published on Saturday, 20 August 2011
Yesterday, Friday the 19th of August; i recieved a BBM broadcast concerning some runs girl called "chidinma" who apparently chews sim cards. Here's the broadcast;
"I am Chidinma from 1 of d Eastern state, if u are readin dis den I would hav gave up d ghost & dis is my story: Plz don't Judge me but pass on dis confession. it may save lives of innocent young girls like me & help better our wicked economy dat steals even from d poor. Myself & 6 of my friendz are into modern day prostitution popularly called RUNZ. We servix top Politcians, in Govt/govt House Musicians & Supa Biznexmen for a very good pay{350,000politicians fee }per outing! Dis Men don't use condom on us "of course wit such moni u don't hav a sey" dey draw our blood wit syringe & taste in dere private Lab if we are H.I.V positive.. B4 sleepin wit us. I had dealings wit d doctor also who was paid 2million per-show. He reliably ask me to quit dat our blood is taken after d test{s} to dere Occultic coven to enslave & use us 4rituals. Ofcourse I had no course to argue wen 4 out of 7of us died misteriously, 1raving Mad, & am in d hospital with an illness wit no name/cure.. D last one meking us 7 is still missing till date. Plz dis is no game or story check ur sisters & friendz dos whom needle holes are in dere hands are into it. At a point we become so many{runs gals} dat we have to embark on diabolical/juju meanz to be amongst d choosen ones dat will be selected wen dere is a party. For 350,000 who wouldn't, I don't repeat cloths, I have 7-fones, 16different lines some of which I chew d sim afta usage.. Cars. 3house inLagos. & 12million naira to my account. etc! Non can cure me. Vanity upon vanity, I pray to God 4 my soul.. Pls PASS dis on to save a gals lyf. U don't c ur family evryday. ur family member or friend may be a victim God 4bid... Send,&spread dis message to save some1 2day. God guide U̶̲̥̅̊ (gud moni to U̶̲̥̅̊ )"
I thought it was another one of those silly broadcasts and paid no attention to it, till chidinma started trending on twitter, BBM and even facebook. People even started talking about an "emeka" who is supposedly "chidinma"'s brother that chews modems and a yahoo-boy adamu that doesn't have a yahoo account or something.
I understand this was meant to be a joke and it got a lot of people laughing but i really wasn't amused and i felt it unnecessary.
Nigerians and rubbish sha! It is well!
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