was no way i'd b free n nt b wif him n vice versa sha.
       B4 i continu sef,u rmemba dat ma ex na! Dat jati jati boy? Nywy sha o....i signd in to yahoo messenger on my blackberry n he buzzed me...i sed hi;all friendly n had bin a whyl den he put up dis attitude dat he dsnt nid my "hi" dat he jes wannid t tell me t stay away frm his lyf...."E gbami";i exclaimd! "Wat is wrong wif dis 1??" I gav him a piece of my mind o!! Den it ocurred t me....his gf was givn me a crappy attitude wen i had calld ha n i gav ha also a piece of my mind....i rilly dnt undastand ha....she was eatin my leftover n still had d mouth t tlk....srzly tho....wat was up wif dat?
       D boy was too surprisd......he apologizd n admited i had changd....i neva stood up t him whyl we wer tgeda,so it caught him offguard....nyway sha afta all d apologies we had a long discussion..t cut d long story short we bcame gud frnds agn! D boy shuda jes sed he misd me!  L☺L

Bak t whr i was cmin frm.....(y do i always take detours lyk dis? L☺L) fyn boy n i wer sooo close; erybdy in skl thut we wer goin out n i luvd it! ;) At least i had a guy t call myn bt i jes dnt trust him enuf t solidify i allowed fins t take dier normal course.....who am i t go against d course of nature? :D LoL. and like they say; "who no lyk beta tin?"
Afta a whyl sha ppl startd cmin wif reports of him goin afta oda gehs includin 1 i cald my frnd; (im sure ur lyk "WOW"!! u can jes imagin?)....omo...i exd his syd o!!! A whole God's princess lyk me wif a buffoon lyk him?! I had had enuf.....thank God i wasnt in luv wif him or anyfn so twas easy t dump his sorry ass!! (yh,i sed it,"sorry";he had to be for attempting to play me! what an ingrate).
And jes lyk dat he bcame very ugly t me....i jes culdnt stand him anymre.....n wif tym d whole fin ended....
      All of a sudden o; i bcame a hot ticket on d market! Different idiots cmin t meet me finkn dey had a chance wif me....fnx t d retard i associated myself wif.....i luvd d attention at 1st bt later i startd givn each n ery1 deir share of ma craze......L☺L ....dnt giv me dat luk...i had t jo...twas nided.
      I bcame wat neyo defined as a "miss independent" and beyonce as a "single lady". Twas den i noticed i dnt nid a guy t make me a whole being.....i nided t get close t God n maintain my relationship wif him o:) .....n lyk dat i bcame unstoppable.....n i mean i bcame a goddess.....ery girl's bf had t luk bak wen i passd...twas dat serz...dey all culd see God's blessings booming all ova me!!!
      I had dis part of my lyf unda control bt dere's a whole nother syd i neva guessin u rilly wan2 i'll tell u bt kai i hav dis class in a bit so i hav t go.....SORRY....i promise t b bak soon.....
                                                                                Do stay tuned!! :p
                                                                                 To be continued!!!

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

published on Friday, 18 March 2011

I seriously can not stop saying thank you for your views and actually taking time to read my thoughts and interviews. i promise not to disappoint you but to always increase your expectations. i have a lot planned for this blog and i know with time and most definitely GOD,the sky will be just my starting point. thank you very much again. you can follow me on twitter @netan and contact me at, Thank you!!!! *WIDE GRIN*.



published on Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Approaching this handsome, young man,one might think he has an ego or is very pompous,but dammy krane is as humble and easy-going as a dove. JK sat with him to know what really gets this music crooner going. Enjoy the interview.

JK:.What's your full name?
Everybody knows you as dammy krane,but like they say; "what's the name your momma gave you"?

Dammy:‎​ My names are Johnson .H. Oyindamola Emmanuel

JK:.Where did "krane" come from?

Dammy: One day my cousin asked what I wanted to do with music, then I answered; "I want to uplift the industry" then he jokingly called me 'dammy the krane' hence; "dammy krane".

JK.How was growing up for you?

Dammy: It was good....learnt a lot .....thanks to my family and friends.

JK:.Fill us in a bit on your educational background

Dammy:Emmm...(Thinking) I went to Early Beginners primary school then; Providence Heights secondary school and i'm presently a 100 level student in redeemers university.

