

published on Wednesday, 30 March 2011

JK.Can we meet the clan?

Noma Osula: (smiles) I'm Noma Osula,but everyone calls me Jayjay.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: (smiles) Im Adeoluwa Adeyanju my friends call me Yanju. Im just a normal random guy (big smile)

Damilola Adeyemi: Well...I'm Adeyemi Damilola...also known as Darhmie Dee (big smile)

JK:.Your educational background?

Noma Osula: i attended Ronik nursery,primary and secondary school and presently i'm a RUN student.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: I went to DHS... Im nw in RUN.

Damilola Adeyemi: ‎​Errr...I attended Primary Skl; i mean who doesn't? (Big smile)...Tunwase to be precise...My secondary education was in Providence Heights and presently I'm in my third year in Redeemer's University.

JK:.Hw did you guys meet?

Noma Osula: Hmm, we met in school, RUN to be exact.yep, RUN.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: i cnt really remember..but We were just friends before we became business partners... We had the same ideas and we started working together.

Damilola Adeyemi:‎​Well....we go way back from our first year in RUN...i was actually squatting in Ade's room in year one (covering face)....and then as for Jayjay,we met in one of those random ways guys meet.

JK:.How did the dream come about?

Noma Osula: (Laughs) Dream ke? it was kind of a hobby before,but now I hv a dream (smiles) that we would be the best.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: It just happened...

Damilola Adeyemi:‎​Hmmmm (thinking).....‎​Errr...i don't know if Jayjay can remember this..but i think it started from when Jayjay and I were in the room, back in year 2, discussing on life issues and all and we thought of setting up a business in school, the problem was that lots of entrepreneurs were in school at the moment doing the business we were thinking we didn't really push the dream as at then.

JK:. Why the name jaytu?

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: You should ask jayjay that... He came up with the name and we bought it.

Noma Osula: It was my art nickname in secondary school.i was a nerd.

Damilola Adeyemi: ‎​Jaytu is JayJay's nick name and the registered communication's company,which our organisation is under,it is his dad's.

JK:.How do you market and distribute the pictures?

Noma Osula: Mainly through social networks.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: The same way you see them is hw we distribute them. Through ‎​, facebook, twitter...etc.

Damilola Adeyemi: ‎​Well...Social networks around the world have made our work easier...e.g twitter,facebook,bbm...etc....all we do is post the pictures on any of these sites and interested people holla back at us.

JK:.How do you control the spread and reach of the pictures?

Noma Osula: Control? We really don't have any intention of controlling the spread of our pictures. We prefer it to be viral #gbam.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: Are we meant to control it (confused face) ..... Let it reach wherever it can.

Damilola Adeyemi: ‎​Hmmmm......our pictures are just like dogs without leash....if you get what i mean...we let them out and have no boundary...the better the pictures the wider it goes.

JK:.Apart from pictures what does jaytu do and entail?

Noma Osula: It's a graphic organisation. We do many other graphic stuffs,party ivs, shirts, adverts, logos and many other badass stuff.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: Designs on shirts, logos, flyers, IVs etc...we are into it.

Damilola Adeyemi: ‎​Well...we design shirts,fliers for parties and any event,logos for your company(e.g JK's dp :p),IVs and anything that needs artistic touch (big smile)...we bad like that.

JK:.  Do you charge for the pictures and at what rate do you charge for both the pictures and other services?

Noma Osula: (Laughs) the money issue is a one on one discussion o.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: We charge for the pictures and the rate (lips sealed). It actually depends on what you want to do.

Damilola Adeyemi: ‎​(laughs)....there's no free gift in freetown na.....and for the rate....(Rolling eyes) ...i noo go tell's betwen us and the customers (wink) #lowKey

JK: What functions do each of you perform?

Noma Osula: I create the design and art,they do the marketing and PR. bad guys.

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: Jayjay does the designs and we; dami and I we do the marketing and distribution ish.

Damilola Adeyemi:‎​Errr....Jayjay does d designin...(ayam learnin doe...hehe)...Ade en I...we handle the customers,publicity,concepts en oda fnz

JK:.Where do you see jaytu in the next few years?

Noma Osula: It's going to be MEGA.Beyond imagination.Amen o

Adeoluwa Adeyanju: Hmmm...I really see a bright future for jaytu because from the little things that has happened so far...the sky is just a starting point.

Damilola Adeyemi:‎​ d next few yrz is kicking a nu movement mehn!Good fn is dat Ade,Jayjay en Dami r creative pple...we bringing nu ideas en ways to do fnz in d artistic world...Summary of all is dat y'all should just watchout for Jaytu mehn!


‎​@coolestisdname @jokerjokes @yanjuluv


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