published on Tuesday, 15 March 2011
As my final exams wer approachin,i was mre dan positive i was gonna ace parents would hav been so excited t hear dier expectation....
I am a 16 yr old,female ss3 student n oh well i fink iv got my lyf on i sed,"i fink"....lil did i knw sumfn was gonna happen as i walkd in2 my class one fateful mornin.....
As u see,typical ov any girl my age i had a boyfriend....we hav been tgeda since our ss1 days.....which was very hard t find, especially in my age group....dis automatically made me d envy of all girls in skl...i wasnt too bothered but dere was just 1 problem. My boyfriend was d jelos type,n i was d type dat had enuf male as expected we always fot....
As i was sayin jare b4 i enta anoda gist,i walkd in2 class dat mornin feelin all fullfilled,greeted everyone as usual....commenced my daily activities wen i lukd out d window n saw my boyfriend talkin wif his frnds.....dis talk was nt d usual mornin talk dey had ery mornin..dey looked so serious n engrossed in the convo.....being ma amebo self,i rilly wanted t knw wat was goin on....d convo went on 4 anoda 15mins,n i dnt hav t wait any longa t find out wat it was abou cus wen dey wer done my boyfrnd came in2 d class.....n asked if we cud tlk mind went "ghen ghen....*drum roll*" lol....i sha followed him out of d class....lyk i had a choice! Lol......wen we wer far frm hearsay,he startd dis speech ov hw i hav been d best gf n he luvs me n forever will bla bla....(U guys knw d brkup speech na) mind went "if i culd slap dis guy in his face ehn,hiss".....i sha waited 4 him t finish....a few minutes in2 d end,i stoppd listenin,all i culd hear was "bla,bla,bla".....wen he was done,he nw sed d dreaded words; "i hope you undastand,i luv u bt tins are jes nt workin out" mind went; "ahhh!!! C dis boy o!! Afta all dese years"....i was alredy breakin down,i culdnt let him see me cry....i had t get outa dat place fast.....wen i lukd up t him,he was still standin dere,lookin at me wit searching eyes,expectin a reply t his statement......i culdnt tlk,my mouth was frozen....i jes walkd away n str8 in2 d female toilet......if i say i dnt cry dat day,lemme knw dear, twasnt a laffin matter o! I cried mre dan d river justin timberlake asked 4 or d lagoon olamide askd 4! Twas terrible! I dnt attend any ov my classes dat day! I dnt wnt him t feel fulfilled seeing me dat broken down!
At the end ov d day,erybdy was leaving skl 4 dier various abodes,i sha composed maself,walkd in2 ma class t get my i was doin dat,if u saw ma face,u wulda ran far! Vex was written all ova it,bt i had done a good job wif ma eyes,u wuld neva hav suspectd i had been cryin all day.
I got my fins tgeda n walkd out d academic building and into d skul hall whr d student fellowship had commenced!! Oh yh,i havnt informd u,im a very devoted i walkd in,a prayer point was passd across t pray dat ery disappointmnt will b turnd t an dat point,i was happy,cus i jes wanid t pray ma bf wuld change his 4 lyk 10mins,i stood dere baffled n confused....was a revival of d relationship sumfn i rilly wannid or sumfn else t find joy in??
I was confused o!! All ov a sudden i felt tired n irritated! Who wuldnt b? Afta d day i had had! I walkd out of d skool hall wif a confused look on my face,lookin dwn at d floor wif my books in my hands n my bag at my side wen i hrd footsteps approachin! Walahi!...oops i dnt swear,sorry! I was redy t slap d den i recognizd d shoes wen it stopped in fronta me, i knew dose legs as i lookd up,dat chest n.....*bbm surprise smiley :o* dat face!! U wan2 guess who it was? Lemme jes spill d beans;no tym! Twas my recent ex-boyfriend.....he was d last person i wannid t c n sumhw d only person i wannid t c at dat point....
He had dis wierd sad n happy look on his face! I had neva seen it b4 n dnt knw wat t make ov it,so i jes stood n stared at him expectin him t tlk bt he dnt. He jes stood dere starin at me my mind,i was lyk;"wat's wrng wif dis 1? Hiss".....i jes moved aside n continud ma walk towards a lil corner whr i culd sit n den he came dere t meet me....he startd dis talk ov hw he had nt seen me all day,he just wantd to knw if i was ok,bcus he still cared abou me.....d rest to me was bla bla bla......thankfully,as i had been prayin,d driver pulled up in2 d skl compound....i silently said "bye" to 1st word all day since d brkup......i walkd up t d car,entered n greeted d driver n he drove away......1ce i got hme.....i did my assignmnts n went str8 t bed.....
Im sure dere's sumfin on ur mind, "whr r my frnds?" U rmemba wen i sed my frnds wer mostly guys?! Well it turnd out dat my frnds wer d 1s dat adviced my ex t brk up wif me....u shud hv realised dis by nw....flashback t dis mornin.....u rmemba him talkin t his frnds outside my class? Turns out we hav mutual frnds,meanin his frnds r my frnds too-for the slow-minded readers! (No offence,bt i gats help una nw). I wasnt offended or angry at them....i jes dnt feel lyk seeing dem or talkin t dem! I was mre dan thankful that d brkup day was a friday!! Dnt hav t go bk t skul d next day t face dem all.....i wannid d weekend t b very long bt unfortunately,it went faster dan a second (lol,i knw im exaggeratin bt twas rilly fast sha)...
Dat monday mornin,i wantd t go t skool all sad n mopey bt kai i wannid sumfn dat wuld chook(mind dis word,bt i lyk usin it n i spelt it as it sounds) dem i went t skul wiv a very wide grin lyk dat ov d BBM big smyl smiley;all happy n glad! U shuda seen deir faces! Twas worse dan d BBM surprised smiley......lmao
Dey thut i'd ignore dem n walk by,being d mature,young christain i was,i greeted dem all,i knw,includin my ex n walkd in2 d class,greetin erybdy n commencin ma early mornin activities! As u can see,my lyf was nt as perfect as i thut it was........oh well....i had my final exams t fink ov n 1 yung lad wnt spoil my ambition t get admission in2 a respectable uni.....i sha had a gr8 week n slowly,my frnds n i grew bak fond ov each oda n slowly too my ex n i bcame best ov frnds...u can imagin? Lyf has sum tricks up its sleeves sha!! Bt den i noticd my ex startd getin fond of dis geh calld mipo,he evn told me,he mre dan liked ha!! He luvd ha *bbm coverin face smiley X_X* i was mad at 1st n very jealous too,as expected i still wasnt ova him bt i guess he was ova me i jes had t move on!
I sha tried t nt fink ov him all d tym n buryin my head iin my books was d only way.....itt paid off sha cus i passd in flyin colors! I made my parents proud n most importantly myself.....if i had beaten myself ova d brk up na so i wulda failed woefully!!! I sha got admission into a good uni n dere i was thrown into a world ov diverse personalities......i wnt lie i was scared! Dis was d beginnin ov d rest ov my lyf..............
Do stay tuned!! :p
To be continued!!!
loool! enitan! so that's why ehn??? and I was asking you and you didn't answer me.... *wait* this IS enitan riiiiight????
ReplyDeleteboy u beta calm still waiting on my birthday song o!!!
hehehe i love dis post
ReplyDeletethank u!!