JK:.How did music start for you?

‎​​Dammy: I started writing my songs at age 6( then I worked with eddy remedy) mum is an events manager for some fuji artistes so music has always been around me....

JK.How do your parents feel about your music?

‎​Dammy: Ermmm (hesitating)....I really have to appreciate my family....most especially my parents; even though its hard for them to accept the whole music thing...I know with the help of God things are going to change.

JK:.Did you ever think people would like your songs?

Dammy:. Ermmmm (hesitating).....most times *clears throat*

JK:.Who do you look up to in the music industry? Both locally and internationally?

Dammy: Ermmm, Femi kuti,the great king sunny ade,2face,d'banj,saucekid,r kelly, every body that does good music.

JK:.why are most of your songs about girls?

Dammy: (laughs) its dammy krane for the....yup.....comin sooon

JK:.What inspires your out of the box words lyk onion,garlic,tatashe?

Dammy: (laughs) I'm just one very versatile artiste.....I always want to make people happy with my songs...(Laughs)...garlic!!!

JK:.How did you meet your new found best friend;flowsickk?

Dammy:....Funny enough,I met him at the studio 2years ago....but we became close friends last year...he is more like a brother to me now......he's one bad guy too oohh! (Laughs)

JK:.Is it true you freestyle in all your songs? And why?

Dammy: yup, true that......I enjoy freestyling because it brings out d best in me.

JK.The igbo voice you use to end songs,because i knw it is you,how did it come about?

Dammy: aaahh! (Exclaiming) lesse's voice....i got it from one man that stays close to my grandma's house (laughs)......

JK:.Does saucekid being your cousin influence your day to day activities? Like when you meet ppl and all that?

Dammy:Ermmm.....(Hesitating) cousin? (Lips sealed) I approach people as dammy the way saucekid influenced my music life. he's not your cousin?

Dammy: the  best answer people would believe is from saucekid.

JK:.Even on the international scene,you have become do you think you became so huge?

Dammy: it's God ooh.....every thing is happening fast....this is what we have been praying for I give God the glory....#teamsetopmedia #teamdammykrane watchout!!

JK:.are you signed on to any label yet? Because one would have expected that by now.....we hear of big fish in some of your songs

Dammy:Ermmm.....(Hesitating) no... but we are working on it

JK:.Do you have anybody on your mind that you wish to work with??

Dammy:. In Nigeria,ermmm...(Thinking) femi kuti,2face,dbanj ,saucekid; every body that does good music.

JK.Now the big question on every one's mind,does dammy krane have a girl friend?

Dammy: its dammy krane for the girls now (laughs).

JK: apart from singing what else do you do?

Dammy: ‎​Apart frm singing; i dance,I'm a songwriter and i can act..(Laughs)

JK:.who in the music industry have you worked with?

Dammy:I'v worked with artistes like dprince,wande coal,saucekid,samklef,piper,flowsick,skales,pope skinny(ghana),oose(liberia) it goes on...and producers like sossick,samklef and fear devee

JK.Where do you see yourself in the next 5yrs??

Dammy: at the top known for doing good music

JK.How do you plan on carving out ur own niche? Not being under d shadow of saucekid? Because every one will say,it is because he is related to saucekid.

Dammy: yup true that.....I don't think people know me with that...from what we have been seeing and hearing,it has been 'dammy krane' .....

JK:.You do some crazy things like giving out your number in songs and stuff,are you not scared of stalkers?

Dammy:ermmm (hesitating).....i was just trying to build a relationship between me nd my supporters it was more like the link...(Winks)

JK:.One question on every body's mind; what is the meanin of pooner??

Dammy:pooner means 'heart' ur heart cause i'm comin sooner ;)

JK:.Finally,any words for your fans?? Because i know you always have something to say.

