
T here is nothing like rapture, there is no hell fire – Pastor Blessed Dikeh

published on Sunday, 15 December 2013

Founder of "As The Lord Said, It Should Be Done Temple" Blessed Oguguamakwa Dikeh has declared that Christians should forget about the second coming of Jesus Christ (rapture), saying that it would never come to pass.The cleric recently came under heavy criticism by Nigerians over his strange biblical beliefs and the purported serving of alcohol in his church.The controversial cleric in an Interview with Daily Independent asserted that, "There is nothing like rapture. If you tell me that rapture means when a person dies, his soul goes back to God and his flesh to the dust, then I will agree, but anything other than that, I don't agree. Don't let anybody deceive you.He also argued that there's no hell fire after death."">He voiced his conviction thus, "There is nothing like hell fire after life. Heaven is here on earth already. When you are suffering, you are in hell fire. If you are in poverty and cannot pay your house rent then you are already in hell. But when you are in heaven, even if you reside in a flat, your landlord will come and beg you for money. He would even say don't worry, I will give the other tenant quit notice for you."Speaking further, the preacher said he doesn't pray with the name of Jesus, saying that Jesus was also a servant like him.Hear him, "I pray in the name of God, because my father, Adam, did not pray in Jesus' name. Jesus is a servant like me. He has finished his assignment and has gone. I am a servant too. When I finish my work, I will go. Jesus has done a good job, but I have problem with people who are giving him the honour that is not due him. If you say Jesus is the saviour of the whole world, who then is God?"

– Daily post

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