

published on Tuesday, 23 August 2011

"...........With this bottle of alomo, listening to Frank Ocean's "we all try" and thinking about my life.... I'm just the most different nigga out there. Some people feel that I'm a sadist but then I'm just a nigga who is very in touch with his feelings. I'm one of those niggas who gives a fuck about what people think about me. Little things make me feel bad. I guess that you can now see that beneath the rapper attitude I have; "I'm just one soft nigga". I honestly haven't always been like this, but then the situations I've been through in the last 3years of my life have changed my whole perspective of life. Losing my dad was probably one of the most shocking and eye opening experiences. I never had money issues, nahh none of that. In fact I had too much to spend, I had everything in excess. I just felt like maybe if I spent more then; the pain would go. I had more alcohol,more females,more smoking more parties...more of everything..but I felt emptier than ever .It wasn't so obvious. When I was breaking down, alchohol and weed never let me down...sigh...

I don't regret any of those decisions I took though. I don't regret smoking weed behind my friends house, spending thousands on alcohol in the club. I don't regret anything I went through. All those things made me who I am today. I even tried suicide a couple of times....yessss it was that deep. But somehow God decided to keep me because I feel he has a plan for me. Every now and then I get sad...the people I love the most never fail to make me sad, but then I just smile and talk to myself. I'll never let anything anyone does make me go back to who I was before and with all modesty I am very proud of who I have become now; making beautiful music, I shot my first video, I have my clothing line and I'm going on tour very soon. I know I'll still go through very terrible situations. My heart will get broken, people will carry rumors about me......! But then nothing surprises me anymore. It's just the way life is. And I feel like my life is a testimony.

You can see I have seen it all............
‎​I know someday I'll go somewhere where everything will be perfect...."somedayyyy"....‎​Until then I'm still grinding and praying to God".



  1. Awww! somebody out there cares for you i believe, but you just seem to seem past that and worry yourself to much, you should learn to enjoy the good part of life and wait for the bad part and cross that bridge when it comes, until then, deep down i believe there's some happiness, yo just need to discover yourself. Xx

  2. Don't forget the niggas that you came up with, pay your dues no matter how small the help seemed

  3. OMD! This is Too deep! You just need the right things and people around you! <3