Dammy: (laughs) ok,put God first in anything you do,stay away from drugs,be yourself,.......dammy krane loves you....its dammy krane for the.....noh noh noh....*kisses*....bless!
follow dammy krane on twitter @dammy_krane.




published on Tuesday, 15 March 2011

       As my final exams wer approachin,i was mre dan positive i was gonna ace parents would hav been so excited t hear dier expectation....
         I am a 16 yr old,female ss3 student n oh well i fink iv got my lyf on i sed,"i fink"....lil did i knw sumfn was gonna happen as i walkd in2 my class one fateful mornin.....
         As u see,typical ov any girl my age i had a boyfriend....we hav been tgeda since our ss1 days.....which was very hard t find, especially in my age group....dis automatically made me d envy of all girls in skl...i wasnt too bothered but dere was just 1 problem. My boyfriend was d jelos type,n i was d type dat had enuf male as expected we always fot....
        As i was sayin jare b4 i enta anoda gist,i walkd in2 class dat mornin feelin all fullfilled,greeted everyone as usual....commenced my daily activities wen i lukd out d window n saw my boyfriend talkin wif his frnds.....dis talk was nt d usual mornin talk dey had ery mornin..dey looked so serious n engrossed in the convo.....being ma amebo self,i rilly wanted t knw wat was goin on....d convo went on 4 anoda 15mins,n i dnt hav t wait any longa t find out wat it was abou cus wen dey wer done my boyfrnd came in2 d class.....n asked if we cud tlk mind went "ghen ghen....*drum roll*" lol....i sha followed him out of d class....lyk i had a choice! Lol......wen we wer far frm hearsay,he startd dis speech ov hw i hav been d best gf n he luvs me n forever will bla bla....(U guys knw d brkup speech na) mind went "if i culd slap dis guy in his face ehn,hiss".....i sha waited 4 him t finish....a few minutes in2 d end,i stoppd listenin,all i culd hear was "bla,bla,bla".....wen he was done,he nw sed d dreaded words; "i hope you undastand,i luv u bt tins are jes nt workin out" mind went; "ahhh!!! C dis boy o!! Afta all dese years"....i was alredy breakin down,i culdnt let him see me cry....i had t get outa dat place fast.....wen i lukd up t him,he was still standin dere,lookin at me wit searching eyes,expectin a reply t his statement......i culdnt tlk,my mouth was frozen....i jes walkd away n str8 in2 d female toilet......if i say i dnt cry dat day,lemme knw dear, twasnt a laffin matter o! I cried mre dan d river
justin timberlake asked 4 or d lagoon olamide askd 4! Twas terrible! I dnt attend any ov my classes dat day! I dnt wnt him t feel fulfilled seeing me dat broken down!

     At the end ov d day,erybdy was leaving skl 4 dier various abodes,i sha composed maself,walkd in2 ma class t get my i was doin dat,if u saw ma face,u wulda ran far! Vex was written all ova it,bt i had done a good job wif ma eyes,u wuld neva hav suspectd i had been cryin all day.
      I got my fins tgeda n walkd out d academic building and into d skul hall whr d student fellowship had commenced!! Oh yh,i havnt informd u,im a very devoted i walkd in,a prayer point was passd across t pray dat ery disappointmnt will b turnd t an dat point,i was happy,cus i jes wanid t pray ma bf wuld change his 4 lyk 10mins,i stood dere baffled n confused....was a revival of d relationship sumfn i rilly wannid or sumfn else t find joy in??
      I was confused o!! All ov a sudden i felt tired n irritated! Who wuldnt b? Afta d day i had had! I walkd out of d skool hall wif a confused look on my face,lookin dwn at d floor wif my books in my hands n my bag at my side wen i hrd footsteps approachin! Walahi!...oops i dnt swear,sorry! I was redy t slap d den i recognizd d shoes wen it stopped in fronta me, i knew dose legs as i lookd up,dat chest n.....*bbm surprise smiley :o* dat face!! U wan2 guess who it was? Lemme jes spill d beans;no tym! Twas my recent ex-boyfriend.....he was d last person i wannid t c n sumhw d only person i wannid t c at dat point....
      He had dis wierd sad n happy look on his face! I had neva seen it b4 n dnt knw wat t make ov it,so i jes stood n stared at him expectin him t tlk bt he dnt. He jes stood dere starin at me my mind,i was lyk;"wat's wrng wif dis 1? Hiss".....i jes moved aside n continud ma walk towards a lil corner whr i culd sit n den he came dere t meet me....he startd dis talk ov hw he had nt seen me all day,he just wantd to knw if i was ok,bcus he still cared abou me.....d rest to me was bla bla bla......thankfully,as i had been prayin,d driver pulled up in2 d skl compound....i silently said "bye" to 1st word all day since d brkup......i walkd up t d car,entered n greeted d driver n he drove away......1ce i got hme.....i did my assignmnts n went str8 t bed.....
      Im sure dere's sumfin on ur mind, "whr r my frnds?" U rmemba wen i sed my frnds wer mostly guys?! Well it turnd out dat my frnds wer d 1s dat adviced my ex t brk up wif me....u shud hv realised dis by nw....flashback t dis mornin.....u rmemba him talkin t his frnds outside my class? Turns out we hav mutual frnds,meanin his frnds r my frnds too-for the slow-minded readers! (No offence,bt i gats help una nw). I wasnt offended or angry at them....i jes dnt feel lyk seeing dem or talkin t dem! I was mre dan thankful that d brkup day was a friday!! Dnt hav t go bk t skul d next day t face dem all.....i wannid d weekend t b very long bt unfortunately,it went faster dan a second (lol,i knw im exaggeratin bt twas rilly fast sha)...
       Dat monday mornin,i wantd t go t skool all sad n mopey bt kai i wannid sumfn dat wuld chook(mind dis word,bt i lyk usin it n i spelt it as it sounds) dem i went t skul wiv a very wide grin lyk dat ov d BBM big smyl smiley;all happy n glad! U shuda seen deir faces! Twas worse dan d BBM surprised smiley......lmao

        Dey thut i'd ignore dem n walk by,being d mature,young christain i was,i greeted dem all,i knw,includin my ex n walkd in2 d class,greetin erybdy n commencin ma early mornin activities! As u can see,my lyf was nt as perfect as i thut it was........oh well....i had my final exams t fink ov n 1 yung lad wnt spoil my ambition t get admission in2 a respectable uni.....i sha had a gr8 week n slowly,my frnds n i grew bak fond ov each oda n slowly too my ex n i bcame best ov frnds...u can imagin? Lyf has sum tricks up its sleeves sha!! Bt den i noticd my ex startd getin fond of dis geh calld mipo,he evn told me,he mre dan liked ha!! He luvd ha *bbm coverin face smiley X_X* i was mad at 1st n very jealous too,as expected i still wasnt ova him bt i guess he was ova me i jes had t move on!

        I sha tried t nt fink ov him all d tym n buryin my head iin my books was d only way.....itt paid off sha cus i passd in flyin colors! I made my parents proud n most importantly myself.....if i had beaten myself ova d brk up na so i wulda failed woefully!!! I sha got admission into a good uni n dere i was thrown into a world ov diverse personalities......i wnt lie i was scared! Dis was d beginnin ov d rest ov my lyf..............
                                                                                                           Do stay tuned!! :p
                                                                                                           To be continued!!!



published on Thursday, 10 March 2011

Four gentlemen in thier own rights make up the crew called topnotch. A lot of drama has been surrounding them of late following the release of their last single (loose my mind) but meeting them in person,all the things you have heard about them will fly out the window. Olajide Oladapo Davids aka ,the light skinned,handsome dude; Maye Daniels aka mayday,the buff pretty boy; Oluwatobiloba Omowole the tall, charismatic,fine boy And Kevwe Tony-Nomouja the pompous dude are the different charactered hues in the topnotch rainbow. JK had a chat with them a week ago,to introduce the vibrant crew to the public. Have a nice read
JK:.So,topnotch,where did the name come from? And why?

Dapo Mayn you would ask triik that one oh!..the name came from the name sha!...TOP and NOTCH!..(Laughs)

Kevwe: Yeaah,Oh well the topnotch came from the I was praying the spirit of jonzing fell on a niggah and boom the name topnotch just we thank the lord of jonzing for that name..

Maye Daniels.: Hmmm...i can't remember actually (covering face). But I remember "treek" came up wt d name (smiles)

TOBY Omowole: Umm.....we were just chilling looking for a name for our crew. At the end of the day we decided to call us topnotch.

JK:.Can we meet you guys? like in one sentence describe yourself.

Dapo As for me o!....funny,generous and I think im razz a little bit though!....(Big smile)

Kevwe: I'm kevwe Tony-Nomuoja..u can call me TRICK..a professional musician..and a writer...fashionista(I'm writin a book on jonzing soon)...and an evangelist of jonzing too..spreading the gospel of jonzing to every nook and cranny of the world..(Big smile)

Maye Daniels.: Of course you can meet us In one sentence. I am insane...(Laughs)...probably the craziest niggah you will ever meet.

TOBY Omowole: I'm a down to earth person

JK:.Your educational background

Dapo Yo! primary school--(FAAN)..federal airport authority of nigeria!...and I went to a military school!...nigerian navy secondary school(ogun state)...and i'm presently in the university...Redeemers university studying elect!...

Kevwe: Ehn oakdale primary school,dansol high school and presently in redeemers university...and also the school of hard knocks..

Maye Daniels.: f*** education;But I'm in my 2nd year,studying business administration.

TOBY Omowole: I went to many schools...lool. Ma parents fault. Bt I'll js cut it short. I strtd out at early learning ikoyi. I finished my primary education in st bernedette and I finished my secondary education in st judes; that's why I'm so holy; because all ma schools hv ST In them.

JK:.why did you choose music?

Dapo Errm....I won't really say I chose music! chose me!'s something that I could not just do without...and its something that i'm good at...

Kevwe: jamb is not your business now..anyway uhm I chose music because that's the talent God gave me..and God shall punish me if I dull...

Maye Daniels.: It has always been my dream and I believe God won't be happy if I waste this talent.

TOBY Omowole: I chose music over everything because thats what I'm best at. In skul I did lots of things from actin to sports. But music was always it 4 me.

JK:.What were your parents' reactions to your music instincts?

Dapo Mayn!...for that fact that i'm from a christian background alone sef!....well my parents don't know i'm into no surpport from dat angle just ma siblings.....

Kevwe: (laughs) my father went H.A.M on me men..he was going to disown me if I continued believe me it was hard but apparently he has gone to parole in Heaven so its just my mum left and she's cool with be honest if they don't let me do music I'll be chilling at yabaleft...brief.

Maye Daniels.: They don't really have a problem with it,they just want me to finish school

TOBY Omowole: They have always been supportive of me.They have known from the start that I have a passion 4 it. Even though they harrass me sometimes becauase of school. But they are very supportive.

JK:.When did you notice it was music you wanted to do?
When did you have your 1st approach with music??

Dapo I noticed I was going to do music right from my chilhood mayn!...because i have been playing an active role right from my church and school by playing instruments and all......and for my first approach with music, would say it was when I recorded my frst song in's been long though!....

Kevwe: My first approach to music was in my mothers stomach when she was pregnant...she used to go to the club with my dad...and I heard a couple of songs while I was in her stomach like michael jacksons "black or white"..

Maye Daniels.: Well, When I was 9and i recorded my very 1st track wen I was 13.

TOBY Omowole: Like I sed before I always knew I could sing but it was when I got into senior secondary school I decided I wanted to pursue a career in music. (Laughs) Cause I used to sing in school nd all the ladies used to whine me.

JK:.Who are your idols?when it comes to music dat is?

Dapo My Idols!..haha I've got sango,oduduwa,..(Jonz) (laughs)..for real i don't really have any idol but I look up two people in the industry...FELA anikulapo kuti(RIP), 2face, and Donjazzymohits..

Kevwe: My idols..I don't have idols...the third commandment preaches against having please I don't have but people I'm down with yeah..defs drake,j.cole,michael jackson,ludacris... And In Nigeria my mentors saucekid and zara doing their thang...iceprince too...

Maye Daniels.: Eminem.lil wayne,juelz santana and jayz

TOBY Omowole: I listen to all kinds of music to improve myself lyrically and attitude wise. Wande coal is someone I listen to all the time; Chris Brown,Banky W,MI,Bruno mars D list goes on and on

JK:.Hw did you guys meet?

Dapo We met in skool!...though it was first triik,toby and mayday!......and later I tagged along side the crew!.....we worked together first and later I was officially in!...

Kevwe: I've known the fool "mayday"since high school we go way then we went to the same uni "Redemeers uni"....and as for tobi and dapo.. Bansi 6:22 in the holy book of jonzing says that "when one or more jonzers are gathered in one vicinity the spirit of jonzing bring them together".that is all.

