
Photos: An obsessed super-fan gets 22 tattoos of Miley Cyrus

published on Monday, 16 December 2013

Carl McCoid has 22 tattoos dedicated to the pop star Miley Cyrus inked all over himA fan of Miley Cyrus has taken his obsession with the star a little further than most by getting his body covered in tattoos of the controversial pop singer.Carl McCoid, 40, after collecting photographs and watching interviews of her since 2009, had 22 potraits, lyrics and quotes from the singer inked on his arms, torso, hands and legs.McCoid claims that his obsession with the star did not contribute to the break up of his marriage in 2011, but however, admitted that his wife had thought his interest in Hannah Montana star was 'a bit weird'.According to reports:The 21-year-old singer has heard about Carl but said his fixation with her made her feel 'creeped'.Mr McCoid, who runs and ironing business in Bridlington, East Yorkshire, said: 'I think I need to go and see someone about it.'Miley has her own collection of tattoos including her grandmother Loretta Finley's portrait tattooed on her arm, 'love' written on the inside of her ear, a heart, a cross and peace sign on her fingers and an equals sign signalling her support for gay marriage.Ink: Mr McCoid says his fascination with the star began in 2009 and has grown from there       

 She got her first tattoo at just 17-years-old when she had the words 'Just Breathe' inked below her ribcage.Miley also has a large dream catcher on her side, a skull on her ankle and the word 'karma' on one finger.

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