

published on Wednesday, 30 March 2011

      A lotta ppl wulda thut dat i was too arrogant or too y wuldnt i b? I was God's Angel and i was proud of it! Slowly my 1st year in skl drifted by and i enjoyed ery bit of it. As u wulda expected i had mre male friends. Who wuldnt? Females came wit too much drama; n drama was sumfn i despised.
      I luvd ma friends and enjoyed ery bit of dier attention bt it seemed lyk oda ppl in skl dnt lyk it. Infact mostly females wer furious abou it. I hrd all d stories and rumours,bt i rilly dnt giv a hoot what dey thut. My own opinion was dat if i did giv a hoot,dat means dey had a say in hw i ran my lyf. And to me, nobody had a say in hw i ran my lyf except me n God,nt evn satan was given d privilege.
      Final exams approached; i aced dem and went on feelin all fulfilled.....who wuldnt?
No relationship drama,no female frnd drama,gud frnds,gr8 results n best of all a gr8 relationship wif God.

      Anyhw i thut i was goin t b single 4 long,it had been almost a year since i was in a serious relationship. I wasnt searching but i fink God searched 4 me,hehe!!! I met dis handsome dude thru a friend. U knw hw u expect dis guy t chase u cus he met u thru a frnd and has to impress you? He dnt evn act bothered. He collected my numba n eryfn bt he dnt call. I was dumbfounded. Hav u eva seen a person vex cus sum1 who she hardly knws n has met 1ce hasnt calld ha?? I sat n waited for dis fone call. 3 days went by n nufn. My frnds mockd me bt sumhw i knew he wuld call.
        On d 4th day ov waiting,he finally calld n sed he jes wannid t say hi n bla bla. I was angry. Uno hw u expect sumbdy t apologise 4 kipin u waitin? Dats hw i felt bt he dnt sound too bothered,i jes decided nt t make d feelin known. I jes ignored dat fact n continued d convo.
        I grew fond of him,as we chatted via texts,we neva saw or spoke in person o. Bt we knew each oda's whereabouts and wat we wer doin erytym. I wannid t tke fins slow dis tym. I dnt wnt a repeat of wat happend d last time. And it seemd lyk he dnt wan2 rush eitha. A few mnths in2 our "friendship" i bcame his wife!! Hehe!!! Nt official marriage o! Dnt b scared!!! Bt dat was what i was calld by he n hs frnds n i was nt mad or nyfn,infact i luvd it! Hehe!! 
  He had dis way of controllin ma excesses and oh well....i luvd it...who wuldnt? He knew me too well evn mre dan i knew maself. Uno hw u c dose bbm dps sayin; "d tym will cme wen u meet sumbdy n figure out y fins neva workd out wif odas or sumfin??" Well i nw knew hw dis felt n i wasnt redy t lose it. Six months in2 our "friendship",we finally bcame official. Assin an item and oh well,twas long expected.  it was then i noticed i had loved him from the first day we*COVERING FACE*....i knw....its a very shockin and unusual fin but i did. He became d best boyfriend eva n i was sure i wasnt makin a mistke. Or was I?? U cnt b too sure sef.....i hav t go nw,wer meetin soon.....wulda luvd t stay bt he cmes 1st......n b4 i 4gt uno hw i sed dere was a part of me u dunno? Well ur abou2 meet dat part,bt i hav t go nw!!! *kisses*

                                          Do stay tuned!! :p
                                    To be continued!!!


  1. Hey Enitan, I lyk dis series "from d eyes of a Nigerian teenager". Write more. I was so excited 2 find out there was pt 3&4. Newaiz, I've got 2 go nw, need 2 go read pt

  2. Nice story line...