Maye Daniels.: Treek and I have been friends for a long time,but we met toby and 2b in school; Uni.

TOBY Omowole: Umm I think they heard me sing once (triik nd may-day) And came to me to ask if I was interested in joining them I had never recorded before at that time So they gave me ma first studio session.

JK:.Hw do you guys come up with your songs?

Dapo yh!...for the songs we all do it together,but tobi and kevwe do most of all!..and me and mayday do d backups.....

Kevwe: God actually helps us and all..God gave us the talents so he just continues to help us with our songs...we also get inspiration from anything that is happening in our lives.

Maye Daniels.: God.

TOBY Omowole: Inspiration comes in different ways. You could listen to a beat and make up the words from there, Or you could sing a written song to a producer and he would make the beats. Our songs have come in all sorts of ways.

JK:. I heard tobi freestyles,how true is that?

Dapo Yeah!...He's a monster when it comes to that!....he freestyled loose ma mind,gidi anthem...and most times wen we are  together he does it.

Kevwe:(laughs) for sure, for sure..tobi is a minister of jonzing...all ministers can freestyle..

Maye Daniels.: Very true,he's never written a verse or chorus b4 he just steps in the booth and does his thing

TOBY Omowole: If you call yourself a musician nd you can't freestyle its a problem! (Laughing). I freestyle alot.It helps you as a musician. If you knw how to freestyle and say stuff off the top of your head, then people would know that it's talent.

JK:. Are you guys signed on to any label?

Dapo No!...but we have a management crew.....

Kevwe: Nope we are on our indie grind...we recently signed a management deal with "milounge company"...their hooking us up that's wassup.

Maye Daniels.: Not yet,but we hve a few things goin on.

TOBY Omowole: we're not signed on yet but the offers are definitely there

JK:.How do you guys control each other's excesses?

Dapo Yh..we've got a very close manager that does that he's name- is detola3000

Kevwe: (laughs) we are all like brothers and all..we've been through a lot of situations together so it's easy for us to talk to each other.. And if any of us is messing up...a nice hot slap settles everything..

Maye Daniels.: God helps us (big smile)

TOBY Omowole: Apart from being team mates, We are best friends so we just talk things over. That's the way we do our thing.

JK:.How will you describe each other?

Dapo A sentence?...that's small, would try!....ok o!....for mayday....restless guy!...triiktreek.....mhen this niggah is cool though not with everybody...he is kind of shy!...and for tobi!...."Mr steal ur girl" and  very playfull mhen!...

Kevwe: a prodigy and a fool..... one of the best singers too...a fool as well.....dapo is also another talented individual...a retard too... We are all jonzers..

Maye Daniels.: Hmmmm....Treek is the cool guy Tobi is a mature guy Tu b is crazyy.: Me I'm the gentle man who loves the ladies.

TOBY Omowole: May-day is the dumb funny one, Triik is the womaniser,Tub is the crazy one (laughs).

JK:.Do you guys have girlfriends?

Dapo No! for all!...the sexy ladies though!...#confam

Kevwe: Oh yesss...shouts to my girl ifeoma nwadike...(Laughs)..I love her very much..she's my heart. She means everythng to trick

Maye Daniels.: I don't know about them though....but me...I got something with this girl *name not mentioned* (lips sealed)

TOBY Omowole: Nope I dont (straight face),Girls don't like me(sad face)

JK: Maye,why can't you give us her name?

Maye Daniels.: because I love keeping my personal life personal

JK: A handsome guy lyk you tobi, should have a lot of groupies drooling over you.....

TOBY Omowole: (laughing) naah, they say I don't have swag so they would rather be with triik,(laughing)

(General laughter)

JK:.People say you guys won't last till the end,that you guys are another set of plantashun you guys plan to stay together,or you're just together for the main time??

Dapo Even from what people say you know it's a lie plantashun boiz were 3...nd we are 4...(Laughing)...thats nothing though!...yeah we are going to stay together till the end of time by Gods grace!

Kevwe: We are going to be together until the end yo...cuz tobi owes me money he won't be able to pay until he dies..and I cannot let the money go...nahh men...

Maye Daniels.: (laughing)..We planning to stay together Probably start our own label...who knows?

TOBY Omowole: We plan to stay together all the way mahn. Our agenda is quite different from your normal crew. We are not a boy band (don't get it twisted).
We are just a crew,like the mohits allstars except with a lot less money! (Laughs),We don't plan for all of us t be in all topnotch songs,We just share a common interest nd thats why we are together, We are not westlife or backstreet boiz! (Laughs)

JK:.How do you respond to comments from people,haters generally? Because from what we've heard you guys have enough.

Dapo Well my kind of person I don't really listen to what people say!(Tobi taught me that) when I hear these I just pass on!......

Kevwe: Erm....really haters I tell them haters to suck my d*** and choke on it.And to be honest I just know a couple of haters because we have been having mad love and reviews so we can't let the few haters disturb our grind..there's too many people that love us. So well if you hate "topnotch" go to church and beg God to forgive you for your sins.

Maye Daniels.: (laughing)...the same way we have enough fans...Fans motivate us, haters motivate us the more.

TOBY Omowole: (laughing) haters haters haters, I love those people mayne they keep me going, they are the reason we keep moving.

JK:.So the girls want to know.....who is the most approachable?
B.the most friendly?
C.the most stuck up?
D.who has the player tendencies?
E.who gives a lot,the maga type?
F.who's the pretty boy?

Dapo Oboy! and trick gives a lot but they are not the maga type. And the pretty boy is trick tho!....

Kevwe: Most friendly is the fool maye,I'm probably the most stuck up I guess,Who has player tendencies??I'm sorry I can not snitch on my guys,Who gives a lot..the maga type......wetin concern you? You dey find maga? it.Who is the pretty boy...we are all pretty boys..axe ur mummy...

Maye Daniels.: (laughs)...the ladies should figure that out themselves.

TOBY Omowole: Without them I'm sure I wouldn't work as hard,Well the most friendly is probably may-day,Stuck up,obviously triik,Not like he is stuck up bt he is just the one who's the most stuck up,Player tendencies triik again,(laughs),Maga ,I'm afraid we are all sharp guys in topnotch,If you're a lady and you're looking for who to scam; you're at the wrong place,Na we go scam u (tongue out).

JK:.How would you describe you're style? Because most times when you guys are spotted,we notice the skinnies and all

Dapo Yeah!..but I do the corporate dressing too! Thats my major style!....

Kevwe: (laughing)..errm we all have our different styles...I love I be rocking anything that looks good on me...I think my style is flashy and cool...just for the sexy ladies

Maye Daniels.: (laughing) Most of the time you'll see me in all black Or v neck shirts I have this rock/hip hop look And you'll definitely notice the new piercing I got on ma eye brows (big smile)

TOBY Omowole: the pretty boy,I'd leave that for the ladies to judge because I'm not gay,Yeah I love my skinny jeans mayne anyday anytym,A nice shirt nd shoes to go with it,I'm not an elaborate dresser like triik,I just love to look nice and simple.

JK:.Where do you see yourself in the nearest future?

Dapo In the nearest future I see my self where God has in plan for me!....but with hard work I say i will be at the top (big smile)

Kevwe: The sky is not my limit so I see myself in saturn or something..I'm trying build castles in the air..trying walk on water.

Maye Daniels.: An International musician by God's grace

TOBY Omowole: I see myself being a major force to be reckoned with in the industry, I don't only want to do music for nigeria or africa, I'm thinking of being right at the top with the best in the world It's an up-hill task but with God on my side and hardwork It will all fall in place in Gods time.

JK:.What is your advice for upcoming artists,just starting in the game??

Dapo (laughing)...Well i'm still upcoming to but the advise I have eis that if you feel you would do and stop don't go into music because its not a come and go game! have to know when its time for work and fun!.....and above all have the fear of God!...that one na compulsory something.

Kevwe: Um prayer is the key..and you have to move with the right crowd have to make decisions with your future in mind....I made a couple of mistakes in my life..although I have completely recovered but if I took the right decisions I won't have made them.

Maye Daniels.: Keep your head up,when niggahs start hating then you have started going somewhere.....

TOBY Omowole: Just believe in yourself and believe in God. Have the right attitude towards your work and dont dull...


Maye @mayday_daniels
Dapo @dapo_tuburna
Tobi @urboy_tobi
Kevwe @treektrik