
"......Instead of following women follow what women want so they can follow you..."-PHENOM

published on Wednesday, 30 March 2011

This ebony,tall, young handsome man is the talk of the town,especially in UniLag when it comes to rap music. The friendly and funny dude met up with JK a week ago to discuss his life and his music. Enjoy!

JK. Can we meet the phenom people talk about but really don't know?

Phenom: I am Topa Onimowo, aka phenom, a 19yr old rapper from Igarra in Edo state, I'm in my last year, studying psychology in the university of lagos and I love good music.

JK.Your educational background?

Phenom: I switched up schools a lot due to constant relocation, I attended four primary schools, and then my high school was, VGS Ikeja.... And now I'm a Unilag bobo.

JK.What was growin up like for you?

Phenom: I lost my father before I could even speak, so basically I have lived all my life with a struggling single mother and a brother. I lived in lagos and lived in KD for a while. I was born and bred in the streets... Its all hustle and grind..

JK.Why the name; phenom?

Phenom: Basically the name describes my personality and my kind of music, I am phenomenal so I make phenomenal music.... Phenom is a phenomenon...(Big smile) plus my real name "topa" means phenomenom. That explains a lot.

JK.Why music?

Phenom: I didn't pick music; music chose me.

JK.Your first encounter with music?

Phenom:my first encounter with music was in knighthouse. I recorded my first track; "my time" at KH.

JK.Hw do your parents feel bou your music?

Phenom: My mother has been really supportive of my career, I'm grateful to God for having her...the emotional support is helpful, it keeps me on my grind.

JK.Is phenom single?


JK.Hw do you juggle school and music?

Phenom: Its really stressful but its all about schedule and discipline, time sharing is key, when its time for school, face school, when its time for music, face music. Discipline is key.

JK.Hw do you deal with the female fans and the attention they bring?

Phenom: My homeboy Skales told me women are after greatness and money, instead of following women follow what women want so they can follow you... #sikena # I bearly have time for them.

JK: what inspires your songs?

Phenom: only igbo (big smile) (laughs) just kidding things around me basically.

JK.You seem really nice,one would have expected you to be a bit stuck up. How do you manage to remain the real you even with all the pressure around?

Phenom : basically I surround myself with real people , people that aren't afraid to knock my head up wen I go astray...the positive energy around keeps me going.

JK.Where should we expect to see phenom in the next 5 years?

Phenom: in 5 years I see myself on the cover of forbes magaine, smiling next to oprah and the queen (smiles)

JK.What is your advice to other young rappers out there trying it make it in the industry? 

Phenom: Omo mehn, keep doing your thing and one day you will get there. stay away from women, drugs and dont drink!!! Trust me!!

JK. Finally; If you were to come back to earth as an animal,what animal would that be?

Phenom: Hmm I wil come back as a Man.




  1. luv his reply to whr he'll love to be in 5yrs.....pls pot links to his music page n stuff

  2. Keep doing ur thing! We lv ur muzik... Khgeneral!